Been on Tren six months, getting bloodwork friday for test levels

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Cholesterols were good but Ive been taking lipitor for awhile as a couple months into the tren the LDL went high and HDL was really low. So its normal with 40mg of lipitor, dont have the labwork in front me so dont have the values. Will get them retested in 2 months.

Liver was also so slightly elevated at the same time and got a hepatic function panel done at the same time my cholesterol got out of whack a few months back. I waited for about 3 weeks before getting them done and I took milk thistle everyday before hand.
The hepatic function came back within normal limits, havent got them tested since.
I will get them redrawn in July.

So yeah, its what I expected with the tren, not sure if the milk thistle truly helped but I didnt think it would hurt and my liver enzymes did return to normal. They werent terrible but just over the cutoff the first blood test.

I dont have a family history of heart disease so having a bad cholesterol profile for a short period of time doesnt worry me. It takes a long time for plaque in the arteries to grow, years and decades but lipitor fixed it up regardless and not going to touch tren again either and I think that tren is especially hard on the lipid profile in comparison to other gear.
Blood pressure is normal without meds even with the testosterone mainly from all the fat loss and cardio. I actually was getting lightheaded after taking the bp meds as I was getting to low. I cut it in half and eventually stopped it. I did take some bp meds the first couple of days on the clen and t3 as I thought that would raise my bp and I didnt have access to a cuff last saturday or sunday but I got lightheaded and it was normal on monday and tuesday without the meds even while on the t3 and clen.
I also carry bystolic with me which is a betablocker just in case. I got too amped from the clen and t3, I could turn them off with the betablocker but havent needed to as I tolerate the sides from it. 80mcg of clen and 50mcg of T3 daily so not overboard with the dose
I'm not trying to bash and hate on you bro, but that fact that you were "morbidly obeese" makes me lose complete interest in this thread, beacuse I had assumed you were in decent shape to begin with, and I just can't see what relevance your running tren for 6months has if you were in terrible shape to begin with..............
I don't understand how anyone can hate on you for your way of losing this weight...most of them have probably tried some way to help their gains or fat loss, so what does it matter if you were in shape or not. It just seems like a big contradiction for THEM to say you should've done it natural when they could lose weight natural too when they are trying to cut weight for whatever reason. It still took alot of hard work and perserverance to lose that much weight. I understand how someone could use AAS as a motivator and an aid in their attempt to reach their goals. It just seems like an elitest/snobbish way to look at it to me for someone to say only those already in shape are worthy of respect for accomplishments like yours.
The answer to your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) problems would be CHIP Wadowski....

Give him a call.

Chip is your shortcut through the minefield of bullshit you'll have to navigate with other docs. You'll pay for it our of your own pocket, but you'll get what you need without any hassles or hoop-jumping. It sounds like you'd benefit from a few healthy doses or hCG, followed by a few weeks of smaller, more frequent dose. If you just run test you'll still remain shut down. If you want to see if you can bring your body's natural ability to produced test back to somewhat normal, then run some hCG and see how it goes. You may need a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test, after all, but it's worth a shot (oooooo...very punny).
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Christ man!
Youre a mad fuckin scientist and your body is your laboratory!

6 months on tren with no test!?Hoooooooly......Shiiiiiiiii.........
I don't understand how anyone can hate on you for your way of losing this weight...most of them have probably tried some way to help their gains or fat loss, so what does it matter if you were in shape or not. It just seems like a big contradiction for THEM to say you should've done it natural when they could lose weight natural too when they are trying to cut weight for whatever reason. It still took alot of hard work and perserverance to lose that much weight. I understand how someone could use AAS as a motivator and an aid in their attempt to reach their goals. It just seems like an elitest/snobbish way to look at it to me for someone to say only those already in shape are worthy of respect for accomplishments like yours.

haha, no worries mate, thanks. perhaps I left a few pieces out.
I was a bodybuilder, so I was just really really offseason lol.
One of the reasons I got fat was I stopped going to the gym and was still eating like I was. Still had muscle underneath and in good cardiovascular shape.
So when I just made the decision, right now I have to do something about this. I knew the best way was to regain my muscle memory, it burns calories throughout the day as opposed to fat. In fairness, they probably think Im just some fat guy who decided to juice and that would be a bit crazy. But having had 21 inch arms and numerous cycles in the past It wouldve been very hard to regain my muscle memory while simultaneously losing the amount of fat I was looking to lose without some anabolic.
Having been limited as I didnt have a source in the beginning and I had already brewed up tren before.
That was what my options was. Now I have tons of sources but also now I have a prescription for test, which means I can carry it openly in a carryon bag or in my glovebox without fear. (although a bottle of depo-test is 71$ at a pharmacy, I can get test e for 50$ domestic to supplement the prescription)
And, in the end, I have 18.5" arms, seeing striations in my quad muscles and I figure in six weeks Ill be single digit bodyfat with abs and very muscular physique and will have some pretty damn amazing before and after pics.
So nothing is going to bring me down at this pointl.
Plus, I agree that tren only cycle sucks big time. My test levels were nondetectable, since adding test back into my system. I absoutely can tell someone what low testosterone feels like lol
Maybe I'll try to be a spokesman for Subway or Nutrisystem :hahano:
My transformation I have documented on photo and video is jawdropping. I look pretty damn good now, as muscular as anyone in my gym now, but when I finish my cutting phase, it will be all worth it, besides most people whove pmd or commented have been very supportive, after they say Im nuts of course. But I did take care of all my bloodwork and the only thing tren messed up really was my testosterone levels which I have that squared away now and never going to touch tren again.
Thanks for your comment

Christ man!
Youre a mad fuckin scientist and your body is your laboratory!

6 months on tren with no test!?Hoooooooly......Shiiiiiiiii.........

Well I am a scientist and Ive always liked experimenting so this is nothing new and I am the first one to tell people that tren only is crazy and I can tell them with the experience to back it up. I wouldnt even recommend tren especially without test. Just had to make a change, revolution was in the air and that was all I had access to. As I said before, with all the sources I have now, never wouldve done it the way I did
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Wow man. Amazing. You did it.

I wouldn't let anyone get me down either. The past is the past, and it is foolish to believe that many poser's haven't done something that was dramatic as well.

Still, that long w/o test must have been one funny ass feeling.

How long until the libido came back?
way to go dude. y'know, i've done a few unorthodox things with gear as well, and got rotten eggs tossed at me. what i've noticed is that the naysayers often are simply repeating stuff they've been told, without actual knowledge of what they are saying. it's sort of the same thing that makes religions do crazy things - their followers literally don't know what they are talking about, but they think think they've got it dialed... they are just following what they are told.. a BIG DIFFERENCE between following orders and thinking for yourself from knowledge. You, on the other hand, seem to have quite a bit of knowledge of what you are doing, and can think creatively and out of the box. Following rules of thumb is all well and good, but really UNDERSTANDING how it works, and thinking from actual knowledge is better. you are the man. keep it up dude.
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Damn, people keep rezzing this freaky weird dead thread....

And it's weird to see the postings referring Chip W.... :/