Before & after 8 week SARMSSEARCH ostarine/s4 cut cycle!

Nice fukin work bro. Any pre or post bloodwork? Just curious if you noticed any suppression. What were the dosages and how was your diet?
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Nice fukin work bro. Any pre or post bloodwork? Just curious if you noticed any suppression. What were the dosages and how was your diet?
I'm on trt my man so no suppression. I've run this stack pre trt and I was mildly suppressed. My total T dropped a couple hundred points in 10 weeks. Not bad really. It was easy to bounce back from with a mild serm pct.

My diet was veeery strict with the exception of the holidays. c/p/f was 150/250/100 2500 cals total. Kept dropping at that calorie intake so no adjustment was made during the 8 weeks.

At what stage does the Jameson's kick in?? :naughty:
Those get mixed into my preworkout ;) Killer focus and pump
I'm gonna stick my neck out here and say I'd have hoped for more from an 8 week cycle bro...
No disrespect, but if as you say, you tied that cycle in with a very strict diet regimen, I'd be expecting more cuts than you got.

Maybe I'm so used to seeing the work that Tren, Var, Clen and Winny do, I might be expecting too much from SARMS.
Not bad mouthing you bro, but I'm slightly disappointed... it isn't making me feel like I want to jump on the SARMS wagon just yet.
Bad breakout too I see :(
I'm gonna stick my neck out here and say I'd have hoped for more from an 8 week cycle bro...
No disrespect, but if as you say, you tied that cycle in with a very strict diet regimen, I'd be expecting more cuts than you got.

Maybe I'm so used to seeing the work that Tren, Var, Clen and Winny do, I might be expecting too much from SARMS.
Not bad mouthing you bro, but I'm slightly disappointed... it isn't making me feel like I want to jump on the SARMS wagon just yet.
Bad breakout too I see :(

Yeah sorry brother, I gotta agree with ben here too. Not to knock SARMs either (you know I love S4) but perhaps you could have achieved a better transformation with a better diet. Again no offence, but I've achieved a better transformation in 2 weeks before (granted, very very strict diet).

Also to be fair, it could just be that the pictures don't do your transformation justice. That happens quite a lot.
I'm gonna stick my neck out here and say I'd have hoped for more from an 8 week cycle bro...
No disrespect, but if as you say, you tied that cycle in with a very strict diet regimen, I'd be expecting more cuts than you got.

Maybe I'm so used to seeing the work that Tren, Var, Clen and Winny do, I might be expecting too much from SARMS.
Not bad mouthing you bro, but I'm slightly disappointed... it isn't making me feel like I want to jump on the SARMS wagon just yet.
Bad breakout too I see :(

I would never expect tren clen and winny results on SARMS lol. There's no comparison there. But compare the results to someone cutting naturally. I never would have been able to maintain the strength fullness and density i have naturally. I lost 0 strength since i got off my test deca dbol bulker. This was great for an "in between cycles" cut. It's mild on the body and gives you that edge over being natural. I think 16lbs is a nice drop for 8 weeks. That's 2lbs a week.

Also, the acne started when I began shaving my body hair. SARMS have never given me acne.
Yeah sorry brother, I gotta agree with ben here too. Not to knock SARMs either (you know I love S4) but perhaps you could have achieved a better transformation with a better diet. Again no offence, but I've achieved a better transformation in 2 weeks before (granted, very very strict diet).

Also to be fair, it could just be that the pictures don't do your transformation justice. That happens quite a lot.

You've dropped 16lbs in 2 weeks?
You've dropped 16lbs in 2 weeks?

I've dropped as much as 18lbs in two weeks before... granted a fair bit of that would have been water and it was a miserable, miserable experience lol. I wouldn't recommend trying it.

To be honest though I didn't even really look at your weight loss/stats, was just judging off the pictures (which as I said, can easily degrade a good transformation.)
I've dropped as much as 18lbs in two weeks before... granted a fair bit of that would have been water and it was a miserable, miserable experience lol. I wouldn't recommend trying it.

To be honest though I didn't even really look at your weight loss/stats, was just judging off the pictures (which as I said, can easily degrade a good transformation.)

Damn bro, I don't even wanna know what it takes to do that lol. I was aiming for a nice steady fat loss cycle and I achieved exactly what I was going for. My final product will be after my 10 week PSL cycle prop/mast/var.
Damn bro, I don't even wanna know what it takes to do that lol. I was aiming for a nice steady fat loss cycle and I achieved exactly what I was going for. My final product will be after my 10 week PSL cycle prop/mast/var.

Nope, you deffs don't hahah. Yeah fair call, I probably judged too early and without looking at your stats. Nice work brother.
I would never expect tren clen and winny results on SARMS lol. There's no comparison there. But compare the results to someone cutting naturally. I never would have been able to maintain the strength fullness and density i have naturally. I lost 0 strength since i got off my test deca dbol bulker. This was great for an "in between cycles" cut. It's mild on the body and gives you that edge over being natural. I think 16lbs is a nice drop for 8 weeks. That's 2lbs a week.

Also, the acne started when I began shaving my body hair. SARMS have never given me acne.

Absolutely agree...Not bad for what it is.
I would never expect tren clen and winny results on SARMS lol. There's no comparison there. But compare the results to someone cutting naturally. I never would have been able to maintain the strength fullness and density i have naturally. I lost 0 strength since i got off my test deca dbol bulker. This was great for an "in between cycles" cut. It's mild on the body and gives you that edge over being natural. I think 16lbs is a nice drop for 8 weeks. That's 2lbs a week.

Also, the acne started when I began shaving my body hair. SARMS have never given me acne.

In that case, fair enough...

I've always been an all or nothing kinda guy though... I'm either on (and I mean really on) or off, and when I'm off, I'm TOTALLY clean...

I don't believe in half measures, it's just the way I am....

I rarely drink booze, I go months without... but when I do drink, I go hard! Life and soul of the party. It's just what I do.

One thing you haven't mentioned is whether you included cardio in this cut. Because I honestly think that I could have got the same results you achieved here, by incorporating cardio, a clean strict diet and on OTC fat-burner.

But you have your way, and I have mine...

I just like to know that when I'm off-cycle, I'm giving my body a total break from pinning, chemicals etc
But when I'm on, I'm on, and I up my liver protection, water intake, multivits, antioxidants etc to cope with this.

Please don't think I'm disrespecting you here bro, because I don't, you are quite obviously an ambassador for SARMS and are very educated in this field. There are fellow SARMS users who do what you do and you are the 'go to guy' for those guys.

I'm just saying, if I really wanted to do a cut, I'd do it 'all-in' and take the hardcore route. And then afterwards, give my body a break.
In that case, fair enough...

I've always been an all or nothing kinda guy though... I'm either on (and I mean really on) or off, and when I'm off, I'm TOTALLY clean...

I don't believe in half measures, it's just the way I am....

I rarely drink booze, I go months without... but when I do drink, I go hard! Life and soul of the party. It's just what I do.

One thing you haven't mentioned is whether you included cardio in this cut. Because I honestly think that I could have got the same results you achieved here, by incorporating cardio, a clean strict diet and on OTC fat-burner.

But you have your way, and I have mine...

I just like to know that when I'm off-cycle, I'm giving my body a total break from pinning, chemicals etc
But when I'm on, I'm on, and I up my liver protection, water intake, multivits, antioxidants etc to cope with this.

Please don't think I'm disrespecting you here bro, because I don't, you are quite obviously an ambassador for SARMS and are very educated in this field. There are fellow SARMS users who do what you do and you are the 'go to guy' for those guys.

I'm just saying, if I really wanted to do a cut, I'd do it 'all-in' and take the hardcore route. And then afterwards, give my body a break.

I did cardio 3-5 days a week. 30mins low intensity fasting in the am.

I hear exactly where you're coming from though. I can honestly say if I wasn't blasting and cruising, I wouldn't use SARMS so close to my cycles. I would treat them more as a "cycle" instead of a "bridge". But since suppression is of no concern for me I like to have that extra edge when cruising. That's when SARMS really shine imo. I agree that it's good to give your body a complete break from chemicals. This was a trial for me to run SARMS and AAS consecutively like I am. I was not sure what to expect and to be honest I was surprised that my blood work was perfect, including liver and m e t a b o l i c panel, blood pressure was good and no negative side effects were to be had. I guess I was being sort of a guinea pig.

BTW I was following your contest prep log a while back, have you stepped on stage yet? If not how's that going?
I agree with BigBen... But I think it comes down to as has been said, expecting to much from a SARM... Granted there is potential, and it provided an alternative to injections and shutting yourself down completely. I think a big benefit of SARMS is that at worst they will suppress you, but you are still technically running on your natural LH/FSH allowing it much easier to bounce back.

SARMS won't give AAS like results, well because, they aren't AAS :)

Me personally, I would rather the good old classic AAS and I don't see myself using a SARM, but that is personal choice because I blast/cruise and am happy using steroids to achieve what I want... But to some people I would recommend a SARM as an option before they touch AAS. They just, in my eyes are not in the same league as steroids, hence why they don't produce steroid like results, but for what its worth and the fact there is only suppression makes it a useful thing.

I've read guys using SARMS for exactly what this thread was about, as a bridge/cruise between cycles still allowing their natural systems to come back on, granted not fully and is dependant on dose and strength of the SARM but never the less it has a place here and even for PCT some guys use it.

I used to bag SARMS, but where credit is due... SARMS have a place, but they will never be like AAS.
I did cardio 3-5 days a week. 30mins low intensity fasting in the am.

I hear exactly where you're coming from though. I can honestly say if I wasn't blasting and cruising, I wouldn't use SARMS so close to my cycles. I would treat them more as a "cycle" instead of a "bridge". But since suppression is of no concern for me I like to have that extra edge when cruising. That's when SARMS really shine imo. I agree that it's good to give your body a complete break from chemicals. This was a trial for me to run SARMS and AAS consecutively like I am. I was not sure what to expect and to be honest I was surprised that my blood work was perfect, including liver and m e t a b o l i c panel, blood pressure was good and no negative side effects were to be had. I guess I was being sort of a guinea pig.

BTW I was following your contest prep log a while back, have you stepped on stage yet? If not how's that going?

Everything was going just fine for contest prep until I detached a triceps in a freak accident doing calf raises of all things :(

I was mid-bulking cycle under the guidance of 3J and adding mass nicely, then whilst doing calf raises on a bench with 80kg strapped round my waist, the bench disintegrated and as I fell I grabbed out at the bar only to pop my triceps off the elbow.

I am 8 weeks to the day post-op now, things are going ok and I'm back in the gym ever so slowly building my strength back up, but it's going to take time, and lots of it!

I still have plans to compete, but not in May now, more likely to be November or even possibly May 2016 - it all depends on how quickly I can get back to 100%.

Thanks for not taking my words to heart, I agree with you, the only true way to know if something is going to work out for you, is to research, inquire and then experiment... I thank you for sharing your experiment with us :)

Good luck with your upcoming AAS run!
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