I would never expect tren clen and winny results on SARMS lol. There's no comparison there. But compare the results to someone cutting naturally. I never would have been able to maintain the strength fullness and density i have naturally. I lost 0 strength since i got off my test deca dbol bulker. This was great for an "in between cycles" cut. It's mild on the body and gives you that edge over being natural. I think 16lbs is a nice drop for 8 weeks. That's 2lbs a week.
Also, the acne started when I began shaving my body hair. SARMS have never given me acne.
In that case, fair enough...
I've always been an all or nothing kinda guy though... I'm either on (and I mean really on) or off, and when I'm off, I'm TOTALLY clean...
I don't believe in half measures, it's just the way I am....
I rarely drink booze, I go months without... but when I do drink, I go hard! Life and soul of the party. It's just what I do.
One thing you haven't mentioned is whether you included cardio in this cut. Because I honestly think that I could have got the same results you achieved here, by incorporating cardio, a clean strict diet and on OTC fat-burner.
But you have your way, and I have mine...
I just like to know that when I'm off-cycle, I'm giving my body a total break from pinning, chemicals etc
But when I'm on, I'm on, and I up my liver protection, water intake, multivits, antioxidants etc to cope with this.
Please don't think I'm disrespecting you here bro, because I don't, you are quite obviously an ambassador for SARMS and are very educated in this field. There are fellow SARMS users who do what you do and you are the 'go to guy' for those guys.
I'm just saying, if I really wanted to do a cut, I'd do it 'all-in' and take the hardcore route. And then afterwards, give my body a break.