Before & After

mad dog

wow! looking good 4 summer...keep a high protein diet and low carb. I say that would help ..
Great job!! Whats the time frame here?? No offense, but you look 15 in the first pic. What are your stat's???
One cycle...I was dumb though. I should of waited till later (like when I hit the gains wall) but i had a bad infuence in the gym. I found forums after I was "ballz deep" in the cycle.

Heres: some updated front and backs...trying to work on my v-shape
Looking good. But from the looks of it you should be focusing more on the thikness in youre back then the width.
Looking good. But from the looks of it you should be focusing more on the thikness in youre back then the width.

I respectfully disagree - i think if you are doing exercises that bring up the width, like wide grip pull ups, you will be adding thickness at the same time. it's not necessary to focus on thickness over width. Besides if you get the width you will naturally thicken up as your muscles mature. But that's just my opinion, based on mistakes Ive made in the past - LOL

Great job, bro - you are looking very cut - great place to be. I'd say work on your traps & delts also. I think you'll find the traps develop pretty fast once you start doing heavy shrugs, etc. And keep pounding down the cottage cheese!