best cycle to heal a fucked up shoulder????

I should probably stay away from Deca as it would be in my system for way to long, though it sounds like a good fit for me.

Still no opinions on HGH?
The disparity between those who have a clue as to what s up and those who don t in this thread is unbelievable. s cool.

Rest assured--- In real life.. this 47 yr old would zip tie and pepper spray in your ass in 3 seconds with having had a

an acl/icl replacement left knee,

a fused back L5 and L6,

3 scopes on my good knee,

1 eye torn out,

a torn rotator surgery left shoulder,

3 crushed fingers left hand,

fileted right forearm ,

2 complete tko concusions,

a broke left arm

and 2 herniah s under my belt

..but what the fuck would I know about rehabbing injuries.

Another 5 minutes of my life I ll never get back. Thank s.

My 5 yr old knows more about assembling my AR than you do bout the gear your running.

Please study these more and ask more question s b4 you wreck yourself.

Holy Hell! Just the fact you let none of that hold you back just made you a legend in my books man. I mean damn, I complain about tendinitis, tinnitus, and a hurt back. Now I feel like a big ol pussy.
Everybody quit sucking Teutonics dick already. From what I read, hes an accident prone old man that shouldnt be playing with guns. No disrespect though Teut.
Some seriously asinine statements in this thread, likely also due to the more experienced members frustration at answering the same question over and over.

Well according to the American Journal of Sports Medicine, there is evidence that Deca can aid in the healing process, but clearly this is with respect to a rehab program and not lifting for mass while injured.

Perhaps "NO" is a bit simplistic of an answer...

I fully expect to be flamed as this is my first post...bring it on :beertoast
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Some seriously asinine statements in this thread, likely also due to the more experienced members frustration at answering the same question over and over.

Well according to the American Journal of Sports Medicine, there is evidence that Deca can aid in the healing process, but clearly this is with respect to a rehab program and not lifting for mass while injured.

Perhaps "NO" is a bit simplistic of an answer...

I fully expect to be flamed as this is my first post...bring it on :beertoast

You Def are right about the experienced guys getting sick of answering the same question. Deca will def help your joints feel better but it does not heal anything. In fact it can make things worse by covering up the pain which is your bodies way of telling you no. That equals more injury.

Op....I think that you would have a lot better chance doing some spot objects of gh....anything else won't help. As user said I'm not familiar with gh healing properties either but from what I understand it does help restore damaged tissues
You Def are right about the experienced guys getting sick of answering the same question. Deca will def help your joints feel better but it does not heal anything. In fact it can make things worse by covering up the pain which is your bodies way of telling you no. That equals more injury.

Op....I think that you would have a lot better chance doing some spot objects of gh....anything else won't help. As user said I'm not familiar with gh healing properties either but from what I understand it does help restore damaged tissues

Agreed with Deca causing more damage if training for mass.

The American Journal of Sports Medicine would disagree with your statement that deca cannot promote healing. They’ve published early studies which indicate the opposite, but like I stated in my previous post, the subject (rats in this case), were not training to failure...

The reason GH repairs is because of collagen synthesis; deca exhibits this same property. Of course GH has other pathways which I'm no expert on.

I'm inclined to believe that using Deca, while rehabbing an injury will only promote the healing process, because the science points this way. Problem is, most people are too stupid to rehab properly when they feel like superman. This said, it doesn't change the fact that Deca does promote healing in the right environment. I've read way too many logs whereby people with an achy shoulder had no pain for months or years after a deca cycle; there is a correlation, especially when the science backs it up. As with one of the previous posts, Anavar (var), Primo & Eq also have positive collagen synthesis properties.
Quick note----Vancouver

Here is a quote from the article you read!

(Although anabolic steroids are considered renegade drugs, they may have an ethical clinical application to aid healing in severe muscle contusion injury, and their use in the treatment of muscle injuries warrants further research.)

Dont think many here would argue the fact If the Injury were related to a MUSCLE then AAS would help healing! As this is why we all use them! We tear are muscles down in the GYM and use AAS to aid and speed up the recovery process!

This is not the case with Tendons, Joints or Bones! Unless I am reading this thread wrong? That was the question!

I would agree with User & Cobra that GH would be the way to go!

I have had some intrest In GH and GH signaling peptides recently. My thoughts are that if the peptides signal and pruduce GH spikes as the studys show! They should be helpfull as well. As GH affects theres areas.

Side note I contacted My insurance company one of the better ones out there. I inquired as the coverage of GH. It was stated to me That if I had substained some form of Injury they would cover it. To aid in the recovery! So Im guessing there is scientific research to back that up or they wouldn't cover it!

Just my 2 cents take it for what U want! Or not at all.

Oh by the way about a 1 1/2 years ago I had to have the tendon on my right Elbow reattached! As well I had brused the bones with in the elbow joint. I have since run a cycle including Deca and Guess what? It still hurts like a SOB
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Quick note----Vancouver

Here is a quote from the article you read!

(Although anabolic steroids are considered renegade drugs, they may have an ethical clinical application to aid healing in severe muscle contusion injury, and their use in the treatment of muscle injuries warrants further research.)

Dont think many here would argue the fact If the Injury were related to a MUSCLE then AAS would help healing! As this is why we all use them! We tear are muscles down in the GYM and use AAS to aid and speed up the recovery process!

This is not the case with Tendons, Joints or Bones! Unless I am reading this thread wrong? That was the question!

I would agree with User & Cobra that GH would be the way to go!

I have had some intrest In GH and GH signaling peptides recently. My thoughts are that if the peptides signal and pruduce GH spikes as the studys show! They should be helpfull as well. As GH affects theres areas.

Side note I contacted My insurance company one of the better ones out there. I inquired as the coverage of GH. It was stated to me That if I had substained some form of Injury they would cover it. To aid in the recovery! So Im guessing there is scientific research to back that up or they wouldn't cover it!

Just my 2 cents take it for what U want! Or not at all.

Oh by the way about a 1 1/2 years ago I had to have the tendon on my right Elbow reattached! As well I had brused the bones with in the elbow joint. I have since run a cycle including Deca and Guess what? It still hurts like a SOB

Wrong link, here you go...

Fixed -

This one relates directly to rotator cuff. Good to know deca has many good uses though...

I've taken cjc1295 (no dac). It seemed to have a possitive effect on my sholder and elbows. I only took it for 2 months. I'll go 6 months next time around which is what I here is most effective.

BTW, when you ran the deca...were you training for mass or rehab?. Also, how do you know your elbow would not have hurt more using another compound???

I'll stick with the science...
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Weird, link keeps pointing to the other article, I'll post the actual article until I can fugure it out...

got it -

Nandrolone Decanoate and Load Increase Remodeling and Strength in Human Supraspinatus Bioartificial Tendons

Ioannis K. Triantafillopoulos, MD*,***8224;,
Albert J. Banes, PhD***8224;,***8225;,§,
Karl F. Bowman, Jr||,
Melissa Maloney, MS¶,
William E. Garrett, Jr, MD, PhD#, and
Spero G. Karas, MD*,***8224;,**

+ Author Affiliations

From *the Shoulder and Elbow Service, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, ***8224;Department of Orthopaedics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, ***8225;Flexcell International Corporation, Hillsborough, North Carolina, the §Department of Biomedical Engineering, the ||School of Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, ¶Flexcell International Corporation, Hillsborough, North Carolina, and the #Department of Orthopaedics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina

Address correspondence to Spero G. Karas, MD, Chief, Shoulder and Elbow Service, University of North Carolina, Department of Orthopaedics, CB#7055, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7055 (e-mail:


Background: To date, no studies document the effect of anabolic steroids on rotator cuff tendons.

Study Design: Controlled laboratory study.

Hypothesis: Anabolic steroids enhance remodeling and improve the biomechanical properties of bioartificially engineered human supraspinatus tendons.

Methods: Bioartificial tendons were treated with either nandrolone decanoate (nonload, steroid, n = 18), loading (load, nonsteroid, n = 18), or both (load, steroid, n = 18). A control group received no treatment (nonload, nonsteroid [NLNS], n = 18). Bioartificial tendons***8217; remodeling was assessed by daily scanning, cytoskeletal organization by staining, matrix metalloproteinase***8211;3 levels by ELISA assay, and biomechanical properties by load-to-failure testing.

Results: The load, steroid group showed the greatest remodeling and the best organized actin cytoskeleton. Matrix metallo-proteinase***8211;3 levels in the load, steroid group were greater than those of the nonload, nonsteroid group (P < .05). Ultimate stress and ultimate strain in the load, steroid group were greater than those of the nonload, nonsteroid and nonload, steroid groups (P < .05). The strain energy density in the load, steroid group was greater when compared to other groups (P < .05).

Conclusions: Nandrolone decanoate and load acted synergistically to increase matrix remodeling and biomechanical properties of bioartificial tendons.

Clinical Relevance: Data suggest anabolic steroids may enhance production of bioartificial tendons and rotator cuff tendon healing in vitro. More research is necessary before such clinical use is recommended.
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I have/had the same exact thing.....tendonitus in my left shoulder. I was on cycle of test only and it did nothing. I took a lot of IB profin for the anti-inflamatory and stayed away from flat bench (was the only time it really bothered me) and heavy presses. My chest routine suffered a bit but after 2 or 3 months i had no pain.

My and stay away fro heavy presses or lifts that bother it dude.
Any one with more definitive answers as to the potential benefits of hgh for healing shoulder injuries. I, just like the original poster, was hoping deca could help but after reading this thread have realized that it isn't the answer. I also have a pinched nerve in my other shoulder. Would hgh help relieve it or the slow to heal rotator cuff injury?
I agree that AAS will not heal. However how about peptides? Say something like GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 without DAC?

I've heard people have had great success with GHRP and mod grf. I've also heard igrf and peg have excellent heading effects.

But with AAS isn't there an anti inflammatory property to them our is that only corticosteroids? Obviously corticosteroids having a much larger effect but it was my understand AAS had this effect as well. I don't think it's a healing effect, but reduced inflammation should have a positive effect
Big I would focus on rehab for the first couple months. So light weight and focusing on slow controlled movements. Strengthening the stabilizers and supporting muscles such as the rotator cuff ect. Now as for cycle I would do very low dose test. Like a very high TRT at 200 mg week of test Cyp. ,400mg deca per week, 50mg anavar per day, and growth such as serostim at minimum 4.5 iu per day minimum 3 months better 6 months. If you train very mild to start and rest proper and eat quality food and quality amounts you will heal like a champ.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I've researched some of the things you guys suggested and it seems that tb500 is very promising. I'd like to try hgh but since it's so hard to find it may have to wait.