best cycle to heal a fucked up shoulder????

I am very familar with shoulder injuries and can tell you what I have done. Tore my labrum in 03 had surgery. Everything was good for five years. Had some pain last year went to do a check up and discovered I have arthritis and a slight tear. Doc put me on steroids, so yes they can heal. He put me on what's called med rol dose pack which gave me good results for a while but didn't solve the issue. Received a cortizone shot which was great for a couple of months but wore off. I am now at the realization surgery is the only true fix for me. But it will never be the same my first surgery resulted in some loss of strength. Something that I don't understand is how ur doc diagnosed you without an mri without that u really have no clue what's going on. Demand an mri then go from there.

hey bro...corticosteroids are completely different than androgenic anabolic have a lot of learning to do bro...aas does not heal anything
This ^^^

Look at it like this. If you are on steroids and you cut your hand. It's not going to heal any faster.
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The disparity between those who have a clue as to what s up and those who don t in this thread is unbelievable. s cool.

Rest assured--- In real life.. this 47 yr old would zip tie and pepper spray in your ass in 3 seconds with having had a

an acl/icl replacement left knee,

a fused back L5 and L6,

3 scopes on my good knee,

1 eye torn out,

a torn rotator surgery left shoulder,

3 crushed fingers left hand,

fileted right forearm ,

2 complete tko concusions,

a broke left arm

and 2 herniah s under my belt

..but what the fuck would I know about rehabbing injuries.

Another 5 minutes of my life I ll never get back. Thank s.

My 5 yr old knows more about assembling my AR than you do bout the gear your running.

Please study these more and ask more question s b4 you wreck yourself.
Ok gear police I would agree with u but u were acting as if I said aas heals. I never stated that I simply told him I was prescribed med rol dose pack by my doctor, which is a steroid and that steroids do heal. All of that is true. I never stated what type of steroids just that they heal.
Onto the problem after more thought if it is believed u have tendonitis or some other type of inflamation may want to try the cortizone definetly works wonders. But be carful it can make u think ur healed but u need to let it wear off before u get back into the full lifting routine just to make sure ur not damaging ur shoulder more. And the nods are right ass is not going to make much of a difference as long as ur lifting. U will want to lift more and more weight but may just make things worse. U need an mri before u do anything.
So Teut what hell do you do for a living...
Stunt man?
Body Guard?
Professiona Wrestler?
Man you one beat up old fucker arent you?
T could tell you but then he'd have to kill you ill give you a hint.................Chuck norris goes around making jokes about how tough T is thats how badass T is ;)
Retired U. S. School Crossing Guard..

Worked some tough school crossing s from Boston, LA, Miami, Detroit, Nashville Panama , Paraguay, Jamaica. Tough toddlers therebouts.

Ran out of functioning body parts..1 eyed guy can t cover his sector.

Armed security guard manager..fkn bored as fuck.

That s why I m here right now right now as I am being paid to guard these fucks till 2 pm.
I hate computers...almost as much as these attorney s who pay me.

...and I m an entitlement whore..I get my gubment check each month..where s my check yeah boyeee.
Ok gear police I would agree with u but u were acting as if I said aas heals. I never stated that I simply told him I was prescribed med rol dose pack by my doctor, which is a steroid and that steroids do heal. All of that is true. I never stated what type of steroids just that they heal.
Onto the problem after more thought if it is believed u have tendonitis or some other type of inflamation may want to try the cortizone definetly works wonders. But be carful it can make u think ur healed but u need to let it wear off before u get back into the full lifting routine just to make sure ur not damaging ur shoulder more. And the nods are right ass is not going to make much of a difference as long as ur lifting. U will want to lift more and more weight but may just make things worse. U need an mri before u do anything.

but the context of the thread is aas healing joints bro and you didnt clarify so thats why I made that bust your ass lol jk jk its all good bro
One question that crossed my mind though. Since most ass inverse red blood cell counts and oxygen uptake and saturation. Wouldn't that help healing I've never heard of this being proven just makes common since that the more oxygen supply u have the faster u heal like a hypo chamber. What ya think?
Will have surgery on my labrum in one month


In summary: HGH, Deca, or other steroids won't help me recover any quicker from a surgery???

I'm a professional baseball pitcher and would like to recover as quickly and healthy as possible. Of course I'll do my best not to rush the process, but time is of the essence.

I'm kinda interested in what Greens said about his rotator cuff injury. What's you opinion on that?

I just want to do this right and get back on the mound. I know very little about the use of this stuff so take it easy on me fellas, you guys can be fukin mean lol.

Also, in all seriousness does anybody think the use of Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate and Hydrolyzed Collagen would help.

In summary: HGH, Deca, or other steroids won't help me recover any quicker from a surgery???

I'm a professional baseball pitcher and would like to recover as quickly and healthy as possible. Of course I'll do my best not to rush the process, but time is of the essence.

I'm kinda interested in what Greens said about his rotator cuff injury. What's you opinion on that?

I just want to do this right and get back on the mound. I know very little about the use of this stuff so take it easy on me fellas, you guys can be fukin mean lol.

Also, in all seriousness does anybody think the use of Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate and Hydrolyzed Collagen would help.

I'm not a pro player by any stretch, but I still play competitive hard ball, and I started throwing about a month ago. I've yet to experience any pain whatsoever in my shoulder. I'm not throwing full-out yet, but I'm confident that this season is going to be a great one.
I've added glucosamine(Labrada's "Elasti Joint") and have noticed that my joints feel great, I'm a catcher, so my knees need any help they can get.
I'm not a pro player by any stretch, but I still play competitive hard ball, and I started throwing about a month ago. I've yet to experience any pain whatsoever in my shoulder. I'm not throwing full-out yet, but I'm confident that this season is going to be a great one.
I've added glucosamine(Labrada's "Elasti Joint") and have noticed that my joints feel great, I'm a catcher, so my knees need any help they can get.

Thanks, I know most people on here are saying that these drugs can't heal ligaments and tendons, but I feel like they can't hurt.

I do spend a lot of time in the gym so I have a clue about lifting, but I lift like a pitcher not like a bodybuilder, which means I'm rarely doing huge weights and I always do lifts with the protection of my joints (especially my shoulder) in mind.

I have a friend who used EQ to help himself get back from a herniated disk in his back and he swears by it. I also know guys who have taken gear and without putting on huge size they have added 3 to 7 mph on their fastball. Those two examples are certainly different from recovery from a labaral tear, but guys who throw harder are more susceptible and I don't know any pitchers who hurt their shoulders after a cycle (small sample size), so it makes me think that gear can also strengthen you ligaments and tendons. (I'm not a dr. and don't know all, just saying)

Also, for the month post surgery that I'm in a sling I don't imagine it makes sense to be injecting expensive HGH?? Unless I want legs like Carl Lewis.

I'm all ears to opinions!
hey bro...corticosteroids are completely different than androgenic anabolic have a lot of learning to do bro...aas does not heal anything

I agree. Corticosteroids will actually do the opposite of Anabolic steroids. In short term they help reduce swelling, but it is a catabolic substance in the long run.

Anyone here who's had shoulder or tendon injuries and has dealt with them knows that rehab and time are the only two things that will heal those injuries, steroids will not. It may help a little bit.

I've dealt with my shoulder injuries with different workouts, such as doing nothing but flies for months on, instead of bench, because I couldn't press. And it worked out just fine.
I am pretty old by todays standards as 44.

I have had a long list of injuries over the years because of my work in the Entertainment field as well.

The one thing that i think AAS does do, is encourage people to lift least on my end, or train sport/issue accordingly. This is pretty close to rehab in its goals.

I can attest to what Teut and many others have said and that is Time and Proper Rehab are the only real healers of injury. Everything else is just Icing.

Patience is probably the key and as we are all looking for the faster fix overall, we may not be the right people to apply patience. So give that some thought too.

Good luck
Steroids r banned in pro ball. ask Bonds. lol

He didn't care did he haha. Well I do know that, but I won't be involved in any drug testing for 12 to 18 months, depending on where I play I may not get tested at all.

FrkZfan, thanks for your input, basically you're saying that getting on a cycle would only help with my commitment to the rehab. I think I'm pretty commited as is so maybe there's no point.

Reading this forum has certainly made me realize that I will go through some pain and hard work, but most importantly I will have to be patient.

I haven't heard anyone say that HGH will or will not help. I don't know everything about HGH but uneducated people have told me it's supposed be a miracle drug and will help every part of your body. So what exactly would taking HGH during my recovery do?
Deca can stay in your system 18 months so be careful if tested. Gh is a different story and I can't say for sure what it will do for you but I believe you have a better chance with that.

I need to refresh my memory on gh and healing properties so when I have time I will see what I can come up with. Deca is great at lubricating joints but it can lead to further injury by pushing things when prematurely ready. Now as far as collagen, there is a whole thread on that.
If I were nursing an injured joint I would put some deca in there. Also any water retaining AAS would help for lubrication as well. Fuck it just go with Test E and Deca. That would be cheap and work well.