best gymwear clothes you wear in and out of gym!?


New member
whats your best gymwear?

most stylish , comfortable and all around sickk stuff you like to wear in or out of gym ???

lets hear everyones favs!
Leather assless chapps with a camouflage thong!!!
Bumpin YMCA from the Village People
On my beats headphones.

The chicks love it. The sick part is so do the dudes.
Shorts, volcom or hurley shirt prefferably matching my shoes with my shirt lol. Nothin fancy, it's not a fashion show.
Usally work cargo shorts And shirt or tank top (wife beater) that ive gotten free with protein pre workout supps and a pair of nike or everlast joggers
In the winter I usually cover up with a hooded sweatshirt and workout pants. Summer time shorts and a t-shirt.