Best Way to Test Melting Points


New member
I was wondering what the best would be to go about testing the melting points of some hormone powders that I have. Should I melt them in water and check the temperature of the water? Should I put the powder in a vial, then put that in boiling or hot water on the stove? I'm new to brewing, so I was just looking for the best ways.
t4l said:
I was wondering what the best would be to go about testing the melting points of some hormone powders that I have. Should I melt them in water and check the temperature of the water? Should I put the powder in a vial, then put that in boiling or hot water on the stove? I'm new to brewing, so I was just looking for the best ways.
You can find the melting points online. If you put the hormone inside water, water will evaporate before the hormone ever will. Water has a boiling point of 120f, in which it then begins to evaporate. Some hormones such as Drol, have a melting point of 180 Celcius. It will only melt in a solvent when heated beyond that point. The solvent at that point may also start to evaporate at that stage (keep the windows open).
You don't really have to go through the trouble of finding the melting point if your home brewing... not that there is anything wrong with that either..

typically though, once you've done your first batch whatever size of batch you plan to make, you'll have a better idea exactly what your doing after that.

For instance, say your making 100ml of something..

Take a good 250ml beaker... and measure 100mls of water and pour it into the beaker... now score or mark the beaker at the 100ml mark the water outlines, not where the beaker shows 100ml (it can be surprisingly off). Then empty and clean your beaker as best you can. (later you'll filter anyway so cleanlyness while it's always important, it's not vital at this point).

Now you simply measure 25 grams ( a few extra grams is generally a good rule) add that to the same beaker. then add your 2-5ml ba, then add your 20ml of bb, then add ~50ml of oil, but don't measure it. Instead carefully add to the 100ml mark(and perhaps a touch over it to account for stickage during the whole process, also another reason why adding few more grams doesn't hurt).

Now take your beaker and sit it on a vibrating/stir/hot plate (if your lucky.. hehe)... or simply put it in a softly boiling water bath, and stir gently until the whole thing falls into a solution, which is fairly easy to do with this recipe...

And now you ready to filter via which ever method tickles your fancy.. Vacuum filtering with filtration cups being the most painless way to achieve 22 micron filteration.. or you can do it painstakingly by utilizing 60ml syringes and .45 micron syringe filters and very tired forearms. Depending the method you choose, baking may or may not be a good idea.

regardless, no where during the procedure would you need to kow the melting point of the gear.
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t4l said:
I was wondering what the best would be to go about testing the melting points of some hormone powders that I have. Should I melt them in water and check the temperature of the water? Should I put the powder in a vial, then put that in boiling or hot water on the stove? I'm new to brewing, so I was just looking for the best ways.

I failed miserably to work this out, brought a special temp sensor for this and none of my powders were the end every steroid that tested wrong ended up being legit...if your worried try this thread it's alot easier..