Big Ramy 3 Year Explanation

ramy would definitley have the slin/gh gut if he was going to get it.... everyone comments on how small his waste is.. it was smaller the morels and del rosas, this guy is on legit drugs... you need to realize he has doctors scripting it to him... none of this shady chinese generics for ramy thats for sure

i realize being a mass monster doesnt mean symmetrical thats the suprising thing about ramy.. hes a mass monster and he is very symmetrical ...

i know you claim to have been in the sport for years but everyone and their mom is talking about how symmetrical ramy is sooo idk

thats correct

generics has nothing to do with the fact that you get GH gut or not... Its the visceral fat and organ growth from gh/slin use that causes that.. pharma or not its gonna happen
I agree with you staunch, to an extent...In my 100% honest opinion Ronnie Coleman is not/was not ever the body that everyone seemed to think he was. Just a freak. Now, in recent years they have looked more at symmetry and proportions than they have in the last 3 decades, but not as much as they really should be/should have the entire time. Look at Phil heath and ramy. Even Dennis Wolf is more symmetrical than most these days. I do wish the golden age physique was still what we thrived for, but it isn't good enough anymore and it sucks.

Antoine Vaillant(believe I just butchered his last name) has an amazing physique, but that'll change. He most definitely has that Arnold-esq bodybuilding personality. I really like the dude that everyone is saying looks like a young Arnold. Forget his name. He is developing one of the nicest physiques that I have seen in quite some time now.

you need to realize there's more then just 1 category for judging or if it was just up to symmetry we would have BW,LW,MW winnning overalls and people with no wow factor just because of symmetry and then you have to consider the judged dont have 10 minutes and to stare at 2 photos side by side like you do to see whos more symmetrical to that point

generics has nothing to do with the fact that you get GH gut or not... Its the visceral fat and organ growth from gh/slin use that causes that.. pharma or not its gonna happen

ya but put it this way... lets say all pros are on 30iu of gh a day.. some take legit prescription GH, some take underground name brand, and some take generics... legit gh would be dosed at 30iu's, name brand may b 25iu''s, and generics may be 15iu actually... now considering im almost 100% sure ramy gets whatever he needs just scripted to him no problem... and he would have already began to show the sides of the visceral fat gain if he was prone to it

hes a genetic freak , and also remember that he was sick for a while precontest and he supposedly came in 40lbs that 40lbs may be what woulda made or broke not having the gut
you need to realize there's more then just 1 category for judging or if it was just up to symmetry we would have BW,LW,MW winnning overalls and people with no wow factor just because of symmetry and then you have to consider the judged dont have 10 minutes and to stare at 2 photos side by side like you do to see whos more symmetrical to that point

ya but put it this way... lets say all pros are on 30iu of gh a day.. some take legit prescription GH, some take underground name brand, and some take generics... legit gh would be dosed at 30iu's, name brand may b 25iu''s, and generics may be 15iu actually... now considering im almost 100% sure ramy gets whatever he needs just scripted to him no problem... and he would have already began to show the sides of the visceral fat gain if he was prone to it

hes a genetic freak , and also remember that he was sick for a while precontest and he supposedly came in 40lbs that 40lbs may be what woulda made or broke not having the gut

yeah I have no doubt he has access to every pharma product on the planet.. but since he's been 'at it' since 3-4 years (on heavy hormone since 3-4 years i suppose) I think its why he doesnt have that gut yet.. his organs arent grown enough yet by the GH to cause the infamous 'gh gut'.. if he was 40lbs at this show then my mind is blown... he has 1/4 more size than most competitors.... very very good genetics combined with quality compounds and a coach that has been there and knows a lot of stuff
Do you know when that first pic was taken?? In the next lot of photos I believe his quads match his shoulders. Calves look small but no matter what size they are they will always look small lol

yes photo's were takin this past weekend at the 2014 nypro that he won

that proves you must not follow bodybuilding whatsoever...


+rep for effort tho

and Antoine i got mad respect for, he definitely has a physique i would love to achieve and i know i can and will one day... when people don't understand what i want to look like i show Valliants pics... he also has the personality for BB

Also you better believe antoine uses everything ramy or any other pro uses not just AAS - it's even kinda been pushed around that AV follows ****

Anyone in the know will know Antoine Vailant is sitting to the right in the first picture, facepalm ya dud (nah, were cool haha :beertoast: )

But yes, I agree with all of what you just said, Antoine Vaillants pyshique IMO is what bodybuilding should be, that is pleasing to the eye, not these peptide gut freaks on the Olympia stage (I love bodybuilding, I live and breathe it, but cmon do you see my point).,

I too show everyone Antoine's physique to people when they ask me my goals.