Big Ramy 3 Year Explanation

Didnt he just win the NY pro?

yes, he completley dominated the show, check out MD and RXmuscle coverage for prejuding... on top of that hes been sick and came in really light

There have been Myostatin inhibitors out and on the market for 5 years. The FDA is after anyone involved in Folostatin. They have a hard on to burn them to the ground.

yep, i've also heard the same thing.. the gov is scared of super human mutants like ramy

I dont know about myostatin inhibitor and ramy.. If he really has access to this then bodybuilding is going to get to a next level.. not gonna be beautiful

its gonna be amazing except for the guys who can't afford to get to that point. but hopefully mens physique gets fixed and turns more into a old school bodybuilding and actually have posing

that monster lol , 4 years of training .. less then me and 2x my weight lol

watch his training videos bro, he lives this shit.. you need to realize everything of ramy's is on point due to him not having to worry about any expenses.. pretty much his country sponsors him... its kind of like russia and germany back in the day where they felt weightlifting and getting gold metals meant their country was supperior

Where did you read he has only been working out for 3 years?

it was at the point where he won his first amateur show and won it to become a pro that it was said that he's been training as a bodybuilder for 3 years.... not training in general but training as a BB

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I don't care about what ANYONE says or what shows he wins.
This is my opinion and I guess only important to me, BUT.....
I have always know BB comp to be also concerned with symmetry. I think his symmetry stinks. First his quads are way over done. They almost look like balloons and completely out of proportion to his overall. This I see in these last posted pics.

Also his traps are very lacking compared to his shoulders.

Now I am being critical because he is a pro and should most of all be symmetrical. I don't believe that we as BB'ers need to promote freaks. This is just my feelings and I wanted to express them., knowing a lot of people might disagree. IMHOP...... Humble? , ha! yes :)
I don't care about what ANYONE says or what shows he wins.
This is my opinion and I guess only important to me, BUT.....
I have always know BB comp to be also concerned with symmetry. I think his symmetry stinks. First his quads are way over done. They almost look like balloons and completely out of proportion to his overall. This I see in these last posted pics.

Also his traps are very lacking compared to his shoulders.

Now I am being critical because he is a pro and should most of all be symmetrical. I don't believe that we as BB'ers need to promote freaks. This is just my feelings and I wanted to express them., knowing a lot of people might disagree. IMHOP...... Humble? , ha! yes :)

please tell me how hes lacking in symmetry for being such a mass monster?
Im confused. Does symmetry meen he looks the same on the right as he does on the left? Or does it have to do with quads compared to back or arms compared to calfs etc..
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honestly to me its symetrical.. his legs are very big but when I look at the upper body to me it seems to fit.. I'm not a fan of nowdays bodybuilding though.. judges should change the way they evaluate the physiques.. like remove a serious amount of points when some1 shows up with a big hgh slin gut.. ramy doesnt have it yet but it will come
please tell me how hes lacking in symmetry for being such a mass monster?
Being a mass monster doesn't mean you are symmetrical. Take a look at the mass in one leg and compare the appearance of size and mas for his total upper torso. I said MOP that's not symmetry and I will guess that if he keeps that look it will hold him back eventually. Let's think? haven't you seen a BB'er with Bi's too big for his overall arm.? This is what I see... :) AND my OP doesn't have to do with his hard work, expertise, genetics or overall mass. Just symmetry w/legs compared to his entire look

Im confused. Does symmetry meen he looks the same on the right as he does on the left? Or does it have to do with quads compared to back or arms compared to calfs etc..

It has to do with the overall package. Your answer in bold
Idk what the dude is on and idc how long he had been training, but I do know that he WILL be Mr. Olympia one day. He has a lot to fix, and with the guidance he gets from Jay and Phil then having Dennis motherfucking James as his trainer, he will correct them. It'll be like watching Phil grow and develop from show to show. The muscles mature, the cuts get deeper and deeper, the skin become tighter and tighter. The dude is just a generic freak. I look forward to watching his career develop and evolve. Hopefully he's a good person too. I wish I could train with Dennis and get his hook up. The German pharma companies executives are probably on his speed dial. Lucky fucker.
That is one absolute NEED for a bodybuilder to be successful is to have connections. Like the type of connections that people would die for, go to war for, have sex with fat people for...
I dont know exactly how long in total hes been training for, it has been about 3 years as a serious bber. I read somewhere he had been training a long time before that as well, he used to be a fisherman or something and worked 10 hr days on the boat then smash the gym afterwards. So we know one thing for sure....this dude knows how to put in work!!
He is sponsored by his government (Emir and Royal family). They find him anything he needs, best medical, food, etc...It is more than a personal passion, he owes it to his country now.

I worked out at his gym for 6 months.
honestly to me its symetrical.. his legs are very big but when I look at the upper body to me it seems to fit.. I'm not a fan of nowdays bodybuilding though.. judges should change the way they evaluate the physiques.. like remove a serious amount of points when some1 shows up with a big hgh slin gut.. ramy doesnt have it yet but it will come

ramy would definitley have the slin/gh gut if he was going to get it.... everyone comments on how small his waste is.. it was smaller the morels and del rosas, this guy is on legit drugs... you need to realize he has doctors scripting it to him... none of this shady chinese generics for ramy thats for sure

Being a mass monster doesn't mean you are symmetrical. Take a look at the mass in one leg and compare the appearance of size and mas for his total upper torso. I said MOP that's not symmetry and I will guess that if he keeps that look it will hold him back eventually. Let's think? haven't you seen a BB'er with Bi's too big for his overall arm.? This is what I see... :) AND my OP doesn't have to do with his hard work, expertise, genetics or overall mass. Just symmetry w/legs compared to his entire look

It has to do with the overall package. Your answer in bold

i realize being a mass monster doesnt mean symmetrical thats the suprising thing about ramy.. hes a mass monster and he is very symmetrical ...

i know you claim to have been in the sport for years but everyone and their mom is talking about how symmetrical ramy is sooo idk

He is sponsored by his government (Emir and Royal family). They find him anything he needs, best medical, food, etc...It is more than a personal passion, he owes it to his country now.

I worked out at his gym for 6 months.

thats correct
In all honesty, Ramy's, and all the other pro competitors look like fucking dog shit.

It's not bodybuilding, it's who can look like the biggest freak and take the most drugs... I agree totally with Rich Piana in that bodybuilding today has become just that and in particular the excess peptide usage has destroyed bodybuilding.

The physiques that can be built off of purely AAS with reasonable peptide use is phenominal and looks fucking awesome... These mass monsters/mutant/call it what the fuck you will are horrendous and I have no desire to ever look like that.

Take Antoine Vailaint as he currently is now... Freaking awesome physique, I just have that feeling he will be one of those mass monsters and wreck it and end up with a fucking huge gut.



Far, far, far more appealing than these fucking freaks up on the Olympia stage. It should be all about what looks good, not who carrys the most mass. Symmetry, vascularity, aesthetics (hate the word, but you get my point)... Quite simply the most outstanding, pleasing physqiue.

It really is a shame what has happened to Pro bodybuilding.
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that proves you must not follow bodybuilding whatsoever...


+rep for effort tho

and Antoine i got mad respect for, he definitely has a physique i would love to achieve and i know i can and will one day... when people don't understand what i want to look like i show Valliants pics... he also has the personality for BB

Also you better believe antoine uses everything ramy or any other pro uses not just AAS - it's even kinda been pushed around that AV follows GH15
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I agree with you staunch, to an extent...In my 100% honest opinion Ronnie Coleman is not/was not ever the body that everyone seemed to think he was. Just a freak. Now, in recent years they have looked more at symmetry and proportions than they have in the last 3 decades, but not as much as they really should be/should have the entire time. Look at Phil heath and ramy. Even Dennis Wolf is more symmetrical than most these days. I do wish the golden age physique was still what we thrived for, but it isn't good enough anymore and it sucks.

Antoine Vaillant(believe I just butchered his last name) has an amazing physique, but that'll change. He most definitely has that Arnold-esq bodybuilding personality. I really like the dude that everyone is saying looks like a young Arnold. Forget his name. He is developing one of the nicest physiques that I have seen in quite some time now.