Bigging up


New member
So, I succumbed to the juice. Due to my new training partner being a long time user.
I have also changed my program- it was time- to the protocol he is using as a bodybuilder. So I don't have numbers to compare as easily as if I was doing the same lifts as before.... Many of these lifts he uses are either new, or a different method (ie smith machine v. free).
With a big guy like him to keep up with I've cut out my jogging (2 10k runs a week) in hopes to pack on some more muscle.
Currently training from Sunday to Thursday.

Cycle is:
30mg dbol/day
600mg EQ/wk
15iu slin ED PWO

Started up on September 17th. Didnt jump on the scale for the first week because I assumed not much would be happening. However, to my surprise I put on 10lbs.
Upped my decline dumbell press 10lbs/ea. Deadlift is up 10lbs.

Week 2: Feeling damn good. Little drowsy in the day. Hungry! I can down a big meal and feel like I'm starving to death an 1-2hrs later. Weight as of Sept 29th is up another 3lbs. Not as impressive as last week, but with work I can't eat much a 7hr stretch; which is incredibly difficult when your stomach feels like its tearing itself apart. Because of this, I have discontinued dbol use at work- I just cant take it. I'll take one upon waking, and two before training. Sunday and Monday are my days off work so I always expect to tip the scale a fair bit more come Tuesday. Have not done any running since starting the cycle. Great pumps this week. Feel and look bigger. Noticed a knarly new vein running diagonally down the inside of my left bicep tonight.
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Why are you not running Test? Also, it's probably the EQ making you hungry, not the dbol. The dbol is probably accountable for much of that weight gain from water retention. You need a protein bar or shake or something during those 8 hours, even if it doesn't fill you up, eat it just for the protein. I don't see any need for slin on your first cycle, especially if your diet is not tight. Good luck, bro. Just trying to make constructive suggestions/comments.
Why are you not running Test? Also, it's probably the EQ making you hungry, not the dbol. The dbol is probably accountable for much of that weight gain from water retention. You need a protein bar or shake or something during those 8 hours, even if it doesn't fill you up, eat it just for the protein. I don't see any need for slin on your first cycle, especially if your diet is not tight. Good luck, bro. Just trying to make constructive suggestions/comments.

dbol made me hungrier than a bitch lol. there was nothing i could do to help keep my stomach happy.
dbol made me hungrier than a bitch lol. there was nothing i could do to help keep my stomach happy.

Yeah, I know it could do that, but that was not my experience. I just wanted him to consider that the EQ could be the appetite issues. But, good point that everyone is different.
Its def the dbol. It doesn't get so bad when I'm not fired up on them. Maybe Test Sus down the road. Thinking of Anavar or Primo after I finish up the dbols; if I can get my hands on it for a reasonable price.
I always recommend test as a base of all cycles, because steroids are test derivatives but they shut down your natural test production which leave you without much test in your system which is less than ideal in many ways. Also, bro you need to have all your PCT on hand and lined up so you don't lose your gains post cycle. I'm not trying to jack your log, just trying to help with some pointers that I have learned(some the hard way). You should also have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand to control estrogen, such as aromasin. Dbol is real bad about causing estro sides for many. Anavar is hard to find at a good price, especially to run at a suitable dose. Same with Primo, unless you get raw powders for either of these, they are pricey to run at a decent dose. You might want to look at Tbol, much like dbol without the estro sides.
Well, week 2 has just finished up this evening. I'm up 17lbs.
Was away from my meds and lost dbol dose for a day. I feel like I lost that feeling. Took 5 eph's training Sunday -second time using it- and it didn't do anything; just killed my massive pump before I even got to the locker room. Wont be using that shit again. Workout tonight was incredible. Started with legs and moved on to shoulders after a 10min chat. Delts were burning like crazy. Weights felt light.
Took Thurs, Fri, Sat off. Not because I wanted to- but my bones and tendons hurt like a bitch. Plus I wasn't performing at I should at work. Hit the gym Sunday- for chest and triceps- and tore the place apart. Felt like a new man.
Upped every lift. Feels good to have my arms are aching again!
Weight is up a touch up at 173lbs. So thats 20lbs from my start weight. I only plan on going up to 180lbs then the cardio starts back up. The three days I was off my diet wasn't heavy because I didn't have much of an appetite.
Headed down in an hour to teach the legs a lesson.
Otherwise, everything is good. Shots aren't painful. The ravaging hunger pains have gone away; unfortunately. Been getting great pumps and lots of motivation.
Had a four day weekend with no training (was out of town). So I fired myself up with 300mg EQ and 500mg Test Cyp on thursday before leaving. Yes, I have introduced T to my cycle. I was trying to find something to replace the dbol- when I discontinue in another week or so- and Test popped up so I grabbed some.
Took 40mg dbol today; 300mg EQ; 250 Test.

Gym was good. Up to 125lbs decline dumbell press two reps. Some asshole started chatting about training which turned into almost an hour. So I started over again on incline. Lots of energy today.

I've been more easily aggravated the past week. Initially, after starting cycle I would just let things slide; somewhat apathetic. I think it stems from work rather then the juice.

Weight is only up one pound from last week. But I expect to gain 3lbs by weeks end; 180lbs. I'm not holding too much water to my surprise. Very little fat. Haven't been eating- or taking care of myself for that matter- well this weekend being out of town for a party. EQs got my veins up. Received a comment on my delts and all their veins tonight.

Oh, and I'm really starting to notice some of my clothes fitting tighter and its annoying! Put a button up collared shirt on tonight thats normally very comfortably fitting and I'll tell you I wont be wearing that till I deflate a bit. Tight to the point it was uncomfortable and annoying to do just about any movement. I'm not even going to attempt wearing the shirts that were well fitted/tight before I expanded.
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Added Tren A this evening. 50mg ED for 7 weeks.
When I finish up my first vial of Test Cyp, Ill be switching over to Test Prop for the remainder of the cycle.

Shot Tren post workout tonight.
Test is just kicking in from my shot yesterday. Woke up today and felt strong, aggressive, and very hungry all day.
Blood pressure done today and its up a little from a month ago, but thats to be expected as I've been off cardio for over a month.
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test, tren, eq, dbol AND INSULIN all for your first cycle huh? I see your buddy is steering you in the right direction. :rolleyes: and all this starting at 153lbs. Jesus christ.

Don't feel like eating? Thats not good.
125lbs decline press? Thats not good.
Expecting to gain 3lbs by weeks end? WTF?

Dude, you got a decent build but you're in for a world of hurt down the road. You mentioned deflating... well get ready for that in the future cause your body is gonna be built entirely on AAS.

Hope you don't get any sides also... you ain't gonna know whats doing what.
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