Community Veteran
I hung up my tren hat years ago! I won't mess with it at my "advanced" age 
I'll leave that stuff to the young bucks!
Believe it when I tell you that 1200mg of primo gives tren like gains equal to about 400mg of tren ew. Body recomposition and that dry fire hose vein look. Not so much in the strength dept
Keep in mind there are no sides or even negative hit on blood work from 1200mg primo
800 is the starting dose for a male taking primo also

I'll leave that stuff to the young bucks!
Believe it when I tell you that 1200mg of primo gives tren like gains equal to about 400mg of tren ew. Body recomposition and that dry fire hose vein look. Not so much in the strength dept
Keep in mind there are no sides or even negative hit on blood work from 1200mg primo

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