Biomex? Generic Supps..?


Get big or get big trying
Hello i'm looking for people that have used Generic Supplements Labs, Naps Hygetropin HGH, and Biomex Labs. Has anyone ever used? If so...were your results good? Veterans please tlel me if i need to edit post or anything!
Thanks, Atomsk
Generic Supplements had had a good rep for a long time. i have tested a bottle before and it came out very close to what was on the bottle. I think at the time it was 242mg to the 250mg that was on the bottle. Not a bad product. Then again its important to know your source. Anyone can duplicate a label and packaging. HOpe that gives you at least some idea.
i have an order coming in from biomex right now. hopefully all is well, i will keep you posted
Biomex labs

hello i'm looking for people that have used generic supplements labs, naps hygetropin hgh, and biomex labs. Has anyone ever used? If so...were your results good? Veterans please tlel me if i need to edit post or anything!
Thanks, atomsk

i have used biomex labs before i used ther deca 250 (250mg/ml) and ther test cyp (250mg/ml) i loved the results i got from just 250mg of each a week for 10 weeks the only thing i didnt like about these 2 products is that the clamp on lids on both the vials were a tad crooked at 1st i did not even see it but i held them up and turned the vials 360 around and then i could clearly see it, they were not loose at all so i was releaved about leaks and contamination , but i do beleave they are solid products but i have not ordered any more from them just because of this 1 thing i have been useing geneza meds and balken pharm and all is well . At least u get what u order with biomex labs and not a bad price.