Biotech Gear Fake?

william llewelyn i got a few mail with him when he was on Bodyofscience.

i'm sorry for you guys, but William has a REAL knowledge... no offense to anthony roberts blog.

I will totally agree with this . William talks with science. Of course Anthony is also good.
Maybe at that moment William was checking Biotech he catched some evidences. Does he show lab test of products , like how many Mg of what in which batch type of info?
What about Bio-Tech's TC250 (cypionate 250)??? I heard that a picture of the cypionate is posted next to the article in the magazine... Does anyone think that maybe he's specifically calling a red flag on the cypionate only? Has anyone had experience with the TC250? I am only 2 1/2 weeks into a cycle with it and am now worried sick after reading this...

Come on man. Why would biotech make all 100% legit products and decide to fake his cyp? Dont worry man. Biotech is 100% good to go. Close friends of mine have the blood test to show it.
I'm on a cycle of all bio-tech gear. dbol and sus and deca. All signs are there that this shit is good. Up 18 lbs in three weeks and strengh through the roof. If you guys don't wont your fake gear anymore than pm me i'll take it off your hands. lol
Any updates on this? I'm 2 weeks into a dbol/test/deca cycle with all biotech stuff and I've gained nothing off the dbol so it's underdosed or bunk?
Hi guys I came into 2 bottles of oxavar (oxandrolone/var) and they show Biotech pharmaclinico I'm setting up my first var/T3 run and was told this var was good to go. Better be, wasn't cheap. Lol

So should I trust this brand? I'm a girl btw... I've seen that var solo is pretty lame for a guy to do ha!
Bio-tc250 is 100% the real deal, not sure if its human or animal grade nor do i care at this point , on my 7th week with just the cypionate and have seen incredible results, massive pumps, veins coming out everywhere, and the best of all is that i gained 25 pounds of lean muscle in just 7 worries here
I have lab work to prove bio tech is legit. Specifically the prop. I had blood work done after only 1 week in; 1cc on M W F and labs the next monday and free test was 1386. So anyone saying its fake can STFU
Has anyone submitted actual biotech product to have it analyzed? Idk if this can be done, but it seems the only way to really verify what's in the bottle. Blood tests at the doctor are good, but some I've seen posted are even within the natural range, and you'd have to be using exclusively biotech, obv to be relevent to this issue.

On one hand, I've gotten pretty bad acne on my back from this stuff, unless there's a cheap bacne additive one could put in cottonseed oil, this along with the cramping I can get from just crossing my arms, I'd think there has to be Testosterone in it.

I have noticed several things indicating UGL such as: almost always the same batch no across different products (no manufacturing expert but seems unlikely), barcodes are also the same on all products and old bottles I just checked personally*(Did see a photo of legit looking biotech vial with different barcode).
A flip top with no logo would worry me. One with no logo AND a messed up crimping job would REALLY worry me.

One thing I've wondered as a hypogonadal male who's taken a lot of cyp from watson and sandoz from a u.s. pharmacy, is that they are WAY WAY thicker. This stuff draws out fast as hell.

If anyone knows of any labs that will analyze liquid or powder hormones I'd love to know...I have email capabilites.
Has anyone submitted actual biotech product to have it analyzed? Idk if this can be done, but it seems the only way to really verify what's in the bottle. Blood tests at the doctor are good, but some I've seen posted are even within the natural range, and you'd have to be using exclusively biotech, obv to be relevent to this issue.

On one hand, I've gotten pretty bad acne on my back from this stuff, unless there's a cheap bacne additive one could put in cottonseed oil, this along with the cramping I can get from just crossing my arms, I'd think there has to be Testosterone in it.

I have noticed several things indicating UGL such as: almost always the same batch no across different products (no manufacturing expert but seems unlikely), barcodes are also the same on all products and old bottles I just checked personally*(Did see a photo of legit looking biotech vial with different barcode).
A flip top with no logo would worry me. One with no logo AND a messed up crimping job would REALLY worry me.

One thing I've wondered as a hypogonadal male who's taken a lot of cyp from watson and sandoz from a u.s. pharmacy, is that they are WAY WAY thicker. This stuff draws out fast as hell.

If anyone knows of any labs that will analyze liquid or powder hormones I'd love to know...I have email capabilites.

I would be very interested to see the results as well. I have been using this gear for the past couple years and I am kinda wanting to try something different... I will say that I start having some Gyno issues when running 500mg of their test e. But I was taking up to 100mg of their anadrol and didn't feel much of anything from it! I also didn't see much from adding 600mg deca with test during that cycle. My joints didn't even feel good. VIP is a legit right..?
(I would be very interested to see the results as well. I have been using this gear for the past couple years and I am kinda wanting to try something different... I will say that I start having some Gyno issues when running 500mg of their test e. But I was taking up to 100mg of their anadrol and didn't feel much of anything from it! I also didn't see much from adding 600mg deca with test during that cycle. My joints didn't even feel good. VIP is a legit right..? )

I was wondering the same...and agree with bundy...stuff is good ug..but dosages seem off...I read on here on another post that the esters they use take away from some of the potency. Havent tried there tabs yet. But I can vouch that you will see results with there injectables. I have never used pharm grade gear so I have no experience on what your REALLY suppose to get outta a cycle tho
God I really hope not bro!!!!!!!! I just got like a years worth of bio-tech gear! WTF!!!!!!
Im running Ts400,Deca and EQ all from bio-tech. I just had my test levels checked out and they where through the roof. As far as the Deca and EQ goes its still kind of early because I've only been on them for 5 weeks but all of the signs that I saw with past usage are there. High Agression, Hard Cock, Painful pumps at the gym when lifting, oily face, BP is slightly high and my joint and ligament pain is gone. I don't know what to say about that article bro. But damn it makes me think!!!!!!!! I hate this shit!!!!!!!!! Now I'm going to have to look for a new source again? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is some POWEFUL placebo effect, haha. I think you're good man.

If this isn't true, it's some serious slander. Something like that can really hit sales hard.