If you want my advice, I'd drop the Tren.... these are only small issues in the greater scheme of things, but your anxiety level is obviously high.
I'd drop the Tren immediately, lower the AI dosage, keep Test the same and see how things settle in the next few days.
I know from experience that Tren can play games with your head and make you fret about stuff that wouldn't normally bother you.
I'd bet good money that when you drop the Tren... BP will lower, headaches disappear, and things will feel better in your world again.
Hope things turn around for you.
Thanks for the advice Ben.
I sorted out some stuff last night after doing research.
My Blood pressure
-11/20/15 = 175/88
-11/22/15 = 165/80
-11/24/15 = 130/80, 120/80
-11/25/15 = 165/85, 135/85
-11/28/15 = 129/85
-Remove as much Na from diet
-Take 3g Fish oil
-Take 1g Garlic
-Take 1g beetroot
-Take 500mg Celery seed
-Take 3g fish oil
-Take 1g beetroot
~This is the protocol I put together and as u can see it dropped very good, all measured with a scope and accurate. Still on tren while this was taken. So BP was fixed for sure.
As for the headaches, they feel better today compared to yesterday and the days before. I skipped the adex dosage and I'm going to leave it out for a bit and let e2 build back to normal, then I'll raise adex up slowly, not going past .25 this time, untill I open up a new test vial thats fresh and hopefully proper dosed. Either way I might not even raise it to .25 and just ride it out for a week or 2. I got Nolva ONLY on hand, but it should be enough to deal with gyno just incase.
Dropping the tren is LAST resort for me, it took too long to build to enth ester 6 week mark to just toss it out the window now. I didn't even run a kickstart too. I'm just solving my problem one at a time and it's going pretty good I must say.
PS: I'm never have anxiety issues or anything, It's just when I see a problem, I put a lot into it to try and sort it out as fast as possible. I like to have all the pieces together and it helps me prep for future things if this comes around or if some one else needs help, I can tell them what to do to adjust things since i went through the BS first.