Been keeping track of BP the last few days:
~Pharmacists been doing the scope and electronic to check it.
Here is my log (sometimes I get the reading done more to double check-5 minutes apart OFC :
-11/20/15 = 175/88
-11/22/15 = 165/80
-11/24/15 = 130/85, 120/80
-11/25/15 = 165/85, 135/85
Still getting some mixed results. I've looked more into BP studies and everything and others personal experiences. I refixed my plan starting tomorrow:
-Remove as much Na from diet
-Up adex from .5 to .75 E3D
-Take 3g Fish oil
-Take 1g Garlic
-Take 1g beetroot
-Take 500mg Celery seed
-Take 3g fish oil
-Take 1g beetroot
~ I removed the asprin, added in celery for 3nB, added beetroot for nitrates
~celery is said to take effect within the hours, beetroot may take a few hours to build up
Drinking beetroot juice reduces high blood pressure, trial shows - Medical News Today (beetroot)
Natural Extracts Lower Blood Pressure (celery)
Also, I found it interesting that no one ever mentions on any board or forum about Olive Leaf Extract. the study above gave some good reasons to run it at 1g ED for high BP. Said to be natural ACE inhibitor. Good stuff, just thought I'd let u guys know.