blood work off 200mg/week

My diet pretty much this right now

Meal 1
2 scoops whey protein, 1 tsp olive oil

Meal 2,3,4

7oz chicken breast, 1 cup of veggies

Meal 5 (post workout)

1 cup of egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 7oz yam or 3/4 cup of rice

Meal 6 ( before bed)

2 cups cottage cheese, 7oz sirloin roast beef

And like I said my downfall is the fuckin peanut butter at night.and diet pop which I drink alot of as well
My diet pretty much this right now

Meal 1
2 scoops whey protein, 1 tsp olive oil

Meal 2,3,4

7oz chicken breast, 1 cup of veggies

Meal 5 (post workout)

1 cup of egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 7oz yam or 3/4 cup of rice

Meal 6 ( before bed)

2 cups cottage cheese, 7oz sirloin roast beef

Your glucose doesn't make sense then. Unless you're drinking whey that has like 60g of sugars, you're hardly having any carbohydrate intake at all. You mentioned that you have little cheat meals here and there; we talking like a trip to McDonald's, or grabbing a spoonful of peanut butter?

I suspect that's where the problem would lie if your diet doesn't deviate from the above.
My diet isn't stellar by all means good throughout the day but seems to be at night time when I wake up I crave junk which my gf doesn't care what she eats and I Dib into some shitty food when I wake up during the night that is totally my downfall at night time
I have recently been taking in more fiber as well.fiber with every meal before working out and my only source.of carbs is workout, maybe I should give up on the 2 cups of cottage cheese as well before bed does contain sugar as with 6g 0per half cup

Dive into her pussy instead of her cupboard.

And get her to eat better or kick her to the curb.
Lol funny u say that mega we split up this week
Dealing with alot of bs with her that puts a bad mood
She gets physical and with myself I am.holding back as mch as I can not to do.something stupid I wanted civil between us cause we are still living together for the time being until I find a place in the next few days but it's just a good thing more laid back on my cruise dose compared being on tren right now dealing with this physical shit
Nah she doesn't workout and pretty much eats out everyday she has put on a far amount of.weight ( fat) as well since I first started dating her.the only thing that sucks 2 year old daughter has to see this stuff, I am a tough guy but sadens me with my daughter seeing this stuff, hopefully I get through this without taking it hard as I did before with my other ex and my appetite.went to.shit and haven't hit the gym for the last few days either cause my head is just spinning right now with a shit ass gut feeling sucks ass
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I have a couple viles of tren in my cupboard and so badly wanna pin it with the shit I am.dealing with cause it's weird i get that feeling I am shrinking looking myself in the mirror and just all aroubd don't feel good about myself right now but I know I gotta give my body a break and lower some stuff down and Def donate bloods next week as I was suppose to on Friday but skipped my appt cause of the stuff going on
Hovering aroubd the same weight 225lbs fasted but just feels like I am.shrinking I dunno other people say at the gym it's all in your head u look the same as u did a month ago but fuck I dunno
Sounds like you moved in with her judging by how you have to find a new place to live and all. Never move in with a girl or move in a girls house. Get your own place on your own lease. The last thing you need is a set back because some fat whore isn't getting her way.
My diet pretty much this right now

Meal 1
2 scoops whey protein, 1 tsp olive oil

Meal 2,3,4

7oz chicken breast, 1 cup of veggies

Meal 5 (post workout)

1 cup of egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 7oz yam or 3/4 cup of rice

Meal 6 ( before bed)

2 cups cottage cheese, 7oz sirloin roast beef

And like I said my downfall is the fuckin peanut butter at night.and diet pop which I drink alot of as well
Nope. Even with peanut butter and soda you should still look better with a diet that clean
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Matt I would recommend just staying on trt dosages until you get your blood work better. Honestly you will gain back any amount of muscle you loose very quickly when you blast again. Plus even on trt dosages your going to look better than 90% of normal people since you work out and have a good diet. Always keep your health as your number one priority. It sounds like it is the tren causing most the negative side effects. I would personally just stay away from tren until your blood work is ok again. And if tren causes your blood work to go hay wire i would consider lowering the dosage in the future or just dropping it all together its not worth it in the long run if it causes you health problems.
Matt I would recommend just staying on trt dosages until you get your blood work better. Honestly you will gain back any amount of muscle you loose very quickly when you blast again. Plus even on trt dosages your going to look better than 90% of normal people since you work out and have a good diet. Always keep your health as your number one priority. It sounds like it is the tren causing most the negative side effects. I would personally just stay away from tren until your blood work is ok again. And if tren causes your blood work to go hay wire i would consider lowering the dosage in the future or just dropping it all together its not worth it in the long run if it causes you health problems.

Absolutely, completely, 100% agree with this.

Get your life in order dude; stick with TRT and fix your living conditions. As a father myself, I have learned that our children ALWAYS come first, with ZERO exceptions. She will be ten times prouder of her daddy being able to make ends meet than having a daddy that's yoked.

Tren is the last thing you need right now, I promise you.
Matt u r funny...I mean in a good way.....

The beauty of when building the perfect best is most organs will go back to normal when hormonal augmentation either ceases or trt is kept around 7-800 or less.

The liver is the most forgiving...I mean lok how big it is and like a self sealing gas tank on combat aircraft it can take a pounding. Diabetes is not IN YOUR future for sure but this is why we do adjust our gearage, steerage and fuel ( food) intake. On cycle thing s will surely go s critical to eat write, lower trt to make sure all your levels WILL and CAN return to "within normal " ranges.

Then let them just do their normal job. U cannot expect longevity in AAS use if u do not heed what the lab s show and adjust your ingestion of gear, diet etc....

I m old as dirt bro. But my numbers OFF, are el perfecto..or damn near.

Just looking out bro...u2 will be over 50 wanting to look 30 but wanting to see and hold your grandkids..........
What about clen with a low dose of t, to.much stress on the kidneys and.liver as well?

Just wait it out bro. 49ER can't go on without an arch-nemesis!

I have very bad issues with blood sugar dropping.. simple sugars trigger it, and occasionally depending on how I've eaten.. alcohol will cause a very intense and abrupt blood sugar low.

What I have found that helps immensely is eating only complex carbs. You seem to be fine in that regard! Great.

Then I found that fasting helped me quite a bit as well. 16hrs NO eating, 8hrs eating all of your calories at once. This worked well in regards to insulin sensitivity.. but left me starving ALL day and without the help of AAS I'd just always be catabolic.. that's not so good. Decent method for helping pre-diabetic symptoms but not so great on them feels..

Then I dropped carbs. Kept my fasting periods, but would only eat meat, veggies, oil, nuts and some occasional cheeses. This proved to be a pretty good method for overall feels and help with pre-d symptoms.

BUT, then I saw 3J mention MCT oil. And so I tried during my fasting periods to do 1tbsp of MCT oil with each cup of coffee I would drink before the "break-fast". Generally 2-3 MCT Coffees! Talk about a serious thermogenic man.. I would be at work just on fire from that stuff. Once I took too much, and hadn't worked my way up to that dose yet and had to shit water 3 times at work that day!!! lol This method has been the best for me overall. 1. MCT oil is fats.. so extra calories 2. Having oil and coffee during fasting helps with satiety and energy. 3. Gets me into ketosis faster. 4. Makes me hard all over actually as well.

MCT oil is no more than 20.00 on eBay.