Bloodwork Results From 7/08/14, 2nd Test After PCT.


Performance Trainer.
This is my second Test after PCT. My first from this previous winter cycle was 1 week after pct. I was at 166ng/dl Testosterone Levels. Now this is from 7/08/2014View attachment 558360

My Testosterone is 693 wondering WTF. Im happy.
My ATCH is 19. The scale is 9-67 for within range.
Wow, nice recovery! Certainly bounced back. How long after pct was this test taken?
Can you run us theough your cycle and pct dosages and timings too? :)
Wow, nice recovery! Certainly bounced back. How long after pct was this test taken?
Can you run us theough your cycle and pct dosages and timings too? :)

It wasn't really a cycle, it was a cruise sort of. I started out with this stuff 6-Mdrol, witch is 6a-Chloro-androst-4-en-17b-ol-3-one. I started it mid october then instead of going on PCT I Started to Cruise with Gen-shi Labs Test E 250mg a wk. Shot 3 times a week. M/W/F. Month later December late november uped it to 300mg a week. Using Proviron to 25mg a day. Late early feb switched labs to Legend Labs and started running anavar at 40mg a day. Late feb early March started using Epi also. ended april went on PCT. PCT was one shot of HMG 75. Then Clomid and nolva, 50mg Clomid, 40mg Nolva. Dropped to 20mg 2 weeks after then when I ran outta clomid I upped nolva back to 40mg. Got the Test a week and a half later.View attachment 558382 Test was 166ng/dl. that was taken 5/12/2014.
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Sow how long did it take you to completely recover

And you are saying you won't go on because you didn't like the pct after a 5 month cycle?
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Sow how long did it take you to completely recover

And you are saying you won't go on because you didn't like the pct after a 5 month cycle?

No, Because I have 693ng/dl. Thats pretty high natural. I don't want to sacrifice that. I guess 2 or 3 months. I D K.
What did you do to recover the test from 166 ng/dl to 693 ng/dl? Was this the work of the clomid & nolva?

I used some natural test booster. I took clomid and nolva in light doses from time to time. I stopped taking everything 2 weeks before I went for the test I believe.
Its back down to 280ng/dl as of 11/19/14. FSH 7.4 mIU/ml, LH 2.4 mIU/ml, Estridol 30 PG/ML, FreeTest 5.37 NG/DL
Your test was high, on the 2nd test, because it was only 2 weeks since you had taken any clomid, or nolva. From what I've learned you must wait a minimum of 8 weeks after cessation of EVERYTHING before testing your natty levels.
I used some natural test booster. I took clomid and nolva in light doses from time to time. I stopped taking everything 2 weeks before I went for the test I believe.

Yeah, that's your problem. Clomid can still be effecting your results up to 4-5weeks after it's last dose... They aren't your real numbers.
Blood Test Results Prior to Previous.

These are my blood results. All Natural leading up too this. Last Time my Test was 693ng/dl. For some odd reason I plumeted.
I answered this in your other thread. You drew the blood too soon after stopping your PCT, 2 weeks was not enough. You need to wait at least 6 weeks to get your 'natty' levels.
Blood Test Results Prior to The Previous TEST!

These are my blood test results prior to my previous one in July. Another Follow up. Wonder if I'm catching hypogonadism. What happened here.
ive merged the threads.. please do not open multiple threads on the same matter