boards general first cycle recomendations

For a first cycle I think moderate dose of 1 compound is enough, you want to learn how your body reacts to things. Test of course would be the clear best choice for most people who want to bulk, say 400-600mg a week depending on the guy's size starting out.
bronco944 said:
link dosnt work
interested in the study though? who did it and when? were the subjects experienced lifters?

go here

then click the "Development of Model...." link for the PDF

oh, and to answer your question, they weren't lifters, the group on 300mg/wk gained 4 kilos (8.5 lbs), the 500mg/wk group gained 8 (17 lbs) kilos.

better than some other studies, because all of the men in this study were healthy, they did compare the results to some studies on HIV+ and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) guys.
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rpny said:
JohnnyB, you're saying for a first time cycle person, they wouldn't need any anti-e, and doing let's just say 400mg of test without clomid or norv is ok ?

Everyone should have anti-e's on hand incase of gyno, but at 400-500mg a week you shouldn't have any problems, unless you are gyno prone.

Easto said:
What about L-dex just to keep the bloat off?
I think if your having side effects on your first it's to much juice. When you add femara or arimidex in liquid or tab form, it throughs your lipid profile off so your adding another side effect. If you can get away with out an anti-e you'd be better off. I know their are a couple of Bros here that go over a gram an don't need them. I haven't got there yet so I didn't know if I'll need them or not at that dose;)

I never knew why people recomended dbol on a first cycle. Dbol to me seemed so harsh. I think dpeending on bodyweight 300-500mg of Test only is plenty, no need for any other compounds, you need to gauge hwo you react off the king of all AAS.
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RoadHouse said:
I never knew why people recomended dbol on a first cycle. Dbol to me seemed so harsh. I think dpeending on bodyweight 300-500mg of Test only is plenty, no need for any other compounds, you need to gauge hwo you react off the king of all AAS.

I think it's because so many people recommending cycles are complete idiots.
TxLonghorn said:
I think a good first cycle is test 250mg/week and eq at 400mg/week. No orals.

So I guess I am a hybrid between steroidology and elite, lol.

Just what I always thought... you go both ways.... ya homo ......

TxLonghorn said:
I think a good first cycle is test 250mg/week and eq at 400mg/week. No orals.

So I guess I am a hybrid between steroidology and elite, lol.

Id say bump the test up to 400mg and drop the eq 300mg. I am a believer in keeping test number 1.