Bold prop

being doing some research on this compund and lol looks like people dread this with a passion

ok just a few questions on this product?

1)Is it good for precomp

2)bold prop@100mg/ml is killer would it hurt less if say i made it at 50mg/ml

3)what should i expect from using this drug ive made EQ before but ive never used it.

4)would this work for 50mg/ml 2%ba-25bb%
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why would you want to use short ester boldenone. whats the point? eq at 500mg/ml pain free, bold prop at 50mg/ml. thats 10ml to 1ml ratio for the same amount of parent hormone.
I've heard a lot of strange shit about short ester bold. Why does everyone have to try and do shit different?
Used 50mg/ml and I was reduced to a weak quivering mass of flu symptoms and had to quit after 2 shots. I would've rather been kicked in the balls by Rosie O'Donnel.
So how did your bold prop experiment go for you? Did you go through hell like the rest of us or did you find out something new?