Boss pharma test 400? Anyone heard of it?


New member
A good Buddy of mine picked up a 10 ml bottle of boss pharma test 400 (150 cyp, 150 enth, 100 deca) he picked it up while on the other side of the country( Canada) working , said he trusted his source but has decided not to pin it after doing the research on test 400. Anyway my question is has anyone heard of the brand boss pharma? I can get it from him in exchange for a bottle of test e but I'm not interested if no one has heard of it. Any help greatly apreciated
I have heard and know of guys that love it. A newer lab that changed labels

I have never used them but seeing who likes them I'd say they're GTG
this lab is g2g ,im runing there test e right now and 5 weeks in im starting to see gains. i get a little bit of pip but thats just beacuse my body doesnt react well with BA.
Boss gear

A good Buddy of mine picked up a 10 ml bottle of boss pharma test 400 (150 cyp, 150 enth, 100 deca) he picked it up while on the other side of the country( Canada) working , said he trusted his source but has decided not to pin it after doing the research on test 400. Anyway my question is has anyone heard of the brand boss pharma? I can get it from him in exchange for a bottle of test e but I'm not interested if no one has heard of it. Any help greatly apreciated

I have used it and know many people on it it is amazing , great gains, thin and smooth no swelling or lumps, they use MCT OIL vs cotton seed oil your body will except MCT , i know 1st a handful of people that have dropped USP, BD, terigon , and have got way better results on BOSS, there a no bull shit lab everything from orals injectablies , igf, mgf, hgh, hcg, cialis and its all good wife did there hcg and anavar it was amazing !
This is a Boss why are you comparing what your friends used in the past years to Boss now? So the other 3 labs you mentioned has nothing to do with Boss so why bring them into it ;)

I have used it and know many people on it it is amazing , great gains, thin and smooth no swelling or lumps, they use MCT OIL vs cotton seed oil your body will except MCT , i know 1st a handful of people that have dropped USP, BD, terigon , and have got way better results on BOSS, there a no bull shit lab everything from orals injectablies , igf, mgf, hgh, hcg, cialis and its all good wife did there hcg and anavar it was amazing !
This will probably sound stupid but I'm at the end of my rope.

Read Anavar (var) ious posts and need some help, I live in small town Ontario so gear isn't as easy to come by unless it's Winstrol (winny) or dbol. An old friend was able to pick me up some Anavar (var) to cut some weight (60mg), which I ran but no post cycle therapy (pct). His opinion was that post cycle therapy (pct) wasn't needed, I ran sustanon 250 years ago when I was at University and I don't recall it kicking the shit out of my natural test like the Ana Anavar (var) (UG so now I'm questioning if it was even really Anavar (var) ) but back then post cycle therapy (pct) was involved and I was a lot younger.

Anyway long story shorter, tried to send a couple private messages but I'm too new to be allowed to use that feature so here goes...I'm trying to find some clomid, but it seems near impossible from the guys I know locally...I've read that Canadian UG labs Boss or Kayne are pretty good, but I can't find any websites (the boss one I found looks German)

Any help would be awesome or other ideas...I've been trying everything to kick things back into gear but the Tribulus and other typical crap won't do jack. Not knocking the AAS but I should have been smarter jumping in or just worked a little harder and shed the pounds the old fashioned way!

This will probably sound stupid but I'm at the end of my rope.

Read Anavar (var) ious posts and need some help, I live in small town Ontario so gear isn't as easy to come by unless it's Winstrol (winny) or dbol. An old friend was able to pick me up some Anavar (var) to cut some weight (60mg), which I ran but no post cycle therapy (pct). His opinion was that PCT wasn't needed, I ran sustanon 250 years ago when I was at University and I don't recall it kicking the shit out of my natural test like the Ana Anavar (var) (UG so now I'm questioning if it was even really Anavar (var) ) but back then PCT was involved and I was a lot younger.

Anyway long story shorter, tried to send a couple private messages but I'm too new to be allowed to use that feature so here goes...I'm trying to find some clomid, but it seems near impossible from the guys I know locally...I've read that Canadian UG labs Boss or Kayne are pretty good, but I can't find any websites (the boss one I found looks German)

Any help would be awesome or other ideas...I've been trying everything to kick things back into gear but the Tribulus and other typical crap won't do jack. Not knocking the AAS but I should have been smarter jumping in or just worked a little harder and shed the pounds the old fashioned way!


Boss and Kayne are both good labs, but they don't use websites. If they did, they may as well just install a big neon sign in their front lawn that says "steroids sold here, please call LE".

From the sounds of your post, you need to do a lot more reading and research before you really get into AAS. This is your body, don't trust a friend that tells you no PCT needed, don't look for websites.... do the research and educate yourself
There is no legit Boss with a second S backwards!!!

Well idk but I know me n 3 others that will vouch for the var anyday with backwards S, was best var i ever done n im a var lover, i dont do grow cycles mostly only var, i did start into a grow cycle by same labs but dropped 2 weeks in so cant vouch for grow cycle but the var is 300% awesome, went from 80 lb dumbbells to 120s n my girls arms were mush n she got so hard n tight couldnt pinch skin, other 2 guys were pushing 3 plates fr outta nowhere so i do know the var is legit n I know 2 the same guys popped there tops today n im watching closely, will come back n post. For the record I dont push any product only use..i hear awesome things bout New Port..anyone in Calgary with access feel free to email
Also only pics i can find online r with backwards S..can someone show me the so called "real" BOSS labels
Okay stop with the non sense. You were told what the "real" Boss is suppose to have and that doesn't include a backwards S. and when I mean stop with the non sense. I mean with the bullshit, as you posted the same loaded crap below today on another forum and were called out, for trying to push lab called Boss with backwards S.

Well idk but I know me n 3 others that will vouch for the var anyday with backwards S, was best var i ever done n im a var lover, i dont do grow cycles mostly only var, i did start into a grow cycle by same labs but dropped 2 weeks in so cant vouch for grow cycle but the var is 300% awesome, went from 80 lb dumbbells to 120s n my girls arms were mush n she got so hard n tight couldnt pinch skin, other 2 guys were pushing 3 plates fr outta nowhere so i do know the var is legit n I know 2 the same guys popped there tops today n im watching closely, will come back n post. For the record I dont push any product only use..i hear awesome things bout New Port..anyone in Calgary with access feel free to email
There is no legit Boss with a second S backwards!!!

Well idk but I know me n 3 others that will vouch for the var anyday with backwards S, was best var i ever done n im a var lover, i dont do grow cycles mostly only var, i did start into a grow cycle by same labs but dropped 2 weeks in so cant vouch for grow cycle but the var is 300% awesome, went from 80 lb dumbbells to 120s n my girls arms were mush n she got so hard n tight couldnt pinch skin, other 2 guys were pushing 3 plates fr outta nowhere so i do know the var is legit n I know 2 the same guys popped there tops today n im watching closely, will come back n post. For the record I dont push any product only use..i hear awesome things bout New Port..anyone in Calgary with access feel free to email