Community Veteran
What are you retarded? you just wrote the exact shit you wrote above.
Well idk but I know me n 3 others that will vouch for the var anyday with backwards S, was best var i ever done n im a var lover, i dont do grow cycles mostly only var, i did start into a grow cycle by same labs but dropped 2 weeks in so cant vouch for grow cycle but the var is 300% awesome, went from 80 lb dumbbells to 120s n my girls arms were mush n she got so hard n tight couldnt pinch skin, other 2 guys were pushing 3 plates fr outta nowhere so i do know the var is legit n I know 2 the same guys popped there tops today n im watching closely, will come back n post. For the record I dont push any product only use..i hear awesome things bout New Port..anyone in Calgary with access feel free to email