Boss pharma test 400? Anyone heard of it?

What are you retarded? you just wrote the exact shit you wrote above.

Well idk but I know me n 3 others that will vouch for the var anyday with backwards S, was best var i ever done n im a var lover, i dont do grow cycles mostly only var, i did start into a grow cycle by same labs but dropped 2 weeks in so cant vouch for grow cycle but the var is 300% awesome, went from 80 lb dumbbells to 120s n my girls arms were mush n she got so hard n tight couldnt pinch skin, other 2 guys were pushing 3 plates fr outta nowhere so i do know the var is legit n I know 2 the same guys popped there tops today n im watching closely, will come back n post. For the record I dont push any product only use..i hear awesome things bout New Port..anyone in Calgary with access feel free to email
Also only pics i can find online r with backwards S..can someone show me the so called "real" BOSS labels
The legit Boss now comes with boxes also, to aid in these copy idiots trying to hijack the name. Get a life!!
Boss is real and awesome in alberta

Also only pics i can find online r with backwards S..can someone show me the so called "real" BOSS labels

The boss gear has a backwards "S" on there lables and holigram safety seals , i have been using it for two years and know dozens of people that use it sell it and know 1 of the owners in alberta ! And i have for 9 years !
LOL then everyone you know is not using real BOSS gear and the owner is a reject for trying to use a well established name as his own.. HAHAHAHA you've known boss gear for 9 years lmfao hasn't been around that long...
currently running boss, with the backwards s t450 and tren and I love it , have ran their t400, deca, and npp in the past... all seems legit to me, seen great gains whil on deca/npp and leaning out nicely on tren right now
Ya its just another no name bathtub brewer who is trying to take advantage of a well established name in the market, not saying the gear is no good just that its not actual BOSS gear. Boss doesn't have a T450, they have a T400, mega test 500 and a super test 1000 but no 450.