Bro With a Cycle Question

garyzilla said:
What is AAS?

Anabolic /Andogenic Steroids

this should help you out with the "slang" terms

Definitions of Slang Terminology

ALA= Alpha Lipoic Acid
AS = Anabolic Steroids
AR = Androgen Receptor
BA = benzyl alcohol
BB = Body Builder or Body Building
BRO = You and I
CASE = The body part of a syringe
CC = cubic centimeter (one thousandth of a liter)
CLEN = Clenbuterol
CNS = Central Nervous System
CYP = Testosterone Cypionate
DART =Syringe/Needle
DBOL = Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)
DECA = Nandrolone Decanoate
DHT = Dihydrotestosterone
DNP = Dinitrophenol
DRINK Winstrol (winny) = Yes you can drink Winstrol (winny)
ECA = Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirin
ED = Every Day
ENTH = Testosterone Enanthate
EOD = Every other day
EQ = Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
FINA = Finaplix (Trenbolone Acetate)
GEAR= steroids
GH = Growth Hormone
GYNO = Gynomastica (Bitch tits)
HGH = Human Growth Hormone
HPTA = Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis
IGF = Insulin Growth Factor
INJ = Inject, Injection
LH = Leutenizing Hormone
MCG = Micrograms
MG = Milligrams
ML = Milliliters
NYC = Norephedrine Yohimbe Caffiene
NOLVA = Nolvaldex
OTC = Over the counter
PIN = Needle
PRIMO = Primobolan, Primobolan Depot
PROP = Testosterone Propionate
SLIN = Insulin
SUST = Sustanon
T3 = Thyroid Hormone
TEST = Testosterone
TREN = Trenbolone
WINNY = Winstrol-V (Stanozolol)
17 AA = 17 Alpha Alkylated
1cc = 1ml

CRS = Can't remember Shit
ot = off topic
O/T = off topic
LOL = Laugh out loud
LMAO = Laughing my ass off
LMFAO = laughing my fu(king ass off
ROFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
ROFLMFAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my fu(king ass off
ROFLMGDMFAO = rolling on the floor laughing my god damn mother fu(king ass off
BTW = By the way
IMO = In my opinion
IMHO = In my humble opinion
IMHO = In my honest opinion
WTF = What the fu(k
stfu = shut the fu(k up
AAFLB = Accronims are for lazy bastards
garyzilla said:
So will Test Enan help with cutting the body fat along with diet? Thanks for the terms!

It, like most steroids will help you hang onto your muscle mass while cutting on a caloric deficient diet, but diet is the key.
garyzilla said:
So will Test Enan help with cutting the body fat along with diet? Thanks for the terms!

You need to do a lot more reading. We have great articles on our article board. You have to read and learn the basics. We are here to help, but we need to see some effort on your part. All I have seen is you ask the most basic questions.

Research is key. Click on my link for steriod profiles and read about each steroid. Go to the article board and read up on basic cycles, and side effects, diet, training, Etc.

You are at 25% BF. You need to lose a lot of that naturally before you start to train. You obviosly need to work on your diet.

Start reading!!
It seems to what I have been reading so far is that when you go off the Juice you lose the muscle real fast. So you have to keep on taking it to keep the muscle. I want to lose the body fat, but the only thing that I worry about that while eating less calories, I will also lose alot of muscle. I am not new to wieght training by any means, but to riods I am. I want to cut and lose the bobdy fat without loseing muscle, and I want to gain more muscle.
Why do you guys/gals say to use only 1 drug for first timers aside from seeing how you react? Ive never read that before and usually I see newbies ask that and they are quickly told that 1 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycles are worthless. This is a new recommendation to me...
iron said:
Why do you guys/gals say to use only 1 drug for first timers aside from seeing how you react? Ive never read that before and usually I see newbies ask that and they are quickly told that 1 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycles are worthless. This is a new recommendation to me...

I don't know where you ever heard that "1 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycles are worthless".....but that could NOT be further from the truth.

BTW, you next post where you asked about my signature;
SC.............Never Too Old, is just my signature = StoneColdNTO (Never Too Old)
Why would you need more then one Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) on the first cycle. You have virgin receptors, so you didn't need more then 500mg a week. You can add more, but what your receptors don't except, has a high possibility of converting to an unwanted side effect. If you have to add an anti-e like femara or arimidex because of your doses your doing to much.

Lets say you do a deca and test cycle for your first, at 400mg of deca and 500mg of test and you gain 25lbs. Then after it's all said and done you keep 17lbs. Or you do a test cycle at 400mg a week, you gain 17lbs, when it's all said and done you keep 15lbs.

Which one do you think is harder on your body, I'd say the deca test cycle would be. Because you added weight that was water and/or more then your body could handle.

For me adding quality muscle at a slow pace and keeping your weight as stable as possible. It's better then going up and down with your weight. I believe it's a healthier and safer way to go.
