
i tried to do the scare thing for my brother but the damn 8th grader was 6' 2" these kid are eating wheatys with test instead of milk..
As a mom of 3 school aged girls I talk to them everyday about bullying.... you see it as early as kindergarten..it's a sad reality that most kids could be exposed to.... I am a hawk when it comes to my kids, I try to pay attention as much as I can when it comes to their school mates, etc..
and I'm constantly looking out for "sings" that this could be happening to them..

I strongly believe in helping kids build self esteem as this can "somewhat" protect them agasinst being bullied, usually kids who feel good abut themselves refuse to be bullied & showing that they are confident kids most of the time can send a strong message to the bullies to go pick on another kid...
Since they pray on who they believe to be "weaker " than them... we know bullies are no more than (insecured & kids with obvious problems & lacking self esteem)..

I haven't had to face this yet, and I understand the kid here is a boy & older... but teaching him to beat the $hit out of the other kid might not the end of it, or the solution here.. I think getting to the root of the problem & going through the propper channels might be a better way, schools now days have 0 tolerance for bulling.... most kids stay quiet when being bullied or handle things "their" own way & this could backfire & empower the bully even more... Can't say that if thishappened to my girls I would react totally "proper" but u have to teach them to face & deal with these situations & know how to deal with them on their own.

Hope u find a solution to this soon.

unfortunately where i come from having your mom come to the school to tell on the bully gets you in worse trouble.
I remember when I was in grade 4 and this huge bully in grade 8 used to pick on me, one day my uncle found out and drove around the neighborhood till he found him, he ran out of the car and literally kicked the guy in on the ground. From that day forth that bully was holding doors open for me, and he used to even go up to me every now and then and go tell your uncle were cool that everything's good. The kid was scared for his life.
hows the saying go? give a man a fish he eats for a day.. teach him to fish, he eats for a life time. :) solve the kids problems for him and he will likely not learn how to do so himself. maybe some self defense courses? the confidence from learning how to defend himself will likely help him most. we all have fear. need to learn how to over come it
Deal with it like every other kid does...

I did... So did my friends.. It's a fact of life...
I still get harassed and bullied but now being older, you don't take it to heart.

He's too young too understand right now. And I don't know much about parenting but, maybe you can pick him up from school, and fear the kids yourself... I know if I was to pick my little sister up from school, and they're messing with... After they seen me... I'm sure they'd think twice...

Go get a pump on... Wear a tank, low baseball cap... All will be good..

Don't fight, or tell on anyone... They're how old? It's gonna happen...

Maybe prescribe a little "Glee" to the kids... ahahahahaha... fucking fag show!!!
I know when anyone messed with my little sisters many moons ago, all hell broke loose! One kid was dumb enough to do the your 18 and Im 16 thing, I call the police afterward since your an adult. I was home on leave so also had to have to worry about those repercussions too. He said my little sister put out easy, had stds and bunch of other nasty stuff all because she wouldn't date him. Dummy , didn't realize I knew a bunch of people that went to that school. The local bad ass he tired to hire to get me was my best friend so he lost his cash and got an ass whopping by him for that one. Then he got it a few more times at random times while in the bathroom or crowded halls from others until he had to stand up on a table at lunch and make a public apology to her. I was an evil sob anytime someone crossed the line with my sisters. Worst part they were lucky the old man didn't find out because he was even crazier. One dummy brought his freinds to house after me. If they couldn't beat me up they had a guy with a gun. Between the dog, slamming into door at full blast, the moving to window to break it out, trying to get outside to get in the mix, crazy ass marine dad jumping out of his loud 4x4 with the biggest tool he could find in back seat, neighbor comming out on porch with rifle and his son running towards the mix with a baseball bat . They left in a hurry. But had no one else been there that one could have backfired on me.

Another time, this dipshit was snaking this poor kid in the back of head repeatedly. He had eplisey and he literally couldn't take and hits to head. Seen him when we were younger get hit in head during doge ball, it was not pretty. Told the dipshit to knock it off and he said make me. Got off at his stop and had to punk out about 50 other kids to get my ass out of there. Another coward who was afraid to finsih what he started himsel. Another one who tired to get someone bigger to fight his battle when he was in the wrong after his friends got punked out by me. The one thing I learned is most bullies who don't have a rep for fighting won't because they are terrified of getting their ass kicked and it can't take a good hit. They can easily be punked out or turned into the laughing stock but ya be be ready to fight just in case.

Lets fast forward many years ahead. This zero tolerance also goes for fighting even if your the victim or defending the victim. I was actually asked to talk about this subject to others not long ago. The school may very well notify the police, if the parents don't first even if it happens of school grounds. Police got their hands tied too with this type of stuff. Your brother could be the one who gets suspended or expelled because of this litte fat punk! Also when in doubt most PD's have local ordinance charges with a fighting charge on the books. They just arrest both subjects at times. Even though we are talking kids, this affects what happened at the school since their are many policies written on this and many more in the works because of bullying.

I'm not saying don't at least talk to the little shit. There are plenty of ways to scare him just carefull because if he goes home crying to mommy and she calls 911. Your the one that gets jammed up.

Also alot of kids today are now on Facebook, Skype and other kid type sites, some are even what they call anyomous posting sites. Yet all the local kids find each other and this is where the bullying is at its worst. People would be amazed what is said on these site and how young the ages are where this type of cyber bullying happens. Most kids don't tell their parents either because they are afraid they won't be able to go on the sites again. They take the abuse silently and it falls over into school too.

If you haven't, dig a little deeper and make sure you understand the whole scope of the bullying because it does have a very negative impact on your little bro's life.

Bottom line someone has to talk to the school and keep talking to them. Hopefully and while I doubt it, if the parents are decent they can help nip it in the but.

My daughter has a smart mouth on her and no filter, just like her daddy. She is a lot younger then your brother but, if we found out she said she didn't like someone or was mean at school we make her apologize the next day and to the parent as well. It goes a long way. I won't tolerate negative behavior.

We know his parents might not be that way. That's why you put it on the school and have your parents demand the incident be documented and dealt with. If anything happened on or off school grounds talk to the police if the school will not deal with it. That is why depts have juvenile officers and again its a documented record of the incidents so dip shots parents can't twist what happens latter. Let's say your brother goes and whoops his ass, ya know the parents might just be calling the Johnny C law firm looking for a pay day and will make their little monster out to look the innocent victim. This is why the paper trail is good.

Teach your brother to defend himself. It will also help with his confidence. Spend some extra time with him to help undo some of the damage that this little shit has done mentally to your brother. Explain to him most bullies have crappy life's, crappy parents and that's how they make themselves feel good. It's pretty pathetic and your little bro is the lucky one.

Good doesnt always win and why the paper trail is good. Local kid whose is just a monster of a kid, big football player, power lifter and a genuine good kid. was getting messed with by this fat tub of goo. Football player just laughs it off he got a girl, great family and friends. He knows he could crush this kid. Plus in my area any fights or arrests is an automatic no sports or school sponsored activities for a year regardless of who started it. This bully finally can't take his pitiful bullying attempts are not working and attacks the football player on the bus one day! This foot ball player took the beating, got his nose broken, black eye and busted lip, had to have scans of his brain etc and never once threw a punch!

Bus driver did nothing and never called his dispatch or police!!! Why the driver wasn't fired still pisses me off. The school and police said well we don't want to do anything because he's got a crappy life, his parents are rotten and yada yada! How many other kids was this looser messing with and the school just basically said we feel sorry for him so let's just drop it! It wasn't the first time either. The parents didn't want the kid arrested, didn't sue em either just wanted the school to get the kid some help and stop him from bullying. There were some lazy peope invovled with that one. So while you plan for the best expect the worst and be prepared.

We have two younger kids in my area who mama puts out so she can go do her drugs and screw random guys. These kids aren't anywhere near puberty and talking about sex, bloody vaginas, hurting people, etc! Their mama don't feed em lunch either on non school days. They go from house to house in the neighboorhood until they ruin all the extra attention they were getting from other parents feeling sorry for em. They literally won't leave your house until you kick em out! Once they start comming they won't stop either! But the boy and girl both have bullying tendicies among other issues they do to other kids. Worst part is you can't leave em alone for a second to take a piss because otherwise stupid stuff just comes out their mouth despite numerous warnings.
I caught the boy bullying a other kid and spitting in a kids face full luge style that he didn't like one day. That was my final straw. I called the school and the bitch mom did the were moving after the summer so we won't be back! Of corse I knew that was a lie. I made it clear to both kids stay the hell away from my house and my kids even at school! He had the nerve to try and tell me off. One of neighbors heard what came out of this kids mouth and his jaw hit the ground. Bottom like he stays off my block all together now. Won't gear near my kids period and all the neighbors have done the same. We can't parent other people's damaged kids. But a few well chosen words during my conversation with the little best took care of him starting stuff at the busstop with other kids. When the mom's kids do something wrong she won't even answer the door! Wont return phone calls either. If it gets brought to school she just does the were moving bit and it slides as usual.

If you are prepared at least you can take care of what is most important. That is your brother. This is why you should have your parents reach out to the school. Document date/time who they spoke to so if school blows it off their is documentation. Ya don't want to let that little monster use he's the now victim part.
Wish ya the best in this just keep a cool head and think smart about how you handle it.
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The best solution here is to try and teach your brother to not be afraid of confrontation. Teach him a few basics about fighting, they're young enough that I bet the bulky doesn't know squat. Aim for the throat, pull on the ears, throw elbows on the ground. He doesn't have to win the fight, he just has to be willing to fight. If he gives this bully a couple solid shots, the kid isn't going to want to fight anymore. He will move on to an easier target. Nobody likes getting hit.
I was bullied as a kid its why I got into martial arts, there still Young enough I suggest, I don't think a physical confrontation would be the worst thing you teach your bro how to throw a good strait and and a hook in a one two combo. If the kid confronts your brother and bullies him tell your brother to say he's not gonna take any more shit then when the bully continues immediately strait right followed by left hook, sucker pinch style then back away. A number of things can happen following this including your bro getting his ass beat but they are young it wont be that bad, what he will get for sure is respect of the other kids and respect for himself which is key. Plus in that grade there not going to get more then detention for a fight so it will be fine.

Let us know what you decide to do