Buying finaplix h online , do they check


New member
So I am considering purchasing fina online but I'm wondering if anyone on here has ever had any government agency come by and check to c your cows out
They did not used to check but who knows now a days. Its been a few years since I have done this so sorry I cannot be of more help!
Im pretty sure the "pellets" are manufactured differently now then beford. Not sure you can convert them...
Its been a few years since I had any. A buddy had some a couple months ago. Ones I have found were too expensive to be worth it. Anyone here work on a feed lot? We can make it worth it:)
Im pretty sure the "pellets" are manufactured differently now then beford. Not sure you can convert them...

Yeah, they use a different binder to keep the estradiol mixed with the tren. Most guys that I know just buy raws now as the cost has gotten pretty crazy for pellets. You can still convert them, but the solvent is different from what I understand.

I was asking a family friend that raises cows about this, and he said that the feed store does a check to make sure he's licensed for livestock, but it may vary from state to state.
You can still find the finaplix-h here and there but it is tough but its around here and there.
Now a days it is sold as revalor I think and it does contain estrodiol. If you use the recrystalization method you can use the revalor or you can also use Naoh to strip the estradiol but you also run the risk of stripping the ester off of the tren leaving you with tren base as opposed to tren ace. I can do both of the above but to be honest I cannot explain them to you. Both methods are a bit complicated and if you are not very experienced in brewing as well as general chemistry I would not recommend doing either.
Now a days powder cost & availability has made it not worth it to do this anyway.
No you can still get finaplex-h. Raw is much less expensive, 1/10 the price of a 2 gram cartridge. If your raw is legit that is. There is no need to use estrodiol with heifers.
Last time I tried to order finaplex h the store called me to confirm I had a livestock license so yes most check on ya and like everyone else said Raws are the way to go