came out with 54ml of tren


New member
It's been about 3 years since I converted Fina useing the coffe filter. I liked just to let it sit a day or 2 and pull the clear off the sludge, filter it (whatman) and done. Well I did pretty much the same thing but after pulling the clear fina off the sludge, this time I put the bottle with the sludge (glue) in hot water for a couple of minutes. Then swirled it around a few times and poured it in the coffee filter to add to what I had already pulled out with the syringe. I ended up with 52ml. 54ml after pushing 2cc of oil through the whatman. I had 4cc of oil in that syringe to push through the whatman but I just used 2 and threw the other 2 away.

Has anyone else ever came out with 54ml from a 4g kit? It would've been 56ml if I had have used all the oil I had set aside to push through the whatman.
Sounds almost perfect. You cant recover every last bit of tren, so the kits take this into consideration by figuring in the total volume as if you had a litte less than 4g. You ended up with ~75mg/ml right? Sounds good to me.
Good deal. I've never came out with as much, plus this method would have to be a little stronger because I didn't use all the oil. Great, and thanks for your input.