Can i add Yohimbine to my ECA stack?


New member
ive heared people say that Yohimbine counteracts ephedrine and some say that it doesnt get along well with caffeen and some say that the 4 are great togther and non have a really good objective reason for there statments... any one know for sure?
TheIrish said:
ive heared people say that Yohimbine counteracts ephedrine and some say that it doesnt get along well with caffeen and some say that the 4 are great togther and non have a really good objective reason for there statments... any one know for sure?
if i wanted to add it i would just take it at a different time of day than the eca .
I wouldn't recommend it. I had to stop taking yohimbine because it has a powerful effect for me as a stimulant. I once did what you are talking about and gave me parkinson like tremors for an hour. it didn't make me feel hyped like speed, made me feel like your overdosing or something shaking uncontrollably. Also panic attack. Real yohimbine is powerful stuff. If I tried it..maybe not over 4mg, but I threw mine out after about 3 tries at it. The amount contained in a dose of Lipo 6 didn't bother me, but any higher I would be careful, especialy with other stimulants.
I personally don't see an issue with it. I would have to disagree that it doesn't go well with caffeine... I've seen no studies or reports that support that notion. I'd do what dawg recommended, take it at a different time then the ECA until you get adjusted to the effects. for bigj's experience above, that just sounds like he is hypersensitive to the drug and some people react that way to a chemical they shouldn't be taking. Others have used Yohimbine and felt little to nothing.
dont take E and Y together. can do goofy shit to heart rate, breathing, etc. some people can get away with it fine though.

take them at least 3 hours apart.

yohimbine with caffeine is fine. in fact, i believe it does next to nothing without the caffeine.
Yohimbe and ECA stack!

I'd start with a low dose of it if you. Sounds like a lot of stims to mix, you may end up freakin' the f--k out! Let me know how it goes if you do.
just as a note- yohimbine enhances the effects of ephedrine (orally this can cause BP and HR issues due to plasma spike and mild gut MAO inhibition). Yohimburn (topical) does not have these issues.

it enhances ephedrine effect by stopping down regulation of NE release via A2 regulation (yohimbine blocks the A2). NE release is the primary mechanism by which ephedrine works
The first time I did it, I thought I was going to pass out. It increased my BP to 140/88 which is high for me and my heart rate to 116. I had the gitters and I had to talk myself down from going into a full blown panic attack. I understood the chemical response that was occurring in my body as a result of the combination so I was ok with it. I did this for 2 weeks hoping I would start to get used to it. I never I stopped taking the yohimbe with the stack. I felt fine taking it 3 hours later which would be my suggestion.