Can I get going?!!!


Getting ripped

Just received my finaplix and some finakits from . I'm eager to start cooking since this is my first time doing homebrewn. But I won't be using the tren until June,Jule. I must recover from my last cycle first. Will there be any problem storing it? Could it expire, loose effect, start growing bacteria etc etc. And also where do I store it. Refrig.?

Thanks bro's :afro:

Fuck this really pisses me off. The package sent with USPS to my country has "dissapeared" at the post office. What shall I do?
I have the tracking # and everything and it says it was delivered 5 days ago. If it was so that it would be stuck in customs....would it say on USPS's homepage?
Stupid morans!!!! Shall I contact USPS or what shall I do...I mean they owe me $120!
if customs had it it would be indicated on the tracker. did usps tell you it was misplaced? where was it delivered to, your house or the post ofice?

whatever you do dont make a scene. if its gone let it go and try again.
this is has happened to me, except with UPS, after confronting the person that does that particular route, we found out she delivered to the wrong address. Package was on the doorstep and 10 mins later was in my kitchen
I've sent it to the local postoffice. But it ended up at the postcentral which is closest to where I live, and that is the hospital´s post central!
So the guys over there didn't know much. Tons of post go out and in from there everyday. So I started looking around for it myself.
I'm gonna gover there in an hour and see if there's at least one competent person working there.

Found that one competent person!! HAHA! The envelope lay right on the desk in the middle of the room.
The world is full of fuckin morans....ooohh.....It scares me!
Stupid post staff!

But I got what I wanted and that's what counts!
So now it's time to start cooking!
