Can't eat when I wake up .. suggestions


New member
Firt of all, I am NOT a morning person. I have tried to become one, because I actually do like the mornings and getting the most out of my day, but I love to sleep.

When I get up I can never eat right away. I need a couple hours before I am hungry.

I am guessing I am not the only one who feels like this, what do you do? I am trying to get 4,000 cals in, and I really need that morning meal.

Two things.

1) Eat lots of cottage cheese before bed. I find that if I keep my stomach busy at night, it's ready to go in the morning.

2) If you still don't have an appetite, just make a protein shake with milk to get something in you. I always have one in the morning because I just don't have time for breakfast.
i used to be the same way, but if you force yourself to eat breakfast, after a while your stoumach will be used to it... now when i wake up if i dont eat in like 30 minutes im starvin!
I have to fully agree on the fill up before bed suggestion... If I go to bed hungry, I wake up not wanting to eat, but when I go to bed stuffed I wake up starving my ass off!!

Not sure why, but it is always the same.

My normal morning meal is ....

big bowl of oatmeal with a scoop of chocolate protein powder
2 pieces whole wheat toast
protein shake.
Try a meal replacement shake that you can sip on throughout the morning. Quick easy and convinient.
Insane_Man said:
Two things.

1) Eat lots of cottage cheese before bed. I find that if I keep my stomach busy at night, it's ready to go in the morning.

2) If you still don't have an appetite, just make a protein shake with milk to get something in you. I always have one in the morning because I just don't have time for breakfast.

I agree.:)
nabiller said:
i used to be the same way, but if you force yourself to eat breakfast, after a while your stoumach will be used to it... now when i wake up if i dont eat in like 30 minutes im starvin!

I'd like to echo the sentiments above about a protein shake. Quick, easy, and bam, you start off with 50grams of protein and it isn't even 10am!
thanks for the suggestions.

I have been forcing myself, I am just getting tired of it.

I usually eat 4-5 eggs and some WW toast or oatmeal. I am going to try the protein shake tomorrow morning. I just always thought it was important to have some real food in the AM. Maybe I will switch it back and forth.
This works for some people and it might work for you, before you go to bed take a multivitamin, they tend to increase appetite for many people, along with forcing yourself to have a good breakfast, a multivitamin can help crank up your appetite. I prefer childrens vitamins--they taste good and they give you what you need without giving you too much. Those high powered multivitamins are usually overkill and most of the nutrients end up in your urine anyway.
What time do you go to bed? I find that if i go to bed around 10-11, then i wake up alot better for class @ 8 in the morning. Also, I don't have time for breakfats and I'm in a dorm and the service doesn't open till 11, so what I do is make a 45g protein shake, drink that at 9:30, then i eat at around 11 or so, not a big breakfats person, but try that, it seems to work for me, liquid is much smotther on the throat then some lumpy breakfast. Make sure u get enough sleep though, that i think is a key role in your day, and try not to over sleep as well.
if you dont have a problem with marijuana, then just smoke out as soon as you wake up. you will be hungry, trust me. otherwise the only thing i would say is force yourself. make eating breakfast a habit. it really is the most important meal. or you could throw half a cup of oatmeal in the blender along with some almonds, bee pollen and honey. oh yeah, plus whatever protein supp you use. that is a very complete meal. bee pollen contains just about all the vitamins and minerals you can think of plus it has alot of amino acids.