carbs when taking R-ALA


New member
I am currently cutting right now and was curious if when taking R-ALA you can up your daily carbs slightly since this is blocking them. I am eating about 100-125 grams a day right mow.....

Any help appreciated
It doesnt "block" them. It decreases insulin sensitivity, and helps repartition nutrients. It should enhance your current diet, but it does not allow a free for all on carbs.
I wasnt talking about a free for all!...LOL...thanks for the explanation...I will keep my currwnt carb intake at the current level when I add this in..
Thanks again
try vinegar, it does what ala is supposed to do but doesn't, supposedly. check CEM or avant labs board for vinegar and glycogen repletion, 4cc per 100g carbs.
little teddy said:
try vinegar, it does what ala is supposed to do but doesn't, supposedly. check CEM or avant labs board for vinegar and glycogen repletion, 4cc per 100g carbs.
Ingested Orally correct?
the CEM "guys" have no idea what they are talking about, at least with respect to either ALA or R+ ALA.