Chest: Why not twice a week?

Easto said:
Reading this post, I highly doubt this guy is doing any type of WSBB, not does he care to do a PL routine.

I agree, most people asking if they want to do it twice a week are not talking about deloading. If they were, they wouldn't be asking about it in the first place.

Chest does not require a lot of volume, it is not a large bodypart. There is no way I'd be doing it twice a week full on, without greatly reducing my already low chest volume. I'm an over 400 bencher and my body can't handle it, if you are some freaky islander guy who can do whatever he wants and somehow continues to make gains then do as you will. If you are a person with normal or less than normal genetics, then dont train full-on twice a week.
MuffDyver said:
ive been doing DC for a quite a while now and that routine icorporates chest twice a week but since on those days you only do one heavy compound movemnet until failure so you really arent over training. this routine works miracles if done correctly.

DC routines are tailored to the individual, and frequency also is tailored. Most people might for example M/W/F which is not a true twice a week scenario. This is also lower volume than the person who thinks like a bodybuilder, who is doing 8-20 sets for "chest," then doing that many for triceps and shoulders.