Clen help!


New member
Hi all!

I'm a 26 year old female, 160kg, bf 20%- train hard 6 times per week, split routine and add HIIT cadrio 3 times per week, Involves heavy lifting, squats, deadlifts, lunges etc.

I ran t3 only managed 3 weeks as headaches were to bad- did not see any results. I'm thinking of doing clen, I have a mid section I just cannot shift an it's doing my head in!

Diet consists of:


meal 1: 6 eggs, 5 whites 1 whole and turkey bacon
meal 2: protein shake and strawberrys
meal 3:chicken breast sweet potato
meal 4:Brown rice/tofu OR tuna/brown pasta
meal 5:chicken/turkey breast with green veg

Shake before bed if hungry still.

what are the risks with clen? is it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off? I need to strip the fat.

Please help!! Cheers :)
Ha... thanks! was that an insult?? :) I don't look huge, I look slim! quite muscular..

160 kg is really heavy - it's equal to 352 pounds - I dont think it's possible to be that big and have only 20% BF unless you like 10 feet tall or something ;P
made a mistake, 58kg....!!!!...126 pounds, that's what I am, 9 stone on the dot, never changes! whic is not a bad thing, don't car how much I weigh to an extent, want to cut body fat, so would you recommned I try clen?

I have actually ordered some N2Slin, heard very good reports, done my research as always. What would you say about my diet??......
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made a mistake, 58kg....!!!!...126 pounds, that's what I am, 9 stone on the dot, never changes! whic is not a bad thing, don't car how much I weigh to an extent, want to cut body fat, so would you recommned I try clen?

I have actually ordered some N2Slin, heard very good reports, done my research as always. What would you say about my diet??......

No, I wouldnt recommend clen for 2 reasons. One if you got headaches with T-3 you're likely to get bad headaches with Clen. Also you should get your diet and exercise on spot before taking supplements. And for a bonus third reason there are some safer supplements that work great that you may want to try first since they have a lot less side effects. NTBM has some great ones, the N2Slin being one of them. I also really like their Forged Burner.

As for your diet I would recommend you go to this thread and post your diet there and see if 3J has any recommendations for you, he seems to be the diet guru around here :)
I went to his post but the last post was 2009 so prob won't get anything back!

With n2slin... Does it still work if taken before protein meal? How many tabs,? Obviously there has to be guidelines with it but I know you can take more.

This diet works for me, tried carb cycle,keto but without complex carbs my sugar cravings go through the roof and I end up eating chocolate. Do you think my bf is to high?
If you try the Forged Burner and like it try adding Alpha T2 to that as well. My wife has run this stack off and on for over a year and really likes the results that she gets from it. You can't go wrong with using the Need2Slin as well, it's an outstanding product.
I've looked at forged burner briefly, it was taken off the shelves I hear? which may indicate it was not selling or not doing what it says on the tin?

Can I get the alpha 2 stuff from that link? Is it legal? what does it do?

Appreciate your help :)
Ahhhhhh I have looked at alpha t2 before... Which back. I'm going to order some tomorrow- what's the best way to stack alpha t2 and n2slin? Can you give an example plz as this is new for me. Take both together? Amount? I know they contain Stims but don't give bad sides like the shakes etc but shouldn't need to have to take before training? can make yr heart race to much that's all
My wife is very sensitive to stims and she loves the combo of Forged Burner and the Alpha because it does not make her feel all jittery. I believe she takes the Alpha before a meal and the forged after, but I will have to double check with her on it...
Clenbuterol carries a lot of risks with it including respiratory problems, heart enlargement, breathing problems, anxiety and hypertension. Beyond that, you should always run it with T3 since it decreases your thyroid activity (this is one of the reasons you get bad rebound after you discontinue using Clen.) Unless you plan on competing I dont think its a necessary drug to lower body fat especially at 20%.

Frenchy if you do decide on the N2slin, I would run some sort of appetite s2\uppressant with it for at least the first 2 weeks. During that time I noticed that my appetite increases. It will usually taper off in the 3rd week, but it helps to add in a stimulant in the beginning.

I like N2slin with Lipo Stim/Flame or Forged Burner I have easily dropped 5 lbs in a few weeks with that and a clean low carb diet and cardio.
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made a mistake, 58kg....!!!!...126 pounds, that's what I am, 9 stone on the dot, never changes! whic is not a bad thing, don't car how much I weigh to an extent, want to cut body fat, so would you recommned I try clen?

I have actually ordered some N2Slin, heard very good reports, done my research as always. What would you say about my diet??......

Your diet definitely needs some work..
I went to his post but the last post was 2009 so prob won't get anything back!

With n2slin... Does it still work if taken before protein meal? How many tabs,? Obviously there has to be guidelines with it but I know you can take more.

This diet works for me, tried carb cycle,keto but without complex carbs my sugar cravings go through the roof and I end up eating chocolate. Do you think my bf is to high?

I posted on there last month and since then many other people have as well - the last post on there was this week (if not today) - you may want to relook and make sure you went to the last page of the thread.