Clen only or Clen/stan cycle for fat burn and get shred


New member
Hi to All,
this is my first time i am going to start with any kind of steroids. So need your help for suggestion for running Fat loss cycle.

I am thinking to go with Clenbuterol and stanzolol orals
i am thinking to go with 6 weeks cycle in which i am thinking to go with
-2 week on and 2 week off for clen (that is 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th week)
-6 weeks with stan that would be 10 mg everyday

please point out if this cycle doesnt makes any sense to you guys, or if you think clen alone would do work and no need to add stan with it.
I am planning to start with my cycle in next 3-4 days, i don't want to exceed my deadline to get to less bodyfat percentage.

The clen is fine but 10'mg of whinny is gonna do nothing for u 30-50 Mgs Ed would help preserve muscle but whinny does not burn fAt i would to clen and t-3 myself
Hi welcome to the forums! Please give us some more stats so we can be more accurate with our help!
U better off running atleast a small dose of test (250-300) to maintain muscle mass. Otherwise the clen will burn that too.....not just fat.
I am not targeting to very much low on body fat. I am currently looking to go for 10%.
Age is 24 years, Currently weigh 76 kg, height is 5'11.

I can lift not extremly heavy, but at my current routine i can squats 134 kg at max, bench 110kg, deadlift 142kg.

Please let me know if these are not the correct stats which you were asking for
U better off running atleast a small dose of test (250-300) to maintain muscle mass. Otherwise the clen will burn that too.....not just fat.

I can't inject to myself thats why i am going for oral small cycle. Not even have someone who can help.
People around at gym are haters only, they do not appreciate anyone's hard work or effort.
Thats why i can't go for injectable as of now
Hi to All,
this is my first time i am going to start with any kind of steroids. So need your help for suggestion for running Fat loss cycle.

I am thinking to go with Clenbuterol and stanzolol orals
i am thinking to go with 6 weeks cycle in which i am thinking to go with
-2 week on and 2 week off for clen (that is 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th week)
-6 weeks with stan that would be 10 mg everyday

please point out if this cycle doesnt makes any sense to you guys, or if you think clen alone would do work and no need to add stan with it.
I am planning to start with my cycle in next 3-4 days, i don't want to exceed my deadline to get to less bodyfat percentage.


You should focus on dieting.. keep clen out of the mix because whatever you think you may achieve, you're just gonna rebound once you stop clen.. Whatever you think you read or know about clen,let it go..Don't be to confident about clen possessing any substantial anti catabolic effect, because you'll be in for a rude awaking!

If that's you in your avy, you seem to have a decent foundation (from what little it shows), You're better off with some test (test is absolutely amazing for chemically assisting with fat loss)..test only does wonders especially when dieting down and you're looking for muscle preservation while reducing adipose tissue..

Here's a fast brake down: There's numerous mechanisms when it concerns androgens and there ability to reduce body fat..When dieting down and your goal is to retain as much muscle as possible, angros will be your go to, due to the fact of not only do andros posses anti-catabolic effects (minimizing tissue brake down), but andros increase the presence of more AR's not only in the muscle, but AR's are also found in subcutaneous adipose tissue as well, in upregulation and presence of andros will disrupt storage for triglycerides in the white adipose tissue(WAT), thus you will have less accumulation and more subQ (WAT) tissue being metabolized..Subcutaneous fat is *********ally less active then visceral fat,however andro's especially the king "Testosterone" deeply affect adipocyte proliferation, differentiation, and fat mass distribution, hereby controlling critical ********* functions...

What I'm say here is, circulating androgens control adipocyte size and adipose mass thus it will be better suited for you needs and goal in mind, not a beta-2 agonists.. If you wish to add clen, do so under the conditions with testosterone or you may experience a considerable amount of muscle loss!

Just my 0.02
No oral only. I've ran clen alone before and have seen minimal results. The only benefit for me from clen alone was the ability to push the cardio to another level. Now running test/Tren/t3/clen and I'm seeing very good bf% loss. The synergy of those 4 has been a game changer for me. My advice don't do oral only. If you want something bad enough, you'll figure out a way to inject. Otherwise running clen only you will only see improvement in the ability to do cardio. Good luck

U are my height and at 72 kg s x 2 = 144 plus 10 percent = 158 pounds or basically 45-50 pounds less than I ...and I m not cut AT ALL.

What u proposed was quaranteed to accomplish not much at all...really. We re not here to bash but help u avoid a crash. To get lean u need to up your activities and improve your diet. A torso pic would greatly improve our diet guru 3j and other s assist you. A small explanation of how you live activity wise would further enlighten us thus enable us to help u change your look. 6 months not 6 weeks...for starters.

I m the mall cop here...please put up a pic and NOONE will bash you..I give u great credit for making up ur mind to change. The answers not in a pill or pin but in ur mind. Taking steroids will have to involve injections. Period. It sound s brutal but it s not. We all have our phobia s. I m a country fuck who s scared of livestock unless I m eating it. Had a cow crush my foot and a horse run through the woods me getting shredded by tree limbs.

U ll have to do this mostly with motivation...
That would be a an OK cycle for a woman. Not for a man though. Men need to run testosterone with every AAS cycle. Read the FAQs link below in my signature.