

New member
hi all I'm a newbie to the site and steroid use i have a question about Clenbuterol.

I'm 6ft 5in i weigh 16 stone and I'm of a medium build .
should i take Clenbuterol to reduce body fat then another course of steroids to increase muscle mass and strength or should i do it the other way around.


I dont know how many pounds 16 stones is but anywho, you could use clen to shed off extra body fat. its best to start your first cycle pretty lean so you can see your results better imo.
hi all I'm a newbie to the site and steroid use i have a question about Clenbuterol.

I'm 6ft 5in i weigh 16 stone and I'm of a medium build .
should i take Clenbuterol to reduce body fat then another course of steroids to increase muscle mass and strength or should i do it the other way around.



other way around. build then cut. muscle burns fat so you will have an easier time cutting if you have added some lean mass prior to cutting.

however, i would also not recommend jumping into cutting with clen right after your cycle. you will lose much of what you gained. run post cycle therapy (pct), retain and maintain your new mass, then cut
I agree with the last post. Plus, if you workout, at 6'5" 224 you shouldn't have that much bodyfat to begin with.
Some claim clen is anti-catabolic and thats why people using it for post cycle therapy (pct), but that doesnt mean to drop your calories too. Like Mark said, cutting during post cycle therapy (pct) is a good way to lose your new muscle. Run clen if you want but keep your calories up.
cheers for the help fellas. so it looks like i'll be doing the test how much should i take and how often , for my body size this will be my first cycle.

whats post cycle therapy (pct) mean ?

cheers for the help fellas. so it looks like i'll be doing the test how much should i take and how often , for my body size this will be my first cycle.

whats post cycle therapy (pct) mean ?


How long have you been training naturally?

A very basic, yet effective first cycle, usually consists of testosterone enthanate or cypionate @ around 400mg/wk for ten to twelve weeks.

post cycle therapy (pct) stands for 'post-cycle therapy' which is absolutely essential if you wish to retain a substantial portion of your gains once your cycle commences.

Read through some of the stickies at the top of the page.
How long have you been training naturally?

A very basic, yet effective first cycle, usually consists of testosterone enthanate or cypionate @ around 400mg/wk for ten to twelve weeks.

PCT stands for 'post-cycle therapy' which is absolutely essential if you wish to retain a substantial portion of your gains once your cycle commences.

Read through some of the stickies at the top of the page.

i haven't really trained that much weights i just keep fit i.e. a bit of running and my job is physical which also helps . i know i need to train naturally for a while but how long before my first cycle.
I'm very serious about doing this properly i'm willing to do what every it takes to get my body in shape.
First time clenbuterol user...

I am a 22 yr old, female about to start using Clenbuterol for the first time, and I have a minor heart problem. I have MVP (which is a weak heart valve). Will Clen have any negative reaction to my heart? I was going to start out taking a low dose.
I am a 22 yr old, female about to start using Clenbuterol for the first time, and I have a minor heart problem. I have MVP (which is a weak heart valve). Will Clen have any negative reaction to my heart? I was going to start out taking a low dose.

clen can screw with your blood pressure last time I checked. personally I would be hesitant to be running the clen, it can get intense.
i haven't really trained that much weights i just keep fit i.e. a bit of running and my job is physical which also helps . i know i need to train naturally for a while but how long before my first cycle.
I'm very serious about doing this properly i'm willing to do what every it takes to get my body in shape.

train with weights for at least a year before starting steroids. steroids should be used to get over your natural peak, not to get there. I personally made the mistake of doing them right after taking a break from training and all it did was get me back to my peak. in the end do what you like,but it's best to learn from other people's mistakes.

and don't expect magic beans
agreed. i would hold off on the AAS cycle too until you have some years of weight training under your belt.

Ive been on clen now for 2 months(2w on 2w off), and I've had remarkable results. I've done clen before and am comfortable using it becuse of my confidence on it. I've used ECA, but to me its just not the same. Started at 270+ and I'm bout 245 and gaining muscle! Remember clen won't do anything for you if you don't eat right.
clen is over rated

Why do you say that? Maybe your diet just sucked while on it? I was losing 2 lbs a week average. I did Clen two weeks on, two weeks off, and lost an average of 4 lbs - 5 lbs a week. I lost more weight in two weeks then I would have the entire month if I didn't take Clen. It really helps you get to your goals faster if you know what you are doing.
Why do you say that? Maybe your diet just sucked while on it? I was losing 2 lbs a week average. I did Clen two weeks on, two weeks off, and lost an average of 4 lbs - 5 lbs a week. I lost more weight in two weeks then I would have the entire month if I didn't take Clen. It really helps you get to your goals faster if you know what you are doing.
I agree with you homie. I lost weight, while adding muscle.
I am a 22 yr old, female about to start using Clenbuterol for the first time, and I have a minor heart problem. I have MVP (which is a weak heart valve). Will Clen have any negative reaction to my heart? I was going to start out taking a low dose.

As mentioned above, I would NOT use clen knowing that you have a heart issue, no matter how minor in nature you feel it may be.
I recently started taking Clen in liquid form - I have taken up to 70mcg and it's not affecting me. I only weigh 134 and am looking to lose 10 pounds, but for some reason I dont feel the Clen AT ALL. What should I do?