clomiphene/Clomid info and help


New member
What’s up people?im new here and have a question I could use some help with. im in my mid 30’s and my doctor put me on clomiphene/Clomid for my low T. I have always hit the weights hard but I have never used, so im not 100% sure why I have low T. I did have a varicose “one in each nut” repaired, so that’s my guess.

Anyway my question is what can I expect from clomiphene/Clomid use?im on 50 mg once per day. Is that a “normal dose” to start with or would a 25 mg be more in line? Im guessing I will have to take this drug for the rest of my life or until I switch over to TRT.I have only been on it for about 20 days and I have already started to feel a little more sex drive.

I also read that clomiphene/Clomid more or less prevents/stops “bitch tits”, is that correct?how high can t-levels get on it?

Any info you guys can shoot me would be great.also sorry if this is posted on the wrong thread, I looked around but was still unsure where to post.I chose this section because I figured some of you guys would have used clomiphene/Clomid for pct.
50mg eod had me in the upper 800s for T
You may also want to consider AI monotherapy...i felt better with that compared to clomid protocol (sides with clomid can suck)

Clomid will also raise you e2 levels... you may want to get on a low dose of AI to control that, or hop on 20mg nolvadex ed so you can block the estrogen receptors altogehter.

... although nolva is not an answer to high e2...its just a "quick fix" to prevent moobs
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Sounds like your Doc is trying to do an HPTA Restart. You must have Secondary Hypogonadism. Did you talk about how long you would use the Clomid for or is he thinking this is permanent?

Before we get into more details, I suggest your read the Basic TRT Overview Sticky thread found at the top of the TRT forum. That will get you grounded in the basics of TRT so that we can have a conversation.

Can you also post up your blood work results please?
ty for the info guys any is helpful!yeah my test has been naturally low for a few years now and its does doctor did say i was Secondary Hypogonadism "not 100% sure on the secondary part but i thinks its correct. i was using a-gel for about 6 months but my t levels never really went i took myself off it in early spring and start using alpha male again,really i felt better using a-male then i did a-gel. i was seeing an endocrinologist but i think they were crazy so i switch over to a urologist.i think it was the right move since he did a varicocele repair on my about 6 weeks ago.

the urologist is the one that told me about clomid and its effects on on upping t-levels and not destroying your balls at the same time.i cant post my blood work #'s since i cant say for sure what they are.when i was seeing the endo doc the highest my t levels ever were was about guessing thats total as they never told me other wise.the a -gel at one point dropped my level down to about 150,then back up to 300.even off the a-gel and only using alpha male my t levels where about 300,so i seen no point in taking a-gel.

my new doctor the urologist did do complete blood work, i called and they said the #'s for my t were low 300ish,so start the clomid and finish healing from the surgery and re test your blood work in thats where im at atm,i will make sure i get my full #'s from my doc when we do them again,i know thats important.the doctor himself never said how long to take the clomid for but his PA did say they usually go for 4 months then take you off it.then they check to see if your t-levels drop again or not.

its only been about 3 weeks and i can feel it starting to work but i just want to make sure i know everything i can and that im doing it right.i read forums where people take clomid 25 mg 3 or 4 days a week for x amount of weeks.i seen guys say they took 50 mg and followed the same routine.mine is 50 mg per day for 20 days,then 5 days wonder if thats the best approach or not.then the bitch tits thing got my mind going so i did some reading and that lead me here.i dont have or feel any type of bitch tits but i want to make sure i never get them.i think alpha male has a product called M in it and thats a blocker if im not mistaken.wonder if they would do the trick if needed?
maybe its time i do an article on clomid... that way people are more informed on it.. tron do we have a sticky on clomid yet?
that would be great!got another question-how does one tell if they are primary or secondary Hypogonadism?like i said above my t levels were around 300ish,thats low end but it does tell me my body is still producing some T.
that would be great!got another question-how does one tell if they are primary or secondary Hypogonadism?like i said above my t levels were around 300ish,thats low end but it does tell me my body is still producing some T.

Read the Basic TRT Overview Sticky at the top of this forum. It answers that question.
I wish u luck 50 mg 3 TIMES a week has helped alot of secondary hyoo guys...
I would suggest starting with 25 mg ED then up to 50 after 2 months if need be.
Make sure you feel well on it..
50 mg ED is a bit much and lots of guys opt not to use that dose cause of the Estradiol sides.
But don't be spooked give it a shot and monitor Estradiol...
And get on low dose a.I. (adex) 0.125 mg eod-e3d if you have Estradiol above 50 pg/ml(its different for many guys depends where u feel right)
I wish u luck 50 mg 3 TIMES a week has helped alot of secondary hyoo guys...
I would suggest starting with 25 mg ED then up to 50 after 2 months if need be.
Make sure you feel well on it..
50 mg ED is a bit much and lots of guys opt not to use that dose cause of the Estradiol sides.
But don't be spooked give it a shot and monitor Estradiol...
And get on low dose a.I. (adex) 0.125 mg eod-e3d if you have Estradiol above 50 pg/ml(its different for many guys depends where u feel right)

hey ty for the info- like i said above i been on the Clomid for about 24 days now.i was fine for the first 2 weeks or so but last few days i started to feel off. had this nauseous feeling and have not been hungry at all.i feel a little jittery along with a few hot flashes. went for a walk yesterday and my eyes seemed a little sensitive,no pain or anything. im supposed to take the clomid for 25 days followed by 5 days off and now im on the 5 day off part. i have been thinking taking 50 mg everyday for 25 days seems a bit much to me. when you say 50 mg 3 times a week is enough are you talking about something like taking the clomid 3 straight days or a monday- wed -Friday type thing. i was also thinking about taking it before i went to bed so i could sleep though some of it if i felt off.

i was looking at nolvadex as i heard it does not have the side effects as clomid has but when i read into it it seems no different.a guy above said AI monotherapy is better then clomid as well.anyone one have links or info on that?

i hope that having varicocele removed/repaired in my right nut will help kick my t production back on as well.some docs say they dont effect t levels while others say they do,i tend to go with the latter.i had varicocele coil embolization on my left side a few years ago but i dont think thats a 100% fix rather more of a patch job.
Ya it would be 50 mg 3 times a week.
The Lahey clinic did a study on this dosage for 4 months.
Jittery could very well be the estrogenic isomer in the drug (acts like estrogen on receptors)...
I felt the same...nauseous, loss of appetite and racey...
25 mg ED OR 50 MG 3 times a week might be more tolerable.
In essence you are kick started now some what.
You been on 50 mg for 25 days straight that's pretty much a month. I don't know why the 5 days off and 25 days on again that's just odd.

I would recommend labs (LH,FSH,tesr,Estradiol) day after last dose of clomid.
As for the varicosele, it might help but I wouldn't expect a huge jump in TT...
Clomid 3 times a week means M*W*F
Unless you had Estradiol above 40 pg/ml...
I would not recommend heavy doses of adex...
I would try 0.125 mg eod-e3d....
That's if u need it.
But clomid would bring up LH, FSH a bit more for what you are looking for. Dr. Scally believes the dual isomer actions of clomid are what help the HPTA restart...

Who knows??
Main thing is you are feeling well on ANY protocol u are on.
It doesn't matter if its clomid, Test, HCG, ai....
Main thing is if the drug is a good fit for u.
Hope this helps
whats up guys?just wanted to jump back here and give an update on myTest/clomid use. so like i said above i was on clomid 50 mg everyday but stopped do to sides. i was off clomid for a few weeks then started taking 50mg 3 times a week like some of here suggested,its been 2-3 WEEKS x3 mwf. no sides as of yet but i did get my blood work back today and wanted some input.

so today my E2 levels were 40.6 and my doc said i was just over the "normal range".is that true?40.6 e2 levels means what?wjat do i need to watch out for?hopefully not bitch tits.i cant say what my e2 levels were ebfore the clomid because it was not tested.

follicle stimulating hormone "not clue what that is" is 12.3 -doc said that was good.
luteinizing hormone =4.6 ,again i was told that was good.
free and total test = free/direct = 22.6 total T = 663.0 so my test is up from from sub 300-305 to 663.0.

i still been feeling a little tired and foggy headed and i was surprised my t levels went up as much as they did.i think some of the reason why i been feeling tired is because i been out of the gym since October after my surgery.speaking of im wondering how much my improved t levels are due to the varicose repair and how much is from the clomid. i been thinking about stopping the clomid and having my blood retested ina few weeks and see where they are at.i do have a small cyst on my nut doc says its from the surgery but i was wondering if it could be from the clomid use?anyone got any info on that?

any info you guys could give me about my blood work would be great-i am a meathead but never used so my knowledge on the blood work is limited.
whats up guys?just wanted to jump back here and give an update on myTest/clomid use. so like i said above i was on clomid 50 mg everyday but stopped do to sides. i was off clomid for a few weeks then started taking 50mg 3 times a week like some of here suggested,its been 2-3 WEEKS x3 mwf. no sides as of yet but i did get my blood work back today and wanted some input.

so today my E2 levels were 40.6 and my doc said i was just over the "normal range".is that true?40.6 e2 levels means what?wjat do i need to watch out for?hopefully not bitch tits.i cant say what my e2 levels were ebfore the clomid because it was not tested.

follicle stimulating hormone "not clue what that is" is 12.3 -doc said that was good.
luteinizing hormone =4.6 ,again i was told that was good.
free and total test = free/direct = 22.6 total T = 663.0 so my test is up from from sub 300-305 to 663.0.

i still been feeling a little tired and foggy headed and i was surprised my t levels went up as much as they did.i think some of the reason why i been feeling tired is because i been out of the gym since October after my surgery.speaking of im wondering how much my improved t levels are due to the varicose repair and how much is from the clomid. i been thinking about stopping the clomid and having my blood retested ina few weeks and see where they are at.i do have a small cyst on my nut doc says its from the surgery but i was wondering if it could be from the clomid use?anyone got any info on that?

any info you guys could give me about my blood work would be great-i am a meathead but never used so my knowledge on the blood work is limited.

The cyst isn't from clomid. More likely from the surgery as your doc said.

I wouldn't call an LH of 4.6 "good" when you're on clomid but... your TT did jump a bit. See what happens when you come off. Your moodiness/tirednes is likely just a side effect of the clomid anyhow - when the clomid is fully cleared if your test stays at a high enough level you should feel fine. Let's see when we get tehre though..

Wouldn't hurt to run clomid daily at 50mg a day for two more weeks first though, if you can put up with it. Otherwise, you need to wait 6 weeks after your last dose of clomid before testing bloodwork again to make sure it's unbiased.

Good luck.
ty for the reply but there is no way i would go back taking the clomid every day and i dont see the point in doing so.tired it before and it was to much 3 days is workign well "atm".been felling good past few days and have no sides.just worried about my e2 levels as i dont want bitch tits,more info on that would be great.
Your test went up ....
I told u from the get go 50 mg ED would make u more prone to sides...
50 mg 3 times a week is much better...
I would stay on it if you are feeling okish. It's always best to get a couple restarts in there before committing to life long TRT.. Your Estradiol IS OK...not too high.
If it starts getting above this level or 45 pg/ml...
IF IT WERE ME....I would Get a compounded script for real low dose adex like 0.125 mg E3D.....
ty for the reply but there is no way i would go back taking the clomid every day and i dont see the point in doing so.tired it before and it was to much 3 days is workign well "atm".been felling good past few days and have no sides.just worried about my e2 levels as i dont want bitch tits,more info on that would be great.

Your e2 is fine. It's still within range (depending on the lab, most are around 50pg/ml.) I wouldn't be concerned with gyno unless you start feeling pain behind the nipples. You're not at much risk atm IMO.

Okay, if sides are too much then I would recommend staying on your current protocol for another 3-4 weeks if you can... best to give yourself the best shot possible.