web_dj said:
lol. that would help....right now Im on a bulking diet..
meal-1....2 slices of 7grain toast,6-7 egg white+2 whole eggs
meal-2.... chicken breast and pasta...
meal-3.....chicken breast and pasta...
meal-4.....myoplex shake
meal-5......chicken breast and 11/2 cups of steamed brockly
meal-6......chicken breast and red skinned potatoes
meal-7....myoplex shake
meal-.8....steak steamed asparagus and brown rice..
plus -...for snackes Ill have some natural peanut butter with celery and of coars some flax seed oil and vitamins.......I do cheat like a mother fucker on the week ends wich is prolly my problem.lol but in the morn the abs look great on my empty stomach......as for all the chicken its just quick and easy to make just a little marinaede and plop right on the forman grill..........thanks
if this is your current bulking dieting then I must say Im impressed! I see alot of guys not eating properly while trying to gain.
if you gain see your abs in the morning then your bf% is most likely not sky high. my advice is to make slow changes from your bulking diet into a cutting diet. anything too drastic at once can cause your body shock, driving it into stavation mode, and messing around with normal hormone levels.
-ok 8 meals a day plus snacks? how often are you eating? I would reccomend to space them every 2-3 hrs. 2.5 hrs being optimal, as that is usually the norm period it takes to empty the stomach. more frequent feedings than that and your not allowing full digestion to take place.. think of it as a fire. add a lil firewood(food=fuel), let it burn then add a little more.
-aim for 1.5g protein/lb bodyweight. I dont know how much protein your getting here, or the size of your chicken breasts. it may be best if you weighed them to know exact how much your getting.
- in meal 1: I would switch the toast to old fashioned oatmeal, sweeten it with some splenda and vanilla or cinnamon. cut back to 1 yolk and add in a few more egg whites. myself I eat 10 egg whites/1yolk for breakfast everyday.
-in meal 2 switch the pasta for a fiberous veggie and an EFA source.
~when are you training?? and what is your post workout shake? the myoplex shake?
-before training (we will say meal 3): have a complex carb source such as oats, brown rice or sweet potatoes and a lean protein source, your chicken was good.
-then immediatly after training you need a post workout shake consisting of whey protein and dextrose. say 35g whey and 50g dextrose for cutting should be good for you.
-an hour later (meal 4) have another complex carb source and lean protein, no fats here.
-for the rest of your meals of the day stick to only fiberous veggies, lean protein and EFA's.
before bed it would be best to get in a casein protein (cottage cheese) and some EFA's as well.
-drink TONS of water, minimum 1 gallon/day.
see how that works for you for a while and then keep us updated, or if you have any other questions feel free to ask!