Coming off a year of running Cyp, PCT help needed


New member

I have ran Cyp for a year and want to come off. I have Nolvadex but that's not enough to avoid a crash. I've found this Ultra Male Rx PCT by IronMagLabs | 60 Caps

My question is, can I run this with Nolva for the next 6-8 weeks and effectively come off without crashing? I was going to run these both for the last 2 weeks of running Cyp and stay on for another 6 weeks after discontinuing Cyp. Thanks for any helpful advice!
I agree you need clomid and nolva. Their are some HCG protocol's people use to help restore their natural testosterone levels but im not familiar with them. I would look into some of the more aggressive PCT protocols. It's going to suck coming off of test c after being on it for a year.
For any decent chance at recovery, you need an aggressive protocol. I'd recommend Dr.Scally's "Power PCT."

hCG 2000iu eod for 20 days, then
Nolva 40mg ed for 20 days AND Clomid 100mg ed for 30 days
there is going to be a "crash" or a "let down"... you CANNOT prevent that my friend, but you can assist your body in the recovery by following a protocol of clomid/nolva

even better would be to run some hcg for a few weeks at 500iu per week (2 250iu injects) for 4 weeks before starting the clomid/nolva

but... even by following this PCT regimen, it may still take months, not days or weeks to begin feel normal again
there is going to be a "crash" or a "let down"... you CANNOT prevent that my friend, but you can assist your body in the recovery by following a protocol of clomid/nolva

even better would be to run some hcg for a few weeks at 500iu per week (2 250iu injects) for 4 weeks before starting the clomid/nolva

but... even by following this PCT regimen, it may still take months, not days or weeks to begin feel normal again

Most def run hcg then come off and use clomid and nolva... Add in some DAA and eat a lot of fatty red meat, heard the saty fats help boost t levels as well