Complications 1 year post-PH usage


New member
I began a research project on a Norwegian Rat of mine that included a few cycles of OTC Prohormones. With the guidance of someone who appeared to be a reputable mind in the field, I followed the PH with an OTC post cycle therapy (pct). Later I found this was not a viable option and would result in complications. Fast forward a year, and my Rats confidence and sexual drive/performance has never fully recovered. I also believe it has gone through periods of depression, but that may be unrelated.

I ran a wide array of doctor assisted tests relevant to hypogonadism, hypo/hyperthyroidism, even copper deficiency and various blood cell counts; trying to pinpoint a possible culprit. According to the doctor, all levels everywhere are "normal".

I have sought input on other forums I frequent, and I get two typical answers; hormone levels will go back to normal on its own over time, or, that I'm an idiot for running a PH without a proper post cycle therapy (pct). I know both are probably accurate, but as for the former, its been a year, and my Rat would like his confidence and sex drive back.

I understand this is a subject that has been addressed in the past, however, I have not found any concrete methodologies for resolving said issue.
Any input as to aiding in restoring equilibrium in my research would be greatly appreciated.
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Thinking of running:

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Tamoxifen 40/20/20/20/20/20

As per some of the research I've done on the subject.
The two weeks extended Tamoxifen following the end of the Clomid dosing is as per an article I read by Dr. Michael Scally.
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Hi Goya-

Welcome to the site. If it has been a year and all your hormone levels are where they are supposed to be (I'm assuming you don't have pre-cycle levels to judge by) it sounds as though you have experienced either an environmental change (started smoking, lost gf, lost job, had a kid) or it's all in your head.

Did you stop working out? Have you gained any weight? Has your diet changed radically from when you were on cycle?

There are wayyyyyy too many variables to e-diagnose this type of thing over the web, I would suggest a good deal of mental review over the last year and what has changed about it prior to your cycle.
Hey Goya, I suspect it's psychosomatic (all in your head). Your libido is greatly influenced by what you think.

Pick up some MacaSure and tribulus.
Thank you both for taking the time to respond.

It sounds as though you have experienced either an environmental change (started smoking, lost gf, lost job, had a kid) or it's all in your head.
Did you stop working out? Have you gained any weight? Has your diet changed radically from when you were on cycle?
I would suggest a good deal of mental review over the last year and what has changed about it prior to your cycle.
- Negative to all those variables except the introduction of a kid and complications with the girlfriend. Not so much losing one, but staying in a mentally exhausting and unsatisfying relationship with one for an extended period of time. That ship is now in the process of sailing, I’m frankly excited to get that weight off my shoulders.

It being purely psychological does seem like a likely candidate. In reality, I’ve been hoping I could justify it being physical because that seems like a more black and white process of resolution.
Hey Goya, I suspect it's psychosomatic (all in your head). Your libido is greatly influenced by what you think.

Pick up some MacaSure and tribulus.
The psychosomatic perspective definitely makes sense. Of course now it’s been amplified with every sexual encounter with fear of PE or ED, issues I never had before in my life.

What’s your recommended dosing for Tribulus? I’ve seen posts of everything from 750-5000+.

Are there any other supplements or treatments you would recommend for aiding in almost a psychological reboot? I’ve always radiated confidence in both the bedroom and in generality, but this has me compounded to a low in that regard that I’ve never really been at before.

Thanks again to both of you, its appreciated.
The gf issues would make sense to me. Having the wrong woman in your life can make a substantial difference about how you view sex and life in general; as well as how you feel as a man. I have been through this as well.

Finding the right girl will make all the difference. Honestly it sounds like you need a hot nasty one-night stand to get you back to good.....sorry ladies lol
The gf issues would make sense to me. Having the wrong woman in your life can make a substantial difference about how you view sex and life in general; as well as how you feel as a man. I have been through this as well.

Finding the right girl will make all the difference. Honestly it sounds like you need a hot nasty one-night stand to get you back to good.....sorry ladies lol

I think like your prescription the most. Can I hire you as my general practitioner? I'd love to be able to pick that up at the pharmacy.