Concerned about UA(urine analysis). Help.


New member
Would nolva or m1t show up in a UA? If so, what as? How long would it take to get out of your system?
Sorry, I'm new to all this, but am having to take a UA next week and am concerned about stuff showing up.
i have heard they dont test for nolvadex (assuming this is for sports)

how long ago did you stop the m1t?
Actually am still taking the M1T(will be my 4th week). Was more concerned about the nolva(haven't taken yet, but will start the end of this week as post cycle therapy (pct) after i'm off m1t).Also have 6oxo on hand in case nolva showed up on ua, but would feel much better if I could use nolva. Don't have much faith in 6oxo. Guess my ua isn't this week, but next week. Still doesn't leave me much time if m1t shows up. Maybe could use something to flush my system? ANy suggestions? Thanks.
PS: the drug test isn't for sports, its a requirement for this new job I applied for. So I don't know what all they'd test for. Prob. THC, coke, meth, etc. etc. WHo knows they might also test for steriods. So am kinda worried. Appriciate any help. Thanks
Theres a good chance they wont test for androgens then. Usually its just opiates, narcotics, THC, amphetamines, barbituates, and hallucinogens.
So if that was the case I'd be fine, but if they do i'm screwed? I shouldn't be at any risk by taking the nolva in either case though? Even if they do test for anabolics? Thanks.
nah - you should definitely be fine with nolva - its not even a controlled substance. the m1t tests positive for androgens, so you are screwed even though it is legal.
Go with the nolva.
Cant tou say (if it shows on the m1t) that its a pro-hormone.. its legal for you guys aint it?
If I were you I wouldn't be too worried. A year and a half ago I was coming off a cycle of Sustanon and Deca and had just finished my post cycle therapy (pct) when I had to undergo a hair sample Drug test. The test was for an extremely large Computer Consulting corporation with tight security and I passed with flying colors. If I had to guess I would say they are not testing for Anabolics or Androgens, more like the substances you listed above. Good Luck!!!
I don't know for sure, but I've heard that companies don't test for androgens on their UA's because of the expense. Supposedly it's VERY expensive to test for steroids. Like I said, I'm not sure, but if it was me, I wouldn't sweat it.
Junior College athletics don't test for anabolics, just street drugs. The test at my juinor college was rumored to cost in the range of 800-1000 dollars. Just not practical to spend 10,000 bucks every month to test 10 football players.
I don't know for sure, but I've heard that companies don't test for androgens on their UA's because of the expense. Supposedly it's VERY expensive to test for steroids. Like I said, I'm not sure, but if it was me, I wouldn't sweat it.

It def. is expensive to test for juice..some of the best technology they have to test for steroids is @ UCLA..fuckin labs there are crazy, but UCLA is known for medical. I always get random piss tests being in the military. They don't test unless suspected. And i've been around some beastly guys in the ranks lol