Considering my first program? (DBOL)


New member
Hey guys,

I've had a quick look through the forums and really wanted to get some answers directed specifically at myself. So i guess here i go..

Well lets begin, I'm now 23 years old, 5'10 tall and just over 13 months ago i weighed in at 58kg (was loving the smoko, pills, acid and party lifestyle a bit too much) and had been a vegetarian for 6 years leading up to this date. Had no muscle definition at all, tiny arms and waist and basically looked like a hairy 12 year old boy.

In the first 4 months i began eating meat, bulking protein shakes and creatine and made my way up to 82kg but was mostly fat as i had a fatty diet at the time (kfc every night for 3 months!) and trained 6 days a week using a home set up (bench press, 6-in-1 weight stack machine and basic free weights) but did no cardio aswell. After this i unfortunately got sick and stopped training for a good 2 months and went back to 64kg and stayed that way up until 3 months ago when i started training again, but this time ate an extremely healthy diet, grazing every 2 hours (low carb/high protein) and continued using creatine, but went to a 100% wpi shake and used mesomorph. I then slowly put on weight but became more defined then bigger. After a month of this diet and training at home i joined a gym, and have been there for the past 2 months on the same diet up until 3 weeks ago when i changed to a bulking protein shake and increased the carbs in my diet but kept it mainly high in protein. Also in this past 2 months at the gym i have worked alot on my cardio.
-Start of first month at gym i weighed 67.5kg, and had 13.5inch biceps when flexed.
-after the first month i weighed in at around 71-72kgs and had just over 14inch biceps when flexed. Plus i was looking extremely lean and defined but some of my muscle still seemed to be not fully formed (early teenager like almost?).
-(NOW) 3 weeks after the change to bulking protein and slightly more carbs in my diet i am now at 77kgs and 15inch biceps when flexed and looking bigger and more man like.

Okay so i train at the gym 6 days a week, aim to increase in muscle mass and eat an average meal 5-6 times a day (includes 2 protein shakes, one in the morning and one after training) and eat a healthy balanced diet. I have been offered 100 DBOL tabs for use and i was just wondering what the tips for use are or if anyone could help out with a routine on when/what to eat and take your dose of DBOL and how much DBOL at a time etc? Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Also as this is my first time on a program would i need to take any anti estrogens type things etc?

Any advice would greatly be appreciated regarding the DBOL and me :)
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i should also add that i am discontinuing use of the mesomorph and TCM (Creatine) in 3 days as i would of taken it for nearly 2 months.

And i would plan to commence my DBOL program as of the new week so should i stick to a bulking protein shake or go to a lean/ripped style protein shake while on the program?

Plus i plan for this to be my one and only program then continue normal "el naturale" training daily to keep my figure as fitness is a life goal for me and keeps me going every day.
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Man...... Read the FORUM!!

Don't buy the Dbol!! Decline and keep it moving, if he had some Test for you then so be it but NO ORAL ONLY CYCLES!
Dbol will only swell you, limp your dick and depress you when it s gone....Read before you ask stupid questions.
Bit harsh guys the boys only asking for advice and calling him dumb isnt going to help... Dbol cycles are not the best cycle to be doing alone u should really get test with it but alot ppl dont like to inject or are too pussy too.. but i done a dbol only cycle when i was 21 and i put on 14 pounds on the cycle and lost 4 after good post cycle therapy (pct) etc so its personally up to you but i would say test is better but you will see results with dbol only just not as good simples if you still want a good cycle for dbol only just holla..
test E 500mg week split into biweekly injections. run that for 12 weeks, wait two weeks then start toremifene for pct.
Seriously bro don't do it! You are making great gains natty and are not ready for juice yet. A DBol only cycle is a huge no no just do a search.
There is no need to mess yourself up longterm to get stronger and look all puffy and bloated for a few weeks.
Steroids are not magic they are a powerful tool and like all tools they can hurt you for life if used wrong. If you are serious about being fit for life then you have to know you can't reverse a lifetime of partying and being unhealthy in a few months of working out.
Bro put in the work, when you're as physically fit as you can be naturally then the juice will be there.
Take your $ and give 3J nutrition a call I know for a fact he can get you jacked all natty, and you will learn some valuable lessons for when you are ready to start.
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Seriously bro don't do it! You are making great gains natty and are not ready for juice yet. A DBol only cycle is a huge no no just do a search.
There is no need to mess yourself up longterm to get stronger and look all puffy and bloated for a few weeks.
Steroids are not magic they are a powerful tool and like all tools they can hurt you for life if used wrong. If you are serious about being fit for life then you have to know you can't reverse a lifetime of partying and being unhealthy in a few months of working out.
Bro put in the work, when you're as physically fit as you can be naturally then the juice will be there.
Take your $ and give 3J nutrition a call I know for a fact he can get you jacked all natty, and you will learn some valuable lessons for when you are ready to start.
Good post man
If you want to run Dobl only then you really should have a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test minimum... I can't tell you that Dbol only will hurt you because I never had a problem with it. That's not to say that I don't have problems today... hmmm !
when are people gonna read more.. never no dbol without a test base man! keep up what you got and earn your potential then.. testosterone and dbol would be awesome!
Its not that you CAN'T do an oral only cycle. Just not recommended because the the gains are not worth the sides that you will potentially go through. Just read up do your research. And eat as much clean food as possible.
Thanks for most of your "personal opinions" and a real thank you to those who gave a short response that didn't attach a stigma to oral's (DBOL) in particular.

So the problem is all i can get my hands on is DBOL and the teste+PCT (both suppliments from local body building stores) and unable to get any other roids. And i will most likely use it regardless, and i do know full well of the side effects. So please could someone give me some useful advice on a course/program to suit me?

Or atleast tell me if i should continue on a bulking protein shake while on the course or go back to a 100% WPI protein while on the course?
This is what i would do buddy..

bearing in mind this is with 100 tabs at 10mg each ?

week 1 20mg = 14 tabs
week 2 30mg = 21 tabs
week 3 30mg = 21 tabs
week 4 40mg = 28 tabs
week 5 20mg = 14 tabs 2 tabs left on day 6 and 7 of week 3 take extra tab.

Remember to grab some nolva in case u nips start to get sensitive or look puffy and u must i repeat you must get a good pct for dbol or that 15 pound u gonna put on will just piss right back out of you..
This is what i would do buddy..

bearing in mind this is with 100 tabs at 10mg each ?

week 1 20mg = 14 tabs
week 2 30mg = 21 tabs
week 3 30mg = 21 tabs
week 4 40mg = 28 tabs
week 5 20mg = 14 tabs 2 tabs left on day 6 and 7 of week 3 take extra tab.

Remember to grab some nolva in case u nips start to get sensitive or look puffy and u must i repeat you must get a good pct for dbol or that 15 pound u gonna put on will just piss right back out of you..
This cycle is not a cycle i would do i am only suggesting a cycle with the gear you have if you can get test then by all means do it but if not that's the cycle i would do with dbol only..
Defo id get test but some ppl cant be told i have seen people get good gains from dbol only but if u want to be sensible go for test e