
Super Moderator
OK guys, we are doing it again. I am giving away a free basic package (value of 125) or credit towards a larger package of any of my nutritional packages!!

Here are the rules!!

1. pick a number between 1 and 10000
2. you can only pick a number once
3. if two people pick the same number, the first person has it
4. the person who comes closest to the number without going over wins
5. i will share the number with another mod now so that the contest is fair

Winner will be announced Sunday 4/13/14

Also wanted to take this opportunity to let you guys know about the April Tax Return Sale!!!

From 4/8/14 to 4/30/14 all 3J's Nutrition Network Packages are 15% OFF!!!

Here is a full price list!!!

Basic package
5 weeks was 125 (now 106.25)
10 weeks was 225 (now 191.25)

Carb Cycle
8 weeks was 250 (now 212.50)
12 weeks was 350 (now 297.50)

Paleo dieting and Keto dieting
8 weeks was 200 (now 170)

I also have a super special sale going on for long term coaching

6 months 400!!!

12 months 600!!!!!

3J's Nutrition Network now accpets payment plans through paytraces automatic deduction system! Just pay a portion down and you can pay the rest monthly!!!!!!

Contact 3J at for more info now!!!!!