continuation of '19 and starting cycle'

  • Thread starter Thread starter masterchief1123
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continuation of '19 and starting cycle' - test E 500mg/wk and 50mg dbol

older update in old thread:

today was pretty uneventful. trained shoulders / legs. still up about 7lb from when i started. next pin is tommorow, 250mg test e

i will only be posting to update this log. no more arguing please.
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new update 2 weeks in - everything is going well. my appetite has increased a shit load but thats desired in this situation :p yesterday i ate:

breakfast: 6 eggs and oats
snack: 6" italian sub
25g protein shake
lunch: footlong turkey sub w/ xtra meat (i was at work and subway was the only place around :p )
dinner: chinese buffet (havent had this in a few weeks so go easy on me lol )
and a 50g myofusion shake at night

and i was still hungry! but as you can tell i didn't have much time to cook yesterday..

weight is up 9lb from cycle start. yes, a lot of it is water from the dbol but my shoulder striations are even more defined now :o now i wait for the test to kick in :cool:

on a related note, i haven't noticed any facial bloat / 'moonface' but i attribute that to the aromasin. no gyno symptoms or anything either.. i just hope it stays this way :D

BP was measured at 120/68
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Where did you first pin bro? Was it in your thigh? If so, did it ache for a few days?

Following your log, doing great!
Where did you first pin bro? Was it in your thigh? If so, did it ache for a few days?

Following your log, doing great!

Thanks for following bro, and no I don't do quads. I've been alternating between left and right glute, nice and meaty lol

No soreness either, although my third inject hurt a lot more than the others. Soreness might differ from source to source. Its all good now tho
new update

strength is up nicely :) still gaining weight. a bit more tired than usual tho. thats about it
new update

weight is still going up, arms are visibly bigger and my shirts are getting smaller on me. im not sure if it was just in my head or not but i noticed some extra hairs on my hand after i'd shampoo, so i got some nizoral 2% and im using that 3x a week. shedding seems to have subsided and my hair is super thick (although it was thick before too). i didnt want to get into prepecia / minoxidil or any of that shit because a lot of people complain about permanent side effects. if im not really shedding then the nizoral isnt a total waste anyway, i had a bit of dandruff too which is gone now :D

also, 2 pimples on the side of my face. hopefully it doesnt get any worse, none on my body
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forget the age but 166lbs cmon thats tiny i weighed that much my freshmean year in high school. not body so i dont care so im in. IMO age isnt accurate to whether run a cycle or not, i ran PH early cus i had low test since puberty o i said fck it i have low test might as well go balls out all look effin great.

yeah low test from the was horrible no libido at 17, i still hadnt masturbated at 17, had depression problems, rapid fat gain, salami niples, many other problems anyway i made my choices i happy with em hope you can say the same afterwards
166 lbs isn't tiny for someone 5'8 or shorter. It's all relative bro. I've seen dudes at 165 who are thick and ripped as hell. Get off the monster sizes that are more for guys that are 6' or higher. Weight doesn't always determine the look.
166 lbs isn't tiny for someone 5'8 or shorter. It's all relative bro. I've seen dudes at 165 who are thick and ripped as hell. Get off the monster sizes that are more for guys that are 6' or higher. Weight doesn't always determine the look.

well im 5-8 (barely) and im 210 lbs given bf is prolly higher than his its no where in the 20% cant say for sure but its in mid teens 16-17%, point is its not that hard to eat and height has something to do with it but not all to do with it.
what a stubborn ass this 19 year old kid is...

he's already been banned twice temporarily..

kid, be careful.. your way too young...

wait a tic why am i wasting my time ur a moron who doesn't listen to anyone anyways...

it'll be nice and sad at the same time to watch you ruin yourself..
what a stubborn ass this 19 year old kid is...

he's already been banned twice temporarily..

kid, be careful.. your way too young...

wait a tic why am i wasting my time ur a moron who doesn't listen to anyone anyways...

it'll be nice and sad at the same time to watch you ruin yourself..

c'mon 3J! he knows everything! i mean just look at his diet... italian subs and chinese takeout! he doesn't even list his macros cause he knows it all already!
what a stubborn ass this 19 year old kid is...

he's already been banned twice temporarily..

kid, be careful.. your way too young...

wait a tic why am i wasting my time ur a moron who doesn't listen to anyone anyways...

it'll be nice and sad at the same time to watch you ruin yourself..

That is what i'm fucking talking about. Thank you 3J. What a dumbass ignorant kid setting a bad example for youth out there who think its ok to juice at 19.
But this kids updates are great!:
-today pinned my right butt cheek
-today I popped a zit
-today my shit was green
-today my muscles got huge
-today I farted 3 times
-today my injection stung a little
-today a girl looked at me
-today my burrito had a funny taste
But this kids updates are great!:
-today pinned my right butt cheek
-today I popped a zit
-today my shit was green
-today my muscles got huge
-today I farted 3 times
-today my injection stung a little
-today a girl looked at me
-today my burrito had a funny taste

lmao, those r pretty good updates.
if he actually has low T then he got his levels checked by a doctor and he would be able to get a prescription from the right doctor regardless of age.

i don't buy the BS.

if you're going to cycle any type of PEDs have your fucking shit in order.
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But this kids updates are great!:
-today pinned my right butt cheek
-today I popped a zit
-today my shit was green
-today my muscles got huge
-today I farted 3 times
-today my injection stung a little
-today a girl looked at me
-today my burrito had a funny taste

i'm keeping the log updated with anything i run into during this cycle. you seem to have a problem with it. good day sir
That is what i'm fucking talking about. Thank you 3J. What a dumbass ignorant kid setting a bad example for youth out there who think its ok to juice at 19.

i can create a different username, say i'm 27 years old and start a thread asking 'did you cycle young? how did it go?" and i will get tons of replies saying 'i started at 18..yea it was kind of young but i dont regret it' how do i know that? because ive seen the same threads all over various steroid boards! and the same replies! stop hating.. meathead
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