Continue Bulk or Start to Cut Help?

The Dec 09 pics speaks for itself and the other 2 pics are done 2 weeks ago, any advice would be great thank-you

your still lean so i would say continue bulking up. what are your goals as far as size? i would also say that next time you should take the same poses for your current pic as your before pic because honestly i cant tell the difference from all 4 pictures.
maybe he doesnt want to look like a bb. he could be going for the bruce lee look.

lol the "bruce lee look"? is that similar to the "brad pitt in fight club look"?

He's not small in the mind of 80% of guys out there. That is the ideal body that the average guy wants.....not anything bigger.

So to the original poster....what is your ideal body? I'm assuming since you are on here you would like to be bigger than that so I would say bulk. However I'm not sure what your goal body is.

If possible post a pic of what you want to look like.