Controlled Labs White Flood and AM/PM Reduction


New member
I finished my last log of Beastdrol two weeks ago and will be starting a log of White Flood Watermelon and AM/PM reduction from Controlled labs. Stats are 5'5 247. Main goal is to drop 10-14 lbs in the month of the stack.
Felt really good today. I took the first dose of PM reduction last night and didn't even realize it had ingredients to help sleep. We all know I have trouble sleeping, but once I fell alseep I don't remember waking up but one time to pee. Then this morning I took first dose of AM. I never once felt jittery but felt like I had slept for days ready to train. Before hitting legs I took my dose of White Flood Watermelon. It mixes very easy and taste better then most of the other ones I've tried. So far so good but still early.


Squsts 135lbs x 8,8,8

leg presses: 315lbs x 8,8,8

seated leg curls 135lbs x 10,10,10

lying leg curls: 80lbs x 8,8,8
So far what I love the most about white flood is it mixes very easily no clumps. Feeling good energy today and less bloated. Today was Shoulders!!

Behind-neck pull downs: 100lbs x 8,8,8

Lat Machine pull downs: 150lbs x 8,8,8

shoulder db presses: 50lbs x 8,8,8

upright straight bar rows: 85lbs x 6,6,6

standing alt db front rasies: 15lbs x 10,10,10
The testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is kicking in, and I love the AM/PM combo! Today was Triceps day. Solid energy flow nothing mind blowing but very focused workout.


Rope Pressdowns: 125lbs x 10,10,10

lying ez bar skull crushers: 70lbs x 8,8,8

seated one arm db pull overs: 60lbs x 8,8,8

reverse straight bar curls 45lbs x 10,10,10
Today was chest and biceps day and gota say these 5x5's on flat bench are pure hell but I love it. Energy levels still up and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) still kicking in. Trying to redue workouts, as I'm getting stronger but I'm not dropping weight like I'd like too.


Flat bench: 205lbs x 5,5,5,5,5 PR!

flat bench db flyes 25lbs x8,8,8

push ups 3 sets 15

Biceps: alt db preacher curls 35lbs x6,6,6

cable machine bar curls: 90lbs x 10,10,10,10
Today I was feeling extremely good with a solid energy. My well being is up big time since being with that new Dr. Just hope it continues!! Hit up some shoulders today and hopefully legs tomorrow after I cut the grass one last time for the fall. Then My oldest son's birthday is later today!! 10 yrd old he's growing up to damn fast. I just thought about it and he'll graduate high school before I turn 39 ouch!!!!


machine lat pull downs: 150lbs x 10,10,10

Seated alt db presses: 50lbs x 10,10,10

Upright rows: straight bar total 85lbs x 8,8,8

behind neck pulldowns: 100lbs x 6,6,6

standing front raise db: 20lbs x 6,6,6
Today was busy day!!! First woke up to cutt grass and yard work. Then on to gym for leg day. Next come home to grill hot dogs for oldest son's Birthday party with 7 kids and tons of unlces and aunts lol. I survived but no more leg day on party days!!


Squats: 135lbs x 6,6,6

Seated leg curls: 135lbs x 10,10,10

lying leg curls: 80lbs x 8,8,8

Leg presses: 4 plates x 10 warm up, 6 plates x 8,8 8 plates x 6,6 PR!!! I started writing total plates bc I don't know how much typicl leg press slates weigh
Feeling 10 x's better each day since doing the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) shots. Also the white flood has been a huge help in giving me some energy to increase my lifts. I did a new exercise today that I saw this hugh older mexican guy doing. His arms got to be close 20's. Anyway I use the high pulley single arm handle bar and keep elbows close in and keep them still whiling pressing down for 10 reps then reversing and pulling down. I swear my arms about exploded.

Arm day:

seated one arm db pull overs: 60lbs x 10,10,10

ez bar skull crushers: 85lbs x 8,8,8 PR!!!

standing ez bar curls: 85lbs x 8,8,8

one arm preacher db curls: 30lbs x 6,6,6

standing high pulley single hand bar press downs 30lbs x 10, then reversed pull downs x 10 3 sets each

rope pressdowns: 110lbs x 8,8,8
Ok I'm getting solid pumps every day and I keep seeing my strength on key exercises jump!! I have been doing 5x5 on flat bench for weeks now hitting 205 last week and with shoulder shots yesterday, I went with 8,6,4,2 today and hit 225lbs at 2 rep with an extra for 3 then drop set ohhhh yeahhhh brother it's on!!!!!!


flat bench presses: 8 x 155lbs 6 x 175lbs 4 x 205lbs 225lbs x 3 then drop set 135lbs x 10 half pause reps

flat bench db flyes: 25lbs x 8,8,8

incline db presses: 45lbs x 8,8,8

close grip cable bar pull to chest: 100lbs x 10,10,10

lying 10 degree flyes on machine: low weight 40 reps for burn out: Note never done these before but good friend of mine at gym who is bout 5'11 255 solid with maybe 9-11 percent body fat and has competed, showed me these and mentioned they would be much easier on shoulder then the db flyes til shoulder heals. Have to say they feel good!!!
Today was back day. Felt good but seems like some weight just to little and some just right.


seated wide grip pull to chest: 70lbs x 10,10,10

Alt db rows: 50lbs x 10,10,10

face pulls: 110lbs x 10,10,10

t-bar rows: 95lbs x 8,8,8

trap bar dead lifts: 225lbs x 8,8,8

Squats: 135lbs warm up x 10 155lbs x 8,8,8

leg presses: warm up 4 plates x 10 - 6 plates x 8 8 plates x 6

leg ext: 135lbs x 10,10,10
Thanks bro!! I'm doing Chest later tomorrow and maybe tri's or bi's. Im about to up my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of 200mg to 400mg weekly. Def feeling better in the last month then last two years. If I could only get that guy to give in on getting me some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). I want to run that so bad, but not easy to get around here.
Today woke up early to get oil change and some starbucks white chocolate mocha lol. Afterwards went to an early gym session for chest. I felt amazing in pumps today and when doing bench presses, I changed my forum to coming down to chest then half way back up OMG I feel so much better in my chest doing that then full rep.


db incline presses: 50lbs x 10,10,10

flat bench press: warm up 155lbs x 10 185lbs x 12, 12, 12 lbs

db flyes: 25lbs x 8,8,8

incline barbell press: 185lbs x 6,6,6
One hella of pump today for arm day. I felt really good and alive now that the sleep pill I got from Dr. Friday wore off. I took first dose Fri night and it laid me out till 11 am Saturday. My arms were about to pop off after gym.



seated db over presses: 60lbs x 10,10,10

lying ez bar skull crushers: 85lbs x 8,8,8

rope pressdowns: 110lbs x 10,10,10

tri and bi super set single arm press downs with reverse grip pull downs: 30lbs x 10,10,10 on each exercise

standing alt db curls: 40lbs x 6,6,6

seated preacher one arm db curls: 35lbs x 6,6,6

standing ez bar curls: 85lbs x 8,8,8
Boy what a long day at work today. Had to rearrange igloos that contains pallets of boots and gloves used to destroy chemicals at the depot I work for. All chemicals have been burned now, but they have to decon the igloos. These are in the middle of the woods in Alabama!!!!!!! So why Im a saying this lol!! When I opened the door, my co worker scream like a biatchhh and took off running. I almost step in the igloo when I saw the biggest mf diamondback rattle snake. All the testosterone in the world isn't going to make me go head to head with one of them!

Back day: Feeling the pumps still from white flood, although not the tingle kind. Def see increase in strength hitting pr in db rows!!

DB Rows: 55lbs x 8,8,8

machine rows: 125lbs x 10 140lbs x 10,10,10

seated wide grip lat pull downs: 80lbs x 10,10,10

face pulls: 110lbs x 10,10,10
Today I was super pumped even despite something making me hit the bathroom 3 times before lifting!!! That and going to the labs to do sperm speciment was embarrasssing!!


seated db presses: 55lbs x 10,10,10

behind-neck-pulldowns: 100lbs x 10,10,10

lat machine pull downs: 150lbs x 8,8,8

Db upright rows: first time doing there so started with 30lbs x 10,10,10

I'm feeling more jack up today and for some reason wanting to fight. My agression levels are higher then I can remember them being.