Conventional post cycle therapy (pct) Doses and Duration

Mistakes and how to fix it

If I was unable to get liquidex during my cycle don't you guys think my estrogen might be too high.
So you could take 500iu's ed of hcg past your last injection of Test E ? Where would you end the hcg ? I'm guessing on what you had advised someone above it would be on day 9 after last injection of Test E that he could do his last injection of hcg and then 5 days from there he would start post cycle therapy (pct). This was never specified , is this correct ?
Nice post, buds.
Some questions, please:
1. The packs Unleashed or Post-Cycle from only are supplements for a post cycle therapy (pct), or they are the complete post cycle therapy (pct)?
2. How I should use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a post cycle therapy (pct) in a final part of a cycle, and not form 4-5 days along the cycle?

Awesome Post

I've almost always used HCG, whenever I can get it. Have never used throughout cycle but will def be running during last two weeks. Have also always experienced a nice increase in strength post cycle for several weeks. Have used w/ Nolva and w/o and not much different for my recovery, seem to respond well to HCG, gratefully. Thanks for info LS/Swale/et al. :cool:
excepticons said:
Nice post, buds.
Some questions, please:
1. The packs Unleashed or Post-Cycle from only are supplements for a post cycle therapy (pct), or they are the complete PCT?
2. How I should use HCG for a post cycle therapy (pct) in a final part of a cycle, and not form 4-5 days along the cycle?


Hard to say for sure bro. One size oesn't fit all. In some cases the supps will be enough, in others they're best used in conjunction with others drugs. ( I personally hate Clomid and prefer Proviron and/or A-dex).

The concencous on HCG is split. For some like small dose throughout the the cycle while others use it PC. In either case, I believe (others will disagree) HCG doesn't do much for recovery other than to keep the testes full sized so that they may begin working on their own more quickly. But you'll still need PC drugs and supps and time to fully recoup.
Since testicular response to LH has been shown to be the rate-limiting step in PCR, then maintaing their form and function is paramount. LH tends to rise faster then the testes can respond otherwise.
So what is the recommended dosage for those taking the HCG PC? 500iu every 4-5 days for 2 weeks, then wait 5 days and start PCT?
Ok, a little bit new to the anabolic scene, so I have a few questions that I couldn't answer via search.

First, what is HGC? I searched for this numerous times and had several hundred hits, none of which explained the meaning of the aforementioned acronym. Any help here would be appreciated.

I have taken prohormones and whatnot before (1-AD etc) but I have yet to venture to full on test, I was thinking of running a few cycles of M1T just sort of as a gateway to prep myself and to get a better understanding of how my body will react and so forth. For post cycle therapy (pct) from M1T, what should my Nolva dosage be like? I am assuming that the Nolva from Liqua-solutions will suffice for a source of Nolva.

I'm also going to be running the herbal post cycle therapy (pct) as recommended above.

I just want to make sure and cover my bases and do all of my research before hand. I appreciate any help you guys can give me.
I just started hcg at the end of my cycle. I haven't noticed any noticeable teste shrinkage. Anybody think that hcg can be skipped in this case, or would it still be useful. Looks like I'm one of the lucky one's that doesn't get shrinkage. If HCG's main purpose is too get the testes back up to size to responfd to nolva or clomid, them maybe it's not neccessary for me to use.
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