Could this next cycle bring me from 208lbs to 230lbs


New member
I figured out my next cycle this spring:
Weeks 1-20: Testosterone Cypionate 2,000mg per week
Weeks 1-20: Masteron 200mg per week
Weeks 10-20: Primo 200mg per week

Right now I'm at 208lbs and I'd love to get to 225-230 lbs. I was always thin in my teens and early 20's but now I can gain a little easier and my natural bodyweight is about 175-180 lbs. Is 230 lbs to lofty a goal or reasonable. Also if you guys have advice on different ways of stacking the steroids I am going to use then inform me.
If you don't run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with that 2g of test you will certainly have 230lb tits!
200mg of masteron a week?? masteron is an eod injection bro... and agree with lucky... you better get yourself some ai.. aromasin or arimidex or somethin... and i would also run some hcg with that
You sure are running much. As for you reaching your goals, you might. Depends on your diet and genetic limits.
this cycle will not take you to 230lbs.

Diet is what takes you there, and if your not there by now it's probably the reason.
cut your doses in half and double your food intake; that's how you can safely get to 230lbs. if you're not taking in enough calories, the only way you're going to gain 20 pounds is through water retention.
02gixxersix said:
Didnt u just say in the post below that you ae taking tren, test, and mastabol??
Man this guy doesnt have a clue!! He has like 3 or 4 other posts saying he is cycling all kinds of crazy ammounts of gear that i am sure he has no clue what they even do!! Sorry just had to :insane2:
"I recently upped the Tren, Test, and Mastabol in my cycle and am having some side effects. I upped the Trenbolone up to 1,000mg per week, the Testosterone Cypionate to 2,000mg per week, and my Mastabol to 600mg per week. My lower back started hurting today and my nose has been bleeding. I assume it's related to the juice. Are these serious potential health problems"
This was Gabersons other cycle, that he posted in somtime in sptember 06, so hes going from 3.6 grams of gear to 2.4 grams. Wow
unless the guy is a pro and at the weight he is he most definatly isn't, then he is using way to much gear, if he should even be using at all.

Post up your cycle history and diet and your training so we can get a idea of what were dealing with
unless the guy is a pro and at the weight he is he most definatly isn't, then he is using way to much gear, if he should even be using at all.

Post up your cycle history and diet and your training so we can get a idea of what were dealing with

Ok I know what you mean but still, there are a SHITLOAD of pro's at that weight.

Lucky13: Why wont you just shut up sometimes? He can get gyno, not many do.
Bast said:
Ok I know what you mean but still, there are a SHITLOAD of pro's at that weight.

sorry I shall rephrase, unless he is a man who is a long way above his natural test levels then their is no way on earth he should even be considering using such high levels of gear.
Cycle some insulin in, cut masteron and primo out of it. Stick with the aromatizable steroids like test, deca.

2000mg test per week with some insulin post workout will do the trick.

And eat big, clean. Sleep well and dun overtrain.
michael88 said:
Cycle some insulin in, cut masteron and primo out of it. Stick with the aromatizable steroids like test, deca.

2000mg test per week with some insulin post workout will do the trick.

And eat big, clean. Sleep well and dun overtrain.
great advice--NOT! :spank:
if your trying to gain weight what is 200 mgs of primo gonna do for u especially when ur runnig that much test?
dont focus on a number with your cycle, focus on the mirror after your cycle. Get a diet plan, training plan etc etc and st ick with it. Dont worry about the scale
Lucky13 said:
If you don't run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with that 2g of test you will certainly have 230lb tits!

You say a lot of things that would imply that you are an expert, however you are not. Not everyone is estro sensitive.