crashing solution ... what does it show ?


New member
Hey guys .. so ive heard the theory of crashing solutions to show/prove there is hormone in it . im aware it doesnt realy show anything ... but then , what is actually crystallizing in the solution or falling out of suspension when it freezes like that ... if it crashes and crystals... what is that ?
I suppose if your product is fake and contains only oil you might be able to see that using this method, but that's probably about as far as it goes.
Mega ... so apparently crashing a solution doesnt prove it has hormone in it right ? But then if u crash a (non hormonal) solution purposely .... and it crystalizes ... what is it thats crystalizing ? or will only crystalize if there is hormone ?
cause its the hormone that crystalizes and falls out of suspension no ? or is it other matter .... then that would mean it does prove there is hormone it it .. its falls out of suspension
I thought the same thing before, even tried it with a bottle of test (which i knew had test in it because I got blood work to prove it), and nothing happened. Bottom line, crashing your gear is not a reliable way to see if there is a hormone in it.
weavy what do u mean nothing happened ? it didnt crystalize ? what is the crysalization in gear then when its cold ?
That's a VERY old school method of testing gear. A lot of labs used very little (or no) solvent to keep the hormone in solution, so when temperatures dropped - crashing would occur. It still can happen, but at much colder temps, or if the lab that makes use of very little solvent.

The crystals are indeed hormone, and they should disappear back into solution when heated. The problem with trying to do this to prove it's legit is that you don't know which hormone is present, or what concentration the gear actually is. You just know that it's not straight oil.

The best method is still to get a blood test 4-6 weeks in, and be able to trust your source. I've found that sources which skimp on testosterone, often skimp on everything else.

My .02c :)