crystal dnp? Is it a killer.


New member
Was thinking about doing a 2 week cycle.

My stats are 34 age
Weight 195
15***8541; bf

Any tips for a newbie would be great.
I know I bought way too much but it was a great deal.
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Uhhh, yeah. You have enough for 2-4 THOUSAND doses. I certainly hope you've done some serious research - DNP can absolutely kill you if you haven't put in the homework.

It's a very effective drug, but does require a great deal of respect for what it can do to you. A two week cycle tells me that you still have way more reading to do.
Was thinking about doing a 2 week cycle.

My stats are 34 age
Weight 195
15***8541; bf

Any tips for a newbie would be great.
I know I bought way too much but it was a great deal.

This is the part that worries me... DNP is most definitely not a newbie drug.
I have researched it extensively and feel confident about it. I will try to post results. Not sure what to do with all that's left.
I have researched it extensively and feel confident about it. I will try to post results. Not sure what to do with all that's left.

Can you please explain to us the main side effects of DNP use, why they occur and how to combat them?

We are cautious on advising anyone about DNP on this board because 99% of users are complete retards (not being offensive, its just true). By all means if you can prove that you've done the appropriate research, we'll be willing to guide you through it.
Well one side is obviously swaetin . Then there is the potential for your bodies temp to rise out of control on high doses. Your bodily fluids turn yellow(urine/ejaculate/sweat). There is a possibility of cateracts and the water retention as well. Of course if you are allergic that is pretty bad. The free radicals from the oxidation of fat can risk havoc on your cells so take plenty of antioxidants. Also be sure to drink 1-2 gallons of water a day along with proper electrolytes. No drinking alcohol at all due to possibility of dehydration. Make sure I am always in a cool environment. I waited for the late fall ***55356;***57154; early winter for this purpose.
Of course if you are allergic that is pretty bad.

This one sucks a lot.

I ran 2 DNP cycles. First one I was fine but second one I broke out in rashes. At first, Benadryl helped, then I upgraded to Zyrtec. By the 5th day in the rashes grew immune to the anti allergy medicine. I broke out all over my body(face, back, feet, neck, shoulders etc..) and every single rash was painful. And my head was very hot all day.


And that is great you won't go over 400mg so looks like you wont be doing any dying. However there is other things like all the stuff you have to take with it. I remember it took my over a minute every morning to swallow all the gel caps and capsules of minerals and vitamins that you need to run with DNP

On top of that the way you feel just sucks. And when you jizz in yellow, it's hard to explain to your gf.....
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I have benadryl on hand but if it gets too bad I will need to stop

If you get rashes you need to discontinue DNP immediately AND add benadryl. Not run them both together. Once rashes have cleared you can attempt another go down the track.

I bought the crystal because its sides are not as long lasting as a powder

Not true.

I plan on taking a picture every other day to keep track of my progress so I will share them with the forum

No point. Water retention usually hides the bulk of the results whilst still on cycle. It's half the reason people think it's not working and keep upping their dose. Take a pic 7-10 days AFTER you've dropped DNP - that's when you will actually see the results.

Oh by the way I have vitamin c 2g vitiman e 1g and pottasium

Can you provide a full list of your supplements + your cycle plan in full?

It seems as though you've done some research but you really should know all the above already... Long ago actually.
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Alpha Lipoic Acid
I bought fruit and vegetable powder with tons of anti oxidents
Plan on drinking 2 8oz of v8 per day
L carnitine
Will, be taking eca stack thrice per day
Plan on doing 200 mg first 5 days
Then the last 16 days will do 400 mg
Will also do t3 at 50 mcg then tapering down last week
Have extra posstasium gluconate on hand ***9995; if, needed
I purchased some dandelion root but am hesitant to take it do to its diruetic properties. What are your thoughts.
I have carb depleted, for 3 days so far and will start normal diets of 30 percent carbs 30 percent fat and 40 percent protien while I am on the, Crystal dnp
Alpha Lipoic Acid
I bought fruit and vegetable powder with tons of anti oxidents
Plan on drinking 2 8oz of v8 per day
L carnitine
Will, be taking eca stack thrice per day
Plan on doing 200 mg first 5 days
Then the last 16 days will do 400 mg
Will also do t3 at 50 mcg then tapering down last week
Have extra posstasium gluconate on hand ***9995; if, needed
I purchased some dandelion root but am hesitant to take it do to its diruetic properties. What are your thoughts.

I have carb depleted, for 3 days so far and will start normal diets of 30 percent carbs 30 percent fat and 40 percent protien while I am on the, Crystal dnp

Get NAC, Vit C & Vit E for your anti-oxidants. ECA Stack is a bad idea since it's going to heat you up even more. C'mon man... you really need to put this cycle off a couple months or so and read read read. Search for "Conciliator" on google.. he's put heaps and heaps of posts out there on DNP. Read his stuff. This is the kind of compound you can't afford to make mistakes on.

Also no point running T3 for two weeks. All you're gonna do is suppress thyroid really. You need to watch water + electrolytes. Get something like Hydralite.

Honestly though I'm recommending you don't touch it until you actually know everything there is to know about it. For example, what are you going to do if you develop signs of PN? Do you even know what they are?