Was thinking about doing a 2 week cycle.
My stats are 34 age
Weight 195
15***8541; bf
Any tips for a newbie would be great.
I know I bought way too much but it was a great deal.
I have researched it extensively and feel confident about it. I will try to post results. Not sure what to do with all that's left.
Of course if you are allergic that is pretty bad.
I have benadryl on hand but if it gets too bad I will need to stop
I bought the crystal because its sides are not as long lasting as a powder
I plan on taking a picture every other day to keep track of my progress so I will share them with the forum
Oh by the way I have vitamin c 2g vitiman e 1g and pottasium
Alpha Lipoic Acid
I bought fruit and vegetable powder with tons of anti oxidents
Plan on drinking 2 8oz of v8 per day
L carnitine
Will, be taking eca stack thrice per day
Plan on doing 200 mg first 5 days
Then the last 16 days will do 400 mg
Will also do t3 at 50 mcg then tapering down last week
Have extra posstasium gluconate on hand ***9995; if, needed
I purchased some dandelion root but am hesitant to take it do to its diruetic properties. What are your thoughts.
I have carb depleted, for 3 days so far and will start normal diets of 30 percent carbs 30 percent fat and 40 percent protien while I am on the, Crystal dnp