crystal dnp? Is it a killer.

Can you please explain to us the main side effects of DNP use, why they occur and how to combat them?

We are cautious on advising anyone about DNP on this board because 99% of users are complete retards (not being offensive, its just true). By all means if you can prove that you've done the appropriate research, we'll be willing to guide you through it.

No zilla you are being offensive. 98.2% are complete retards:)
So I too ran dnp 2 times the first time I slept for most of the time on and just sweat rings in the bed. The results ok but not worth the experence the second time. The second time I was on fire and had to get in my swiming pool in the midle of winter to keep my body temp down. Do you understand it was 40 degrees outside.

I have a friend who is a cardiac nurce who ODed on DNP and had to go to the Er where she worked And explain why she had taken rat poisin. The called the CDC .....the CDC didnt know what it was she had to print off a chemical profile off the internet. All they could do was pack her in ice.

I just cut 50 lbs I recommend you put the DNP in down the toilet and look into MCT oil. It wont give you cancer or kill you.

If you do this avoid all carbs and don't take more because your not feeling it. It takes a long time for it to kick in.
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So I too ran dnp 2 times the first time I slept for most of the time on and just sweat rings in the bed. The results ok but not worth the experence the second time. The second time I was on fire and had to get in my swiming pool in the midle of winter to keep my body temp down. Do you understand it was 40 degrees outside.

I have a friend who is a cardiac nurce who ODed on DNP and had to go to the Er where she worked And explain why she had taken rat poisin. The called the CDC .....the CDC didnt know what it was she had to print off a chemical profile off the internet. All they could do was pack her in ice.

I just cut 50 lbs I recommend you put the DNP in down the toilet and look into MCT oil. It wont give you cancer or kill you.

If you do this avoid all carbs and don't take more because your not feeling it. It takes a long time for it to kick in.

What dosage were you running when you had to get into your pool???

And your nurse friend, MAN that sucks. Do you know what dose your friend was running? OD'ing on DNP is no joke. In theory, the ER will not help you one bit. They have no drug that can reverse the effects. The only way to save yourself is doing what you did and get into really cold water or ice tub and drink cold water while you're in there
What dosage were you running when you had to get into your pool???

And your nurse friend, MAN that sucks. Do you know what dose your friend was running? OD'ing on DNP is no joke. In theory, the ER will not help you one bit. They have no drug that can reverse the effects. The only way to save yourself is doing what you did and get into really cold water or ice tub and drink cold water while you're in there

Actually there (potentially) is. Problem is, no ER is going to know about it lol. Might be handy to remember just in case though :p I think the danger with ER is also that they attempt to flush it out of you with fluids... unknowingly causing further electrolyte depletion. It's a tough one to treat for sure. This is exactly why it's so damn important to know the drug inside & out and to be as conservative and careful as possible.

Here's a post from Conciliator on the subject:

Dinitrophenol-induced hyperthermia has been resolved with dantrolene administration. Let me quote from this paper:

We previously reported a patient with dinitrophenolinduced
hyperthermia, which improved following dantrolene
administration (2). The patient was a thirty year-old male who
presented to an emergency department with diaphoresis, beet
red skin, and yellow sclera. He initially denied ingestion of any
toxic substance, but it was subsequently learned that he was
taking dinitophenol for weight loss and body building. While
in the emergency department, his mental status deteriorated
and he was intubated. His body temperature rose to 108 ?F
(42.2?C). Cooling blankets, fans, and tepid water soaks
decreased his temperature to 104?F (40?). However, within 20
minutes of the administration of dantrolene, his body temperature
decreased to 100.8?F (38.2?C). Dantrolene was repeatedly
administered over the next 12 hours to maintain body temperature
below 100.4?F (38?C). Over the next 12 days he developed
rhabdomyolysis and renal failure which resolved. He was
extubated on day twelve. He had no known permanent
sequelae from the overdose and was discharged from the

Studies have not found a benefit from administration of
dantrolene to treat hyperthermia caused by heatstroke, cocaine,
or amphetamines. However the underlying etiology of the
hyperthermia may determine if dantrolene administration will
decrease temperature. Dinitrophenol uncouples oxidative phosphorylation,
causes release of calcium from mitochondrial
stores and prevents calcium re-uptake (3). This leads to free
intracellular calcium and causes muscle contraction and
hyperthermia. Dantrolene inhibits calcium release from the
sarcoplasmic reticulum which reduces intracellular calcium.
The resulting muscle relaxation allows heat dissipation (4).

There is little risk to dantrolene administration. Since dantrolene
may be effective in reducing hyperthermia caused by
agents that inhibit oxidative phosphorylation, early administration
may improve outcome.
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Actually there (potentially) is. Problem is, no ER is going to know about it lol. Might be handy to remember just in case though :p I think the danger with ER is also that they attempt to flush it out of you with fluids... unknowingly causing further electrolyte depletion. It's a tough one to treat for sure. This is exactly why it's so damn important to know the drug inside & out and to be as conservative and careful as possible.

Here's a post from Conciliator on the subject:

Dinitrophenol-induced hyperthermia has been resolved with dantrolene administration. Let me quote from this paper:

We previously reported a patient with dinitrophenolinduced
hyperthermia, which improved following dantrolene
administration (2). The patient was a thirty year-old male who
presented to an emergency department with diaphoresis, beet
red skin, and yellow sclera. He initially denied ingestion of any
toxic substance, but it was subsequently learned that he was
taking dinitophenol for weight loss and body building. While
in the emergency department, his mental status deteriorated
and he was intubated. His body temperature rose to 108 ?F
(42.2?C). Cooling blankets, fans, and tepid water soaks
decreased his temperature to 104?F (40?). However, within 20
minutes of the administration of dantrolene, his body temperature
decreased to 100.8?F (38.2?C). Dantrolene was repeatedly
administered over the next 12 hours to maintain body temperature
below 100.4?F (38?C). Over the next 12 days he developed
rhabdomyolysis and renal failure which resolved. He was
extubated on day twelve. He had no known permanent
sequelae from the overdose and was discharged from the

Studies have not found a benefit from administration of
dantrolene to treat hyperthermia caused by heatstroke, cocaine,
or amphetamines. However the underlying etiology of the
hyperthermia may determine if dantrolene administration will
decrease temperature. Dinitrophenol uncouples oxidative phosphorylation,
causes release of calcium from mitochondrial
stores and prevents calcium re-uptake (3). This leads to free
intracellular calcium and causes muscle contraction and
hyperthermia. Dantrolene inhibits calcium release from the
sarcoplasmic reticulum which reduces intracellular calcium.
The resulting muscle relaxation allows heat dissipation (4).

There is little risk to dantrolene administration. Since dantrolene
may be effective in reducing hyperthermia caused by
agents that inhibit oxidative phosphorylation, early administration
may improve outcome.

Will remember that chemical name. Hope I will never have to say it out loud in an ER
I don't get it. Why do you guys put ur bodys through taking stuff like t3, DNP, clen....

It's so simple. U took the time to put size ON, take the time to take some of the negative size OFF.

The gear that u used to bulk up should be enough stress on ur system, why run this stuff during a cut? If anything, just bulk smarter next time. A bulk is not put on as much mass as fast as u can, but rather a smart way to put on the majority of size u want, while minimizing the size u don't want. Lean bulk is the best. Makes cuts short and fast and less stress too.
I don't get it. Why do you guys put ur bodys through taking stuff like t3, DNP, clen....

It's so simple. U took the time to put size ON, take the time to take some of the negative size OFF.

The gear that u used to bulk up should be enough stress on ur system, why run this stuff during a cut? If anything, just bulk smarter next time. A bulk is not put on as much mass as fast as u can, but rather a smart way to put on the majority of size u want, while minimizing the size u don't want. Lean bulk is the best. Makes cuts short and fast and less stress too.

Maybe one should bulk Natty too so as to put less stress on the body too?
Only positive I can say about going bulk is you can measure it all yourself. You can make subtle increases.

I started at only a 50mg dose and went up in 25mg increments after several days at each level to make sure no negative sides. The dangerous part about DNP is the feeback loop; I didn't know about the above-mentioned potential life-saver, but generally speaking, the problem is once you go over, you're just done for.

I am by no means an advocate for its use by just anyone. I studied it for years before I ever went down that road and the only reason I did is because I have a small pituitary tumor (microadenoma/prolactinoma) and despite going to about 12 different doctors (including specialists at two D1 research universities) over a 2 year span, I found no relief. Without going down that whole storyline, the point is that cautious DNP use in addition to my already meticulous exercise and nutrition plan, I went from nearly 300 pounds to 240 (despite making zero changes in my diet -- after the first few days at 200mg because I didn't want to eat anything).

But I'll be the first to say, the sides can be managed, but in general, they aren't worth it if you can use diet and exercise appropriately. I wouldn't suggest anyone else use this and there's a reason why I didn't for 5 years -- I'd just reached the end of my line and at 300 pounds knew this was my last resort.
Well, I think that dude really just meant the "extra" cutting agents. But, if not..

Using AAS in a cut, especially when a good deal of muscle is involved, will be almost detrimental to the success of the individual taking it. It's significantly harder to maintain muscle mass when depleting your body of the nutrients it is used to having regularly, and having the mental capacity to push yourself into a gym for weight training AND cardio.. AAS is very useful in these regards for a cut. I thought that was kind of obvious.. but... yeah lol

The extra drugs.. T3, Clen, DNP, ECA stacks, MCT, etc. They likely make it easier to sustain nearly starving yourself, and give you energy to make it through the hell that cutting can be. Again, I thought this stuff was kind of obvious... but... yeah lol
I did my cycle and it wasn't bad at all. More info about my cycle and my dosages you can check out blog at -;()&&@'.com
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You may not be aware of this, but guys are getting busted for aas even for personal use.

DEA now knows you have 2.2lbs of crystal.
I'll stick to tren and a good diet plan, not even.myself.would to touch dnp to risky I believe
I don't even wanna.research the stuff cause I have heard so.many horror stories off of it to even begin to get info on this drug
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