Custom Mix Vs. Others?

  • Thread starter Thread starter osiris4015
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Hi, I was trying to figure out a cheaper, larger intake, and longer lasting mixture to save money on items such as NOX-CG3.

For example.

This is NOX's Ingredience

Basically your getting from NOX=

5.0 Grams Creatine
3.0 Grams NO
3.0 Grams Glutamine
3.0 Grams Taurine.

Total for 780 Grams (total mixture) $77.98

Total lasting - 30 Days

My Mixture concists of

5.0 Grams Creatine (CEE)-Higher Power Creatine Ethyl Ester, 500 Grams -$19.99

3.0 Grams NO - NOW L-Arginine, 120 Tablets - $9.99

4.5 Grams Glutamine - Prolab Glutamine Powder, 300g + 100g FREE! - $19.49

3.0 Grams Taurine - NOW Taurine Double Strength, 1000mg/100 Capsules -$6.59

Total (INC SHIPPING) $56.06

Creatine will last 100 Days
Glutamine will last 222 Days
Taurine will last 33 Days
Arganine will last 40 Days.


What do you guys think?????
go with your mix. I make all my mixes myself like that (CEE + L-tyrosine + caffeine + taurine for preworkout)

btw...was this post really necesary? lol...more product, for less money, and no fancy packaging and advertising. Its a tough decision.
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Suareezay said:
go with your mix. I make all my mixes myself like that (CEE + L-tyrosine + caffeine + taurine for preworkout)

So you think this is better then stuff like NOX N BSN (cell & no xplode?)
osiris4015 said:
So you think this is better then stuff like NOX N BSN (cell & no xplode?)
of course, why would i do it my way if i felt like it wasnt "better".

i use stuff that will enhance my workouts (CEE, caffeine, l-tyrosine) and provide health benfits (taurine), not bullshit mixes that give me pumps that supposedly create muscle out of thin air. And i mix them myself because half of the shit in those mixes is just filler, and you pay extra so these companies can pimp their product on every other page of FLEX magazine.
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