Customs Seizures - Read before ordering!!


New member
Well, I knew something was wrong when I went 10 days without getting my package. Finally got it today but it was a little lite. Actually it was just the packaging and a seizure notice. It was coming from a source I have never had problems with before. Another one of my friends using the same source (Euro) had his seized as well.

I never signed for anything it was just an empty package in my mailbox with a letter inside. It said that they would be in contact within 30 days. I've read that I souldn't sign anything and just let it go. Is this correct?
This is the first order that I have had seized. Didn't have a good feeling after placeing the order. I was reading on the boards that it isn't a good time to order internationally. I think maybe the metal in the vials tops was what got the package snagged. oh well. Just wanted to let people know. The packaging my source uses is always very good so I didn't think that it would be a problem. Good luck to everyone else!
dont most sources resend with proof of a seizure notice, that would suck if it he doesnt. how much money did u loose?
simpllyhuge said:
dont most sources resend with proof of a seizure notice, that would suck if it he doesnt. how much money did u loose?

most do but whats the point if its not getting through and his addy gets flagged?
Sorry to here that. Most good sources resend but you may want to try a diff. addy. Stuff is real harsh intl' right now and prolly will B for a while. I know its tough but try to go domestic if you can.
Leave it all alone, don't sign, don't reply, nuthin'. Change the addy if you want but I'd leave int'l alone for now. Packages are getting cracked all over. Sorry bro, that bites. happend to us...we ordered a good ammount ... a couple of vials came in one day..a week later a couple of more...then weeks passed by, and we were like 20 something vials buddy was at work, and he said 5 cops came in his work looking for him...3 local police 2 Texas shariffs...they arreasted him on the spot, took him downtown....and they showed him the package with all of our gear....turns out, that *illigal i think*...the post office, thought the package looked suspicous so they opened it, and called the law..
anyway, they told him that he had 2 choices...1) go to jail for 10 yrs or 2) break them up.....he said he damn near cried when he had to step on all of our vials....

2 weeks later.....we did another order, from a differnt online site, ....i got my 24 vials of winni....but my other 8 vials of deca didn't come....we got a custom seize letter from that.....

moral of the story....IF YOU HAVE BAD LUCK, YOUR CYCLE IS GOIGN TO GET F*&KED UP!!! so my cycle just consited of 4 weeks of 400mg. of sustenon, for me

im hoping that this MX pharmaci that a buddy found, when he was down there 2 weeks will go seems legit by the constant e-mailing ect. but i'll keep ya posted
Ogre said:
most do but whats the point if its not getting through and his addy gets flagged?

According to my source you only get flagged if you have had several packages seized or big amounts of AS. How true is this?
i always thought it was anything...that they will send a letter to you no matter how big/small the order is..... now comming to you, thats a differnt i said, we had many vials..but i don't know to much of that ....all i got to say is..